The Year 2010: Lesbian Test

This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action.

This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age. This is a story of casual, unprotected sex, and is a work of fiction. In real life, use a condom, damnit! Unwanted babies, HIV and all sorts of lesser sexual diseases await the idiot who “dips his wick” or “rides the rod” with impunity and without protection.

The Year 2010: Lesbian Test (Mf, Ff, 1st, reluc, inc, impreg)

by Krosis of the Collective

Author’s Note: This story was written waaay back in 2005.

The year 2010 seems so far away and yet so close. It is the world of tomorrow, created from the seeds of today…

“Marie? You there?” Crystal knocked once and then quickly opened her younger sister’s bedroom door.

“Crys! Hey!” Marie scrambled to cover herself with her bed sheet. Her jeans and panties were on the floor, and her hands had been between her legs. The flush on her face confirmed what the cute, skinny 16-year old brunette had been up to.

Crystal half-closed the door as she entered the room. She had one hand behind her back, hidden from her sister.

“Get out!” yelled Marie, eyes wide, still covering her half-naked form as best she could.

Crystal went to the side of the bed. “Mom’s worried about you, Marie. She asked me to see how you were.”

Marie looked at her sister, confused. “Worried? I’m fine. Why’s she worried?”

“Well, she thinks you might be…gay.”

“WHAT! That’s ridiculous!” Marie dropped the sheet, since it was covering her legs and she still had her t-shirt on.

Crystal got right in her face. “You don’t go out with guys, Marie! By your age I’d already had a couple of boyfriends. Mom and Dad can’t afford to be hit with homo taxes; they’d lose the house!”

Crystal was of course referring to the Gay and Lesbian Tax, ratified by the U.S. government in 2007. It wasn’t illegal to be gay (yet), but parents and legal guardians were hit with a 25% increase to their income tax if it was found that they had openly gay children. Since President-for-Life George W. Bush’s scientists had confirmed that it was upbringing that caused the perversion of homosexuality, the parents were to blame. What was worse, the taxes were retroactive, all the way back to when the child turned 13 years old!

Marie’s eyes got wide. “But…I’m not gay! How can I prove I’m not?”

“You’ll have to trust me, Marie. Can you do that?” Marie nodded. Crystal revealed what she had brought in: a rubber dildo.

Marie was incredulous, staring. “What–? What am I supposed to do with that?”

“What do you think, dummy? I need to show you what you’ve been missing, and this will help. I know you’ve been using your fingers, but lesbians do that too. You need to know what it’s like to have a cock inside you.” Crystal held the rubber phallus out to her little sister.

Marie just continued to stare at it.

“Damnit, girl, let’s go! I need to be able to tell Mom that you like boys by the time they get back tonight, and I’m not going to lie to her.” She yanked the covers from Marie’s body, pushed her onto her back, and forced the dildo into her little sister’s hand.

Marie was frozen, holding the dildo away from her as if it was a poisonous snake. She looked fearfully at her sister. “I…can’t do this while you’re watching…”

“Well, you’re going to have to. Mom’s not going to believe me otherwise.” Crystal sat next to her and crossed her arms in front her chest. “If it helps, close your eyes and think of a cute guy from school or something.”

Marie thought about it for several long seconds, then closed her eyes. She was mortified, but didn’t want her parents to lose their house! She moved the dildo down to between her legs and started to poke the end of it into her vagina. Despite her sister barging in, she was still quite wet from her masturbatory session.

She thought about the boys at school. Nothing. She was having trouble getting anything more than the tip of the dildo into her.

Crystal noticed her difficulty. “Well, what were you thinking of when I came in here?”

Oh, yes, thought Marie. A few months ago Crystal had snuck her boyfriend into her room, which was right next door to Marie’s. She had heard their gasps of pleasure and the squeaking of the bed springs and masturbated herself to a mind-blowing orgasm. She frequently got off thinking about that night.

Her pussy got wet again and the dildo slipped into her a bit. She gave a sharp intake of breath, then paused. She pushed a little harder. It went in halfway, which was about 4 inches.

Crystal spoke, cutting into Marie’s fantasy: “Aren’t you a virgin?”

Marie kept her eyes closed. “Technically. I…um…used a cucumber and went in a little too far.” She could feel her cheeks flush. She pulled the dildo out, then pushed it back in again. It was going in easier.

She felt Crystal start to pull up her t-shirt, and grabbed at it, her eyes flying open. “What are you doing?!”

“I can’t tell if you’re enjoying that. It’s not cold in here; your nipples will tell me.” Grudgingly, Marie sat up and let Crystal pull off her t-shirt, then her bra, both of which joined her jeans and panties on the floor.

Marie lay back and closed her eyes again. Again, her fantasy was interrupted:

“Play with your nipples, Marie. Show me how hard they can get.”

Marie complied, rubbing her free hand over her small breasts as she pushed and pulled the dildo in and out of herself. Her nipples quickly responded, becoming hard and tingly. Her breathing rate increased.

Thankfully, Crystal stopped interrupting so Marie was able to get more into it. She thought back to that night, hearing Crystal and her boyfriend Andrew going at it like bunnies. She pictured him in her mind, astride her, thrusting. She was getting close…

Crystal again interjected: “What do you think, Drew? Isn’t she cute?”

Marie’s eyes flew open as she realized that Crystal’s boyfriend Andrew was at the door, ogling the young girl as she pleasured herself. Her hands flew to the sheets to try to cover herself again, but Crystal stopped her.

“He wants to help, Marie. I can’t tell if you like guys just from you playing with a fake dick.” She motioned her boyfriend into the room, and he pulled off his t-shirt as he came closer.

Marie was about to freak out. How long had he been watching? Even in her nervous state a part of her admired his chest, skin stretched taut over his muscles. She put one arm over her perky breasts while the other tried to cover her stuffed pussy.

Crystal kept her eyes on Marie’s face as Andrew pulled down his jeans. The younger girl’s eyes grew big as she spotted the telltale bulge in his briefs. Her eyes got even bigger as he pulled those down and the older girl spoke again:

“Are you ready to become a woman, Marie?”

Marie took a moment to realize what was being asked of her. “What? I…what? No! I can’t! You…I…I don’t want to get pregnant!”

Andrew had climbed onto the bed, his thick, hard 7-incher pointing directly at his target. Marie’s sight was blocked by something shoved directly in front of her: a foil-wrapped condom.

“No problem, Marie,” Crystal said soothingly. “I have your best interests at heart. Put this on, Drew.”

The handsome brown-haired young man sat on his haunches as he extracted the prophylactic and rolled it down his cock. Marie still couldn’t take her eyes off of it, so didn’t notice Crystal’s hand reaching between her younger sister’s legs.

Marie gave a disappointed moan as the dildo was suddenly extracted. She felt so empty!

Not for long, though, as Andrew dove, knocking the breath from her. He draped himself over her, lining up his cock with her moist hole by touch. He rubbed the tip around her pussy lips, making her murmur in pleasure, then started to push himself inside.

Marie was still in shock, but the warmth between her legs felt really good! The empty feeling went away, replaced with a sense of…completion. It wasn’t like with the dildo, where she was in control of how much went in and how fast. It was kind of like how only someone else can tickle you; you can’t do it yourself because your body knows what’s going to happen. She wasn’t in control and it excited her in a way she never expected.

He pushed into her halfway and she gasped. He pulled almost all the way out, swirled his shaft clockwise, eliciting more gasps from her, then pushed all the way in, bottoming out.

“OH! Uh! Oh, Andrew!” Marie was in heaven, and her arms went around his athletic form.

Crystal caught herself drooling a little, and quickly wiped it away. “Feels so much better than doing it yourself, huh? And better than a piece of rubber, too.”

Marie was thrusting her pelvis back into Andrew now. “Oh, yes! Yes! God, yes! I…never knew! Oh fuck!”

Andrew plowed into Marie for several minutes, and it was getting clear that the young girl was well on her way to a great orgasm. Just then, their thrusting became discordant and Andrew slipped out of her.

“Oh! No! Oh!” Marie kept thrusting her hips, trying to get him back inside her. Crystal reached down between them quickly, stopping Andrew’s attempts to do the same.

She withdrew with prize in hand and Andrew lined himself back up, thrusting home again.

Marie suddenly felt five times better than before. The heat coming from down there was incredible. “OH YES! Fuck me! God!”

Crystal whispered into her sister’s ear: “Doesn’t that feel the best? Skin on skin, Marie…nothing in the way…like God intended.”

“Yes! Oh, yes!” Marie blinked. “Uh, what? What?” She turned her head and saw the condom in Crystal’s hand. “NO! Crys…NO! Uhh! Uhh!”

“Relax, sis,” Crystal said, brushing back Marie’s hair from her face. “We’ll put it back on before he gets close. You just have to experience it bareback, or it’s not real sex, y’know? Trust me…”

Marie was too far gone to protest. She closed her eyes and let the good feelings rise up within her again. Andrew would pause deep inside and grind his pelvis into hers, stimulating her clitoris.

Marie gasped, almost hyperventilating: “Anh…ahh…ohhh…”

Andrew started slamming into her again and again, increasing the speed of his thrusts. He buried his face in her neck.

Marie gasped: “Crys…ahh…con…dom…”

“Hmm? Oh yes. Now where did I put it?” Crystal started searching around the bedsheets.

Andrew was thrusting faster.


Crystal looked intently near where the two lovers’ hips were gyrating against each other. “I think it fell underneath you, Marie. Lift your butt, okay?”

Marie complied, but the sudden change in angle caused Andrew’s next thrust to penetrate into her even further than before. The sensations were incredible for both of them.

“Oh fuck! Yeah!” Andrew reared back and encircled Marie’s waist with his arms, keeping her from lowering her hips back down. His thrusts were now at a fever pitch, as was his breathing. He buried his face in the 16-year-old’s small breasts, sucking on her nipples.

Marie panted, “N-ohhh! Crys…pleeeaase…” She no longer had any control over the situation. She was at their mercy. “An…drew…n-ahhh!”

Crystal was now at the foot of the bed, looking up and under Andrew’s legs. His scrotum had pulled up close to his body, signaling his imminent release.

“I think I see it, Marie. Hold on.”

Marie felt relief somewhere in the back of her lust-addled mind. Her sister would protect her.

Crystal climbed back up onto the bed and reached between the two rutting teenagers. “Ah, here it is…” Her fingers found Marie’s exposed clitoris, and she rubbed it vigorously as Andrew pumped for all he was worth.

The effect was immediate and explosive. Marie arched her back and came hard, pushing her hips up into her sister’s boyfriend’s pelvis. “N-AHHHHH! N-OHHHHHH! UHHHHHH! IEEEEE!!”

Andrew grunted, as the feeling of the girl’s tight cunt squeezing his cock set him off. “YEAH! OH FUCK YEAH!” He rammed himself into her again and again, exploding into the young beauty’s unprotected pussy. Dollops of cum raced up his shaft and were forcefully injected into the depths of Marie’s hot clasping cunt. It felt like the stream of sperm-laden semen would never stop.

Crystal stopped stimulating her sister’s clit and brought her mouth back to Marie’s ear, whipering: “Is he cumming inside you? Oh, you lucky girl. Doesn’t it feel so warm and wet? There’s nothing like it.” Marie was overcome, unable to do anything but whimper in response.

Finally the two came down from their exhausting orgasm. Andrew gave Marie a peck on the cheek and pulled out of her. She gave another disappointed groan as the empty feeling returned.

Crystal rolled to the side of the bed, reaching down. “Here it is! It fell on the floor.” It was obviously too late for the protective device, however.

Andrew dressed quickly and gave a wave as he left. Marie was devastated, staring at the cum running out from between her legs.

Crystal sat beside her sister. “Oh, hon, what’s wrong?”

Marie was incredulous. “What’s wrong?! I could get pregnant! Oh God!” She looked like she was about to cry.

Crystal put her arm around her little sister. “I’m sorry, Marie. I screwed up. We’ll have to get that stuff out of you right away.”

Marie was about to ask if she should go to the toilet to let it drip out, but Crystal grabbed a pillow and shoved it under Marie’s bum. The older girl climbed between her sister’s legs.

“Crys, what are you doing?”

“Sshh. It’s my fault. I’ll get it out.” And with that Crystal put her mouth to the young girl’s cunt, licking and sucking.

Marie arched her back in response. “Ohhh! Crys…”

Sex education had been banned years before. Marie had been too young to learn about how orgasms can increase a sperm’s chance to get further inside a woman. Crystal, however, was old enough to know. She licked and sucked, but made sure not to swallow any of the potent semen. She used her tongue to push it back inside the naive girl.

Marie had closed her eyes, gasping. The good feelings built up again, and when Crystal fastened her mouth on Marie’s clit, she exploded again.

“AAAHHHH! OHHHHH!” Her hands grabbed her sister’s head, mashing her face into her cunt as she came. With the pillow angling her pelvis just right, her cervix spasmed, opening up and lowering itself into the pool of semen at the back of her vaginal cavity, sucking more of the potent seed deep within her. By the time she was done, most of Andrew’s sperm was well on its preprogrammed way.

Crystal wiped her face on Marie’s sheets. “I think I got it all. Mom and Dad will be so happy, Marie. You’ve saved our house.”

Marie was exhausted. She smiled down at her sister euphorically. She didn’t even try to cover up or remove the pillow under her behind. Crystal turned off the lights as she went to the door.

She turned to her sister. “I love you, Marie.”

“Luvyhtoo…” Marie murmured as she fell to sleep. Darkness enveloped her as the door closed.

Within weeks they knew: Marie was pregnant. Abortions had been outlawed years ago with the overturn of Roe vs. Wade. They had no option but to bring the baby to term.

With the new addition to the family, however, came money from the government. The Child Benefit Fund had been created just the previous year, which gave new mothers a $10,000 windfall. Since Marie was under 18, the money went to her family. Crystal went and bought a nice new leather jacket for herself, her reward for a job well done.

We hope you have enjoyed your brief visit to the year 2010. Is this a cautionary tale? A nightmare? No, it’s a stroke story. Now go clean your keyboard.

The Year 2011: Fool Me Twice (mf, Ff, reluc, impreg, inc, lac)

by Krosis of the Collective

The year 2011 seems so far away and yet so close. It is the world of tomorrow, created from the seeds of today…

Crystal knocked once and then quickly opened her younger sister’s bedroom door. “Marie, you th…” She stopped, experiencing déjà vu as she caught her sister masturbating. As before, the young brunette quickly covered herself with her bed sheets.

“CRYS!” Marie was about to yell, then quickly caught herself, looking frightfully to the other side of the room.

There, swaddled in blankets and sleeping peacefully, was eight-week-old Larry, the product of Marie’s one and only sexual experience almost a year previous. Marie loved her newborn son, but still had no idea that her impregnation had been orchestrated by her older sister under the guise of making sure she wasn’t a lesbian.

You see, families of “outed” homosexuals in the America of tomorrow were levied with a 25% increase to their income tax, retroactive to when their child hit age 13. In this day and age parents made damn sure that their kids were heterosexual, even if the result was a huge jump in the number of young unwed mothers. The increase in the birth rate was also attributable to the new Child Benefit Fund, which gave new mothers $10,000, tax free.

Marie’s parents received the windfall, since she was only 17 and not of legal age when Larry was born. Also unknown to Marie: Crystal’s nice leather jacket came from that money.

Crystal went and made sure Larry was still sleeping while Marie kept gesturing wildly for her sister to GET OUT! Instead, Crystal sat on the bed next to her sister.

She looked sympathetically at the younger girl. “I know you’re horny, hon. I heard from some of my friends who have had kids. As your insides start getting back to normal your body starts needing sex. It’s natural!”

Marie felt a little better knowing she wasn’t a freak. Her breasts tingled a lot since they had grown from the milk production. With her otherwise still skinny form, they were quite round now, like grapefruits protruding from her chest. She filled out her previously baggy t-shirts, so even when wearing her nursing bra, her nipples were extremely sensitive from the tightness of the fabric. If she walked quickly, the new bouncing motion would cause her sensitive nipples to send what felt like electric shocks between her legs. She didn’t even want to try running, for fear of falling into an orgasmic fit.

What was worse, Crystal had hidden the dildo she had lent Marie the day she had gotten pregnant. All Marie had were her own fingers, and since that fateful day it wasn’t enough — it was never enough. Though she had practically begged Crystal for some relief, the older girl kept telling her that it wasn’t good for the baby, and after the birth, that it was too soon to have anything like that down there while she was healing. It had been a natural birth, so there was some stretching. Now, almost 2 months later, her doctor had indicated that penetration would be safe, as long as she took it easy.

Marie again entreated her sister: “Please, Crys, I need some relief! You don’t know…you *can’t* know. Please…”

Crystal smiled. “Relax, Marie. I know what you need. Come on in, Kevin!”

Short, skinny Kevin walked in. Marie remembered him from her computer class, where he always got straight A’s. Of course, she hadn’t been at school since she started to show…

Kevin stared at her bra-clad chest as he walked into the room, then quickly looked her in the eyes. “Hey, Marie! I’ve, uh, we’ve missed you in class.” His eyes dropped back to her chest, and his eyes seemed to glaze a little bit. “Man, they really got bigger, didn’t they?”

Marie tried to cover up, but Crystal stopped her. “Kevin’s here to help, Marie. You’ve mentioned him before, so I know you like him.” She glanced at the young geek. “Well? Strip, nerd-boy!”

Startled from his staring, he snapped back to reality. “Oh, yeah…” He started to unbutton his pants.

Marie turned to her sister in a panic. “No, Crys, not again. I can’t get pregnant again!” Kevin paused, uncertain.

Crystal gave a patronizing look to her sister, while gesturing for Kevin to continue. “You can’t get pregnant while you’re breastfeeding, Marie. You produce hormones that are like birth control pills. Don’t you know anything?”

Marie thought about it for a moment. It sounded right. Did she read it on the Internet? “Really?” she asked.

“Of course. Ah, here we go…” Crystal moved to the side of the bed as a naked Kevin climbed on, his less-than-average-sized stiffy pointing toward his goal.

Marie looked at it. It was thin, like a couple of pens tied together, and maybe 5 inches in length. Compared to Andrew, Crystal’s boyfriend and the father of baby Larry, it was disappointingly tiny.

Sensing her hesitation, Crystal whispered in her ear: “Your cervix is probably still pretty low. I figured a smaller penis would be best, otherwise Andrew would be here again. He really enjoyed being with you.”

Flushed by the compliment and remembrance of her first time, Marie paused, then removed the sheet covering her. While still slim, Marie’s stomach hadn’t fully returned to its original tautness, a telltale “mommy tummy” still in place. However, her pussy was still visibly wet from her interrupted masturbation. Kevin froze, staring between her legs.

“Oh, just get on your back, dweeb.” Crystal said, standing up to give him room. He complied, his little hardon pointing up toward his face. His eyes never left Marie.

Crystal spoke up again. “Marie, I can guarantee that he’ll cum the moment he gets inside you, so why not learn how to give a blowjob first? Take a breath, put your mouth over his dick, and suck *very* lightly.”

Marie contemplated it for a few seconds, licking her lips. Then put her head down, engulfing the boy’s prick. Kevin gasped, his eyes rolled back into his head, and he laid back in ecstasy.

“Now take more of him into your mouth. No teeth! That’s it…” Crystal climbed onto the other side of the bed in order to get a better view. “Now, using just your lips, lift off until just the head’s in your mouth, then back down, kinda like a freezy pop.” Marie hummed, enjoying the taste. Kevin’s breathing was heavy.

Crystal noticed. “He’s going to cum soon, Marie. Be ready to start swallowing.” Marie increased her pace, wondering what semen would taste like. She didn’t have to wait long, as Kevin raised his pelvis on one of her downstrokes, pushing his little cock as far into her mouth as it could go, and let loose.

Kevin grunted, spurting large gobs of cum into Marie’s mouth. It was so much better than using his hands!

“Mmm…” Marie swallowed the thick warm substance as best she could. Some spilled out around her lips, but once she had swallowed the stuff in her mouth, her tongue cleaned the rest off her face. “Tasty!” she marveled.

Crystal sympathetically licked her lips. “Now you have to get him ready for some fucking, Marie. Tell him how much you want him inside you.”

Marie lay down beside Kevin. “Oh, I *do* want you inside me, Kevin. Please? I’m soooo horny…can you feel it?” She took his hand and moved it down to her vulva. His eyes widened as he felt the extreme heat pulsing from down there. His softening penis lurched, but didn’t come back to life.

Crystal had another idea. “Straddle him, Marie. Let’s see what those new improved boobs of yours can do.”

Marie did so, her cunt grinding into Kevin’s lethargic pelvic region. Crystal unsnapped her sister’s bra, letting the porn star quality jugs fly free.

That did it. Kevin’s eyes locked onto those melons and his hard-on came back with a vengeance. Marie continued to rub her crotch into his, enjoying the friction as her cunt lips opened up a little, caressing the underside of his stiffening shaft as she rocked back and forth.

Crystal was getting impatient. “Lift up a little, Marie.” As her sister again followed instructions, the older girl reached down, grasped Kevin’s cock, and lined it up with its target. Once gravity caused Marie’s hips to settle a little, the head started to poke its way in between her lips. At that point Crystal grabbed Marie’s hips and pulled her downwards.

“OH!” Marie suddenly had half of Kevin’s length within her. After almost a year of no sexual relief it felt incredible! She had missed this feeling, even though this was only her second time.

“You have full control of how much of him you want inside you,” Crystal advised. “Come on, move that ass!”

Marie raised her hips up a bit, then pushed back down, provoking groans from both of them. Kevin brought his hands up to fondle Marie’s glorious boobs, which sent sparks through her. She started to bounce in his lap, slowly at first, then picking up speed.

Crystal couldn’t take her eyes from the two rutting teens. Marie was completely engrossed in her own pleasure. Nothing else mattered to her. It was beautiful.

Just then, disturbed by the creaking of the bedsprings or perhaps the grunting, Larry awoke crying. “Oh!” Marie cried out, her body doing what comes naturally when it’s feeding time: her breasts started to produce milk, which started to leak out her nipples.

She didn’t stop fucking Kevin, though. She was too intent on getting to orgasm. It was coming…she couldn’t stop…

Crystal crossed the room to the baby and picked him up, giving him his soother to quiet him.

When Kevin felt something wet hit his chest he looked closer at Marie’s breasts. She was leaking milk! His brain cross-circuited: he sat upward, instinctually latching his mouth around her right areola, sucking hard. He gulped her mother’s milk, his lust-addled brain flashing back to childhood.

The sucking on her already stimulated breast, combined with the pounding she was giving herself on Kevin’s cock, sent her over the edge. She cradled his head to her breast as her insides exploded. Fireworks seemed to explode behind her eyes. “Uhh! Ooohhh!! Mmm-aaaa!!” Her orgasm was continuous, hitting her like waves on a beach, building in intensity.

Kevin felt something snap over the head of his cock, like a little mouth, nibbling and sucking. Hearing Marie screaming in passion above him, his testicles spasmed, giving up their spermy treasure. He groaned, and the vibrations went through his mouth into Marie’s tingling breast, further amplifying her multiple orgasm.

Crystal whispered to her nephew: “I think he’s cumming in her now, Larry. What a lucky boy you are, to get a new brother or sister so quickly. Yes, there’s less chance to get pregnant when you’re breastfeeding, but it’s outweighed when your cervix is still wide open from giving birth just a few weeks ago. He’s probably shooting right into her womb!” Larry blinked at his aunt, not understanding. She tapped his nose with her finger. “Yes…you are sooo cute!”

Even if Marie had heard her sister’s revelation, there was nothing she could do about it. She pulled Kevin tighter to her bosom as orgasm after orgasm washed over and through her. She had stopped moving atop him, her muscles taut and her mouth frozen in a silent scream of ecstacy. The inside of her cunt tickled and harassed Kevin’s cock. Her cervix engulfed the top of it, sucking more and more of his potent sperm-filled semen deep inside her. Kevin’s own orgasm and ejaculation seemed never-ending, as her body demanded more, more, MORE!

Finally, Marie extracted Kevin’s deflating cock from herself with a wet noise and collapsed sideways. Crystal gave Larry to his mother, and she started to feed him with her left breast. The right one was practically empty.

As a grateful Kevin stumbled out a few minutes later, Crystal noticed a small runnel of semen escaping from Marie’s vagina. “Oh, I should take care of that…”

Before Marie could object, Crystal fastened her mouth to her little sister’s cunt. As she had done almost a year ago, she sucked and licked, doing her best to push the dangerous, life-giving substance further inside the hapless girl with her tongue while pretending that she was helping her by sucking it out. By the time she was done, Marie had had another two orgasms, Crystal had one just thinking about the damage she was causing to her unsuspecting little sister, and pretty much all of Kevin’s potent sperm was within Marie’s fertile womb.

Within a few weeks Marie’s second pregnancy was confirmed. This time their parents bought Crystal a new computer from the $10,000 government payout.

Poor Marie finally figured out what was going on, two children too late. She didn’t get her revenge until the next year, though…

We hope you have enjoyed your brief visit to the year 2011. Is this a cautionary tale? A nightmare? No, it’s a stroke story. Now go clean your keyboard.

The Year 2012: Comeuppance (F-solo, impreg)

by Krosis of the Collective

The year 2012 seems so far away and yet so close. It is the world of tomorrow, created from the seeds of today…

Marie took long, measured breaths, pretending to be asleep as she heard her bedroom door open. Her older sister Crystal peeked into the dark room, paused, then quietly closed the door again.

Marie threw off the covers. She knew what her sister was doing: making sure she wouldn’t be interrupted while she engaged in some cybersex with her online “beau”.

After Crystal’s boyfriend Andrew had left for university, telling her in no uncertain terms that it was over, she had retreated to the Internet. Crystal couldn’t go to university because of her poor grades — even the local college wouldn’t take her. Depressed, she had shut herself in her room and only came out for meals. Crystal’s previously trim figure had fleshed out a bit from lack of activity; she wasn’t fat, but was definitely curvier than when she had been in school, and her breasts had grown rounder. Still, she complained she felt fat, so didn’t go out. It was a vicious circle, one that Marie was taking advantage of.

She pulled out her sister’s old computer, now hers. Stupid Crystal hadn’t properly deleted her old e-mail from it, so Marie was able to uncover evidence of Crystal bragging to her friends about her dirty little schemes, including tricking her little sister Marie into getting pregnant not once, but twice in the last two years. Due to Marie being underage, the Child Benefit Fund of $10,000 tax-free dollars, ratified into law by President-for-Life Bush in 2009, went to her parents, who gave older sister Crystal a couple of nice “kickbacks”: a leather jacket and a new computer, respectively, the latter of which she was using right now.

Marie flipped open the screen and waited for it to boot. Stupid old thing; 12 seconds to load the operating system? Pitiful. Crystal’s newer one loaded in 7.

Marie logged into the virtual reality web site her sister frequented. She had gotten quite good at tracking her sister’s movements, thanks to the keylogging program she had installed weeks ago when the older girl had taken one of her rare excursions out of the house. Crystal had been hanging out in some XXX virtual rooms, sounding quite pitiful, looking for a virtual fuck. Marie had created a male persona: a young soldier named Bob who was fighting the war in Turkey, fleshing him out with a picture of a handsome jarhead she found online and a musclebound avatar in the virtual world. Crystal had jumped at him, and they had sent steamy text messages back and forth. Marie counted in her head; they had had cybersex about a dozen times by now. She knew what made a woman feel good, so her descriptions of their virtual sex had been particularly…effective. Often she would hear Crystal crying out in orgasm as their session came to a close.

But this embarrassing secret wasn’t enough. Crystal had to pay for ruining Marie’s life and saddling her with two unwanted pregnancies. She loved both her children, Larry and Bernadette, very much, but was glad they were off with their grandparents visiting family for the weekend. It gave her the opportunity to complete her months-long scheme.

Hey, sexy, she typed to Crystal. She had managed to avoid using the camera and voice chat options over the weeks by telling her “girlfriend” that live feeds weren’t allowed in the military camps. She typed under her covers so the keyboard noise and monitor glow were stifled.

/Hi hon,/ Crystal replied. /God, I’m so horny. I hate that we can only do this once a week./

Me too, babe, but net privileges are only on Saturdays. Did you get my package? Marie typed back.

/Yeah, and it’s awesome. USB 3.0 and wireless! I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m gonna plug the receiver in now./

Score! Marie thought to herself. She had been able to buy an expensive pair of sex toys online by scrimping and saving her allowance, one a wireless USB-powered dildo/belt harness and the other a vagina counterpart. They had set her back a bit, but they were going to be worth it. There was a particular reason she had manoeuvred her sister into this situation on this particular day, and she was going to enjoy her revenge.

The sex toys were the ultimate in teledildonics. The dildo would be inserted into the woman’s vagina and its belt harness would manipulate it via streaming data from its vagina counterpart on the other side of the network connection. Once the man put on his belt and inserted his penis into the fake vagina, its internal sensors would get an accurate picture of what to make the remote dildo do. As the woman pushed or pulled on the dildo or squeezed her vaginal walls, the dildo would send the remote vagina data on how to apply comparable pressure to the man’s penis. “The next best thing to being there” was the product’s motto.

Of course, Marie didn’t have a penis. She pulled out another dildo, this one quite primitive in comparison, but it would do the job.

You ready, babe? typed Marie, wedging the fake vagina into her bed’s headboard and holding the dildo at the ready.

The response was delayed. /Just getting into it./ Then, after about 30 seconds: /OK, I’m ready/.

Marie put the dildo at the entrance to the fake pussy and swirled it around the edge. She typed, Can you feel this, Cryssie? I want to fuck you.

/Holy shit I can feel it Bob! Oh yes pls put it in/

Marie dipped the dildo in a bit, then back out. She repeated this a few more times: little in, out, in, out. No more than an inch went in. She knew the effect this would have on the girl in the next room.

The haphazard response showed Crystal’s mounting frustration: /fuxck me! pls!/

I want to savor this, replied Marie. I want you to beg me for my cock, babe. She dipped the dildo into the vagina a little deeper, then pulled out all the way, waiting.

/im beging u! pls!/

Marie jammed the dildo deep inside the vagina. She heard her sister gasp in the next room. While the devices had failsafes to prevent damage to the user due to misuse, the scientists who developed them had done their work well, finding the right balance of pressure to prevent pain while maximizing pleasure.

She paused, pulled out, then pushed it back in just as hard. She heard another cry of pleasure from the next room. She began the “old in and out”. At this point it seemed that Crystal didn’t care if her sister heard her or not, being quite vocal with her first interactive online sexual experience.

More messy typing appeared on Marie’s screen: /o fuck its so god i lov u so mch ofuck/ Marie smirked, maintaining the dildo’s regular rhythm.

She paused the dildo deep inside the vagina and shook it a bit, creating vibrations that brought deeper moaning through the wall. She typed back, I’m gonna cum soon. Tell me you want it Crystal.

/fuck yah cum cum!/

Tell me you want my cum deep inside you. Do it!

/pls! yes! fuick me! cum inme! more! more!/

This was the moment Marie had been waiting for. She knew Crystal had been off the pill since Marie had casually mentioned to her that it can sometimes cause weight gain, and she didn’t need birth control since Andrew had dumped her. Marie had tracked the frequency of pads and tampons in the bathroom trash bin, so was able to surmise when her sister’s fertile period would be. It was now…NOW!

She pressed the Ctrl-Insert key combination on her keyboard. An electrical impulse went through the computer, across their wireless network and into the remote dildo. The pump hidden within the phallus kicked in as it received the GO command, launching its liquid cargo up the shaft of the sexual device and out the near-invisible tip on the end. The sperm Marie had procured earlier spurted forcefully into her unsuspecting older sister’s depths. Marie heard Crystal call out in orgasmic bliss: “Oh! OH! G-aaahh!! Unhhh!” Marie kept ramming the dildo into the wireless vagina, envisioning all the potent white stuff roaring into her sister’s fertile depths, the hapless young woman’s orgasming channel urging the dangerous stuff deeper and deeper within her. Marie’s pussy twitched at the thought.

Finally she stopped moving the dildo inside the fake pussy. Gotta go, babe she typed. Sorry to fuck and run, but y’know

/I know. Limited internet time. Damn military. Bob, that was so hot! I’m so wet I’m leaking!/ Crystal replied.

Marie almost guffawed at reading that. Awesome. I look forward to tasting you when the war’s over, love

/Mmm…think I’ll go to bed thinking about you, sweetie. Go kill some evil Kurd terrorists for me. G’nite…/

Marie disconnected from the site and put the computer aside. She lay in her bed and listened. She heard her sister’s light click off and the creak of bedsprings. Within minutes she heard more groaning. The networked vagina made buzzing noises…Crystal was using the wireless dildo on herself again!

Marie couldn’t take it anymore. Pulling down her own panties she pushed her own dildo inside her. It slipped in easily, she was so wet. She moved it in and out slowly, continuing to eavesdrop on her older sister’s pleasure. She thought about the remainder of the semen that was still in Crystal’s pussy, about how it must be pooling in the back of the older girl’s pussy as she thrust her pelvis up into the fake penis. As she heard Crystal finally gasp out in orgasm, she pictured in her mind her cervix opening up, dipping into that pool of genetic soup, sucking it deep inside. Marie stroked her clit as she jammed the dildo inside her, cumming hard. She did her best to stifle her pleasurable sounds, glad that her sister was being so loud.

Finally both girls drifted off to sleep, content.

Marie never returned to the chat site. Within a few months, even with her previous weight gain, it was obvious to her parents that Crystal was pregnant. She denied it at first — she hadn’t had sex with anyone in almost a year! — but another pregnancy test proved it. She was actually able to figure out that the wireless sex toy she had been sent had done the job, but was unable to find “Bob McCarthy”, the supposed father. Abortions were illegal due to the overturning of Roe vs. Wade years earlier, so she had to bring the child to term.

Oh well, Crystal thought, at least I’ll get $10,000 out of this. Since she was 20 years old, the Child Benefit Fund would go entirely to her, instead of her parents.

But Marie’s revenge was not yet complete. Five months later a cute baby girl was born. She was bundled away by the nurses, and an hour later the police came and took their father away in handcuffs.

You see, every Friday night, like clockwork, Marie and Crystal’s parents had sex. Marie had pulled the condom procured from their bedside trash Saturday morning and used its contents to fill the reservoir in the wireless dildo. Crystal’s baby was her father’s.

One caveat in the Child Benefit Fund program was that children born from incest were ineligible. Crystal was stuck with a baby, no money, and her family’s reputation was ruined. However, since Marie was now 19 she simply moved out and in with Andrew, the father of her first child and Crystal’s ex-boyfriend, who was well on his way to his Bachelors degree and a good-paying job.

The future was bright.

We hope you have enjoyed your brief visit to the year 2012. Is this a cautionary tale? A nightmare? No, it’s a stroke story. Now go clean your keyboard.