The Rogue’s Harem Book 3, Chapter 3: The Crystalline Dildo

Princess Ava learns that she can use her imbuer powers to vibrate a dildo!

The Rogue’s Harem

Book Three: The Rogue’s Passionate Harem

Part Three: The Crystalline Dildo

By mypenname3000

Copyright 2018

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this.

Chapter Seven: The Crystalline Dildo

Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch

I gasped in shock at the Valyan acolyte kneeling before me. Why did she call me “Masterwork Craft”? What an absolutely unflattering thing to call me. Why not your highness? Or my lady? Or even your beatific?

Masterwork Craft?

“Please, please, come inside,” the Valyan said, rising to her feet. An owl hooted in the background, mixing with the sounds of the bustling street. “I am so honored to have you here. Master Theophil is not awake yet, but I am more than pleased to invite you into the workshop and run some test upon you.”

“Tests?” I asked, glancing at Sven. He had an amused smile on his face. Did he find this funny? Masterwork Craft? What did she think I was, some sort of automaton? “Why do you need to run tests on me?”

“Isn’t that why you are here, Masterwork Craft?” frowned the acolyte. “To assert your connection to our God? But first I need to prove that you are one of Krab’s greatest creations.”

“Creations? I am a human, not a thing put together in a… in a workshop!” I huffed.

“Of course, of course,” the acolyte said. “That is how amazing Krab’s tinkering is.” The girl’s ruby eyes glistened with excitement. “I mean, look at you. Just perfect.”

“You are perfect, Ava,” Sven said.

I glanced at him again and his smile had grown even larger. I whirled on the rest of the harem. Kora had an identical grin to her brother’s while Zanyia looked on the verge of chortling. Nathalie’s smile was tremulous, vanishing as I glanced at her, while Greta glared at the Valyan girl. What was that girl doing from that far Western lands in Zeutch anyways? She must be crazy to come this far. No wonder she was saying such insulting things about me.

“This way,” beckoned the acolyte. She moved into the temple.

“Not until you tell me what you mean, girl!” I hissed as the acolyte backed away, her bluish hands sliding through her reddish locks, trying to smooth them.

“I’m Journeyman Carsina,” she said, throwing a look over her shoulder. “And I mean you’re what is incorrectly known as an imbuer.”

“Incorrectly?” I muttered. “I am an imbuer. A descendant of your God.”

“That’s what the tests shall prove!” She stopped at a crossing branch of the corridor. “Please, please, hurry up, Masterwork Craft.”

“You heard her,” Sven said, putting his arm around my shoulder. “Let’s hurry up, Masterwork Craft.”

I glared daggers at him.

He just smiled before planting a kiss on the mouth. I shuddered, the feel of his lips sending a hot ripple through me. Then I groaned as he guided me forward, the rest of our family following along behind him.

“Why do you say ‘incorrectly’ called an imbuer?” I demanded as we followed Journeyman Carsina around the corner.

“Because it’s such an imprecise term. You don’t imbue, you empower.”

I blinked. “What?”

“Inside your soul is energy, a potential to do work and move crafted objects. Because you are the epitome of a human, perfected by Krab in your ancestor’s womb, you can empower objects manufactured by skilled artisans.”

I blinked at that. Empower? “I inhabit them, imbuing them with my soul.”

“That’s only one way you can empower, Masterwork Craft,” the journeyman said. She reached a door. “Here we are, my workshop. We can test you and make sure that you’re really one of Krab’s perfect creations. I may be wrong. I am not yet a master. I am still learning my skill, though the esoterics is the specialization of this temple.”

She opened the wooden door and stepped inside. Sven didn’t give me much choice. I bristled. Tests to prove I was a descendant of Krab? I wished we brought the feyhound. Then I’d show this annoying girl. I would imbue the feyhound and show her my prowess. I’d mount her and fuck her and make her explode on my wooden cock.

That would show her.

The workshop was a cluttered affair. There were several rough tables and workbenches scattered throughout the room. A variety of dildos in various shapes and styles covered one table, all in different stages of shaping, some rough phallus, others nearly polished smooth. Tools for woodworking, hanging from hooks, covered one wall. Everyone looked precisely in place. There was a wooden man, joints articulated, lay slumped in the corner, somehow propped up. Other objects of metal or wood or pottery adorned shelves. While another shelf was covered in finished dildos, a few made of different materials, smooth metal and polished crystal, but most were wood.

“I see what you are passionate in creating, Journeyman Carsina,” Sven said, glancing at the toys. “You appear to have such a passion for them.”

“Oh, I do,” she said, a big grin growing on her face. “I have personally tried out each one. They bring in a fair amount of donations to our temple. It is hard to make money when you work for a master specializing in the esoterics. There is not much of a market for those items, but those skills are important to maintain.

“However, the simple carpentry to carve dildos is something that any tyro can perform, let alone a journeyman like myself.”

What was a tyro?

“Of course,” Kora said, drifting to the sex toys. “You have some interesting ideas. These ridges must feel… stimulating.” She stroked a wooden dildo carved with ridges banding down the shaft.

“Yes, they do,” Carsina said, her eyes growing soft behind her spectacles.

“Okay, you dragged us in here,” I said, “when we came for answers. So…”

“Right, right, the tests,” the girl said. “Ooh, this is so exciting to meet an imbuer. It is why I came to work with Master Theophil. The bloodlines of Krab are concentrated in Zeutch. So, let’s see if you can power these.” She grabbed a pair of crystalline dildos, both a deep blue. She shoved one at me and said, “Put this in your pussy. They are a linked pair, both carved from the same crystal formation and share the same vibration harmony.”

“My pussy?” I asked.

“Where else do you put a dildo?” I asked.

“Your asshole?” suggested Aingeal.

The journeyman glanced at the faerie, no longer hiding herself with invisibility, and blinked. “Oh, my, I didn’t notice you. You’re striking.”

“I am,” Aingeal said, running a hand through her pink hair.

“Why am I doing this?” I demanded, clutching the cool, smooth surface of the dildo.

The journeyman, unlacing the tight, leather britches she wore, gave me a smile, “Why, testing if you are a Masterwork Craft. You can empower them with your potential energy. If you are what you mistakenly call an imbuer, you should feel the crystalline structure calling to you.”

I frowned, glancing at the dildo. It did feel… similar to a proxy. I could feel my soul wanting to slide into it. But surly I couldn’t inhabit a dildo. I mean, what could I do if I did imbue it? It didn’t have limbs for me to direct or eyes for me to see out of.

The journeyman wiggled her leather pants down her bluish thighs. They had such a pale hue to them, her skin impregnated by the soft hue. Her bright bush almost glowed compared to her skin, the contrast of her coloring striking. She brought the dildo, a much darker shade of blue, and nuzzled it up her thigh to her bush.

She groaned as she shoved it into her.

“Go on, Masterwork Craft,” she purred, her voice growing husky. She stood right before me, her ruby eyes smoldering. “Slide it into your pussy and power it.”

I shivered at the intensity in her eyes. “Greta, lift my skirt.”

“Yes, Mistress,” my bedmaid said. She no longer called me your highness, but adopted the same title the other sex slaves used. She… enjoyed her new role.

The busty girl pressed into me from behind and lifted my blue skirt up my pale thighs. She exposed my strawberry-blonde bush, a few drops of excitement beading my curls. I felt a heat growing in me as I clutched the dildo. I shivered then jammed the crystalline dick into my cunt.

I groaned as the smooth, cool shaft slid into me. The contrast of its temperature against my hot flesh made my cunt squeeze down on it. I pressed it as deep as I could, my eyes fluttering. Journeyman Carsina moved closer to me, her face filling up my vision, the lenses of her spectacles magnifying her ruby eyes.

“Power it, Masterwork Craft,” she purred.

I shuddered, my soul quivering. I slipped it into the dildo and—

It hummed to life inside of me. My awareness didn’t slip into it, but I still was activating it. I made it buzz inside of me, the crystalline structure resounding inside of me. It stimulated my pussy in ways I never experienced. My snatch squeezed down on it, drinking in the pleasure.

“Oh, Gods,” I gasped at the sensation.

“You are one,” the girl gasped, her arms snaking around my neck. “They’re linked. Mine is vibrating inside of me. Ooh, yes, yes, do you feel that resonance stirring your cunt up.”

“I do!” I whimpered, drinking in the teasing delight.

Could I control it? Could I make it hum faster? Harder?

I pushed more of my soul into it and… I groaned. The dildo buzzed with more energy. It stimulated my cunt. My hips swaying from side to side. I groaned and whimpered, the pleasure surging through me. Ripples of delight washed through my body and caressed my mind.

Carsina moaned with me. She pulled me closer. Her lips were hot on mine, soft and nibbling. I shuddered against her, moaning into her mouth. Pleasure rippled through me, sending my hands sliding around her hips. I found her naked rump, squeezing her ass as the dildo buzzed through my body.

It was incredible. I could vary the buzzing in my cunt. I shivered against her, my tongue thrusting into her mouth as my fingers dug into her butt-cheeks. I wiggled my hips, groaning, moaning, gasping as the dildo churned away inside of me.

“Ooh, Mistress, you’re getting so naughty,” Greta purred as she pressed into me from behind. I felt her breasts, separated by our dresses, pressing into my back. I groaned as her hands found my rump. “I can hear it buzzing.”

“Yeah,” Kora said, something like awe or jealousy, maybe in between the two emotions, thickening her voice. “Rithi’s inspiring gaze, that sounds so naughty.”

It was so naughty.

I kissed Carsina so hard, my tongue dancing through her mouth, caressing her. The dildo buzzed faster and faster in my pussy, my soul increasing the vibration inside of me. Inside of us. It was so hot. I was making us feel amazing, sending waves of delight surging through our body.

My pleasure built inside of me, stimulated by this amazing toy. My soul powered it, giving me such delight. I squeezed her rump so hard, kneading her ass as we pressed our bodies tight. I felt her breasts against my nipples throbbing against the linen of my dress.

“Mmm, let me just give you that last little bit to send you over the edge,” purred Greta.

I shivered as she slid down my body. She kept my skirt bunched around my waist. She still clenched my butt-cheeks. She kneaded them, massaging my rump with her naughty fingers. She parted them, exposing my asshole. I felt her breath washing over it as she pressed her face into my ass-crack.

I groaned as her tongue fluttered against my sphincter. She rimmed me, swirling her tongue about my asshole. That naughty delight melted into the buzzing delight stirring up my cunt. Juices ran down my thighs as I groaned against Carsina’s mouth. Greta teased me, her tongue dancing against my backdoor.

Then she jammed her tongue deep into my asshole.

I broke the kiss and groaned, “Greta! You naughty slut!”

“She is, Mistress,” Zanyia purred. “Ooh, licking your asshole! Just worshiping you.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” I gasped as Greta’s tongue wiggled as deep as she could reach into my bowels.

My pussy clenched down on the humming dildo. I shuddered, her fluttering adding that last delight to bring me over the edge. I squeezed my eyes shut, the buzzing stimulating my cunt. I whimpered, hovering on the edge of my orgasm.

“Slata’s hairy cunt!” I moaned as the pleasure burst inside of me.

My pussy spasmed about the dildo. Juices gushed out around the crystalline shaft. It flooded down my thighs. It spilled hot across my flesh. I whimpered, staring into Carsina’s ruby eyes. Stars danced through my vision. It sent me waves of delight rippling through my body. They inundated my mind over and over.

“Can you feel Krab’s exquisite craftsmanship?” moaned Carsina.

“Yes!” I howled, the pleasure slamming into my thoughts, drowning me in rapture. Dizzy exhilaration rushed through me. My asshole clenched down on my bedmaid’s probing tongue. “It’s so amazing.”

“I know!” She leaned forward. “Krab’s skillful hands!”

She kissed me again, moaning into my lips. Her body trembled against mine. She joined me in orgasming rapture. She thrust her tongue into my mouth, her hands moving to my shoulders. She gripped me, fingers digging into my dress.

I sent the vibrators buzzing as fast as they could. The pleasure surged through. New waves of ecstasy washed out of my stimulated pussy. I whimpered into the kiss, giving us both such rapture, driving us wild with delight.

I savored it.

I held onto it until my pussy ached. The stimulation grew too much. The vibrations surged through me. My pussy squeezed down so hard on the dildo. My asshole dripped on my bedmaid’s fluttering tongue.

I pulled my soul out of the dildo. I stopped the power.

Carsina sighed into my mouth. She pulled her lips from mine, her ruby eyes glassy with delight. “Mmm, yes, you are definitely Masterwork Craft.”

“It was so different,” I groaned. “I didn’t inhabit it, just… touched it.”

“Because it didn’t require you to pilot it,” she answered. “It’s a simple machine.”

“Pilot?” I asked, my thoughts reeling from my orgasms.

“Yes. Is that really all you do?” she asked, shaking her head. “No control? No puppeteering? No attaching?”

“Attaching?” I asked, frowning. I blinked at that. “What does that mean?”

“Yes, attaching.” Carsina took a step back from me, her movement hampered by her leather pants bunched around her ankles. She pulled the dildo from her cunt, her juices staining the crystal. She looked around and said, “You, lamia, come here since you’re already naked.”

“Master?” asked Zanyia, interrupting her low purring.

“Do it,” Sven ordered. I could hear the curiosity in his voice.

The lamia scampered up to Carsina, the lamia’s tawny cat-ears twitching. Her small breasts jiggled as she rose up on her two legs, stretching her lithe body. Her tail swished back and forth as her body quivered.

Carsina shoved the base of the dildo against Zanyia’s groin right at her clit. The catgirl’s tail went rigid. She let out a purr of delight, a toothy smile crossed her lips. The journeyman stared at me and said, “Now attach it. Meld it to her.”

I frowned and touched the dildo, my pussy squeezing down on the one in my pussy. My soul quivered, feeling the crystalline structure of the dildo aching to… to flow. To attach to something else. To Zanyia. I pushed it forward and—

“Las’s fertile cum!” gasped the Lamia, her eyes widened.

Chapter Eight: Attaching Delight


I felt the dildo thrusting from me. It now longer was held there but… but was a part of me. It merged into my clitoris. I groaned as Carsina’s hand stroked up the pussy-slicked shaft while Ava’s palm rubbed at the tip. My cunt clenched, drinking in the delight.

“Mistress gave me a cock!” I moaned, my lusts surging through me. “This is awesome!”

“I did,” Ava said, her hand letting go of my cock. I stared at her, her skirt still bunched over her waist, Greta kneeling behind her. She had licked Ava’s asshole.

Lubed Ava’s asshole.

“You have to feel what you gave me!” I gasped, my excitement compelling me to spring.

The princess gasped as I pressed her down over the workbench. The dildo arched before me. I had to use it. I had to plunge it into her and make her feel so good with it. My entire body shuddered and ached do to this.

I nuzzled the end of the sex toy between her butt-cheeks. I pressed it against her quivering asshole. I could feel the puckered texture of her backdoor. My eyes widened at the sheer delight of this. I had a cock, if only temporarily.

This was the same joy Ava experienced when she inhabited the feyhound. The same delight Master experienced when he fucked his women. When he fucked me. My gaze shot to Sven, his blue eyes hungry. Nathalie sucked on his cock, her braided pigtails clutched in his hand.

I thrust forward.

“Gods, you naughty sex slave!” my princess-Mistress groaned as I sank into her bowels.

I purred in delight at the hot feel of her velvety sheath engulfing my new appendage. My crystalline dick, an extension of my sensitive clit, drank in the hot caress of her bowels. My purr swelled in my throat as I probed deeper and deeper into her rectum until my tawny bush pressed against her rump.

It was incredible. Her bowels clenched about my stone-dick, making my pussy ache in sympathetic delight. Juices dribbled down my thighs. My tail swished back and forth and my ears twitched with the pleasure coursing through me.

I whimpered and slammed my hips forward again. I buried into her asshole, delighting in the feel of her bowels engulfing my dick. It was so amazing. I yowled out in delight, my crotch smacking into her rump as I fucked her over and over.

“Ooh, you are going to be spanked so hard for this,” Ava groaned. She threw a glance over her shoulder, her strawberry-blonde hair dancing about her features. “You naughty sex slave!”

“Sorry, Mistress!” I yowled. “I couldn’t help it. It feels so amazing! It’s worth being spanked!”

“Ooh, yes, yes, you have to spank that cute tush,” Kora moaned, her hips wiggling from side to side.

“Allow me, radiant,” purred Ealaín.

Her armor clinked as she fell to her knees to attend to Sven’s sister, the aoi si opening Kora’s pink robes. I gave Kora a toothy grin as she shuddered in delight, her hands clenching into the hermaphrodite’s pure-white hair.

“Greta, get over here and eat my snatch,” Aingeal moaned. “This is getting too hot.”

“Yes, Mistress!” my busty fellow sex slave moaned. She scampered at a half-crawl, her skirts swishing about her thighs, and threw herself at the faerie, burying her face into a hairless snatch.

I loved the pleasure I inspired in my family. My hips pumped so hard, reaming Ava’s asshole. It was so worth being spanked for this naughty act. I would welcome the princess’s hand falling on my rump with such glee.

My small breasts jiggled before me as I thrust so hard. The friction burned around my stone-cock, the velvety delight surging down to my pussy. My cunt drank it in, growing juicier and juicier by the moment.

“Oh, Mistress,” I panted. “Your asshole… It’s so tight.”

“Yeah,” groaned Sven. I felt my Master’s eyes on me, watching me fuck his betrothed. “Fuck her hard, slave. Make her cum for being such a naughty slut.”

My purr rumbled so loud. “I will, Master! I’ll make her howl.”

“And this will help,” groaned Ava.

My stone-cock hummed to life. I gasped, feeling it buzz and quiver. That was different. I pumped easier in and out of her bowels, slamming into her as she let out such a throaty groan of pure bliss. My tail slashed to and fro behind me, cutting through the air with every pump of my hips.

Ava shuddered, her back arching, her skirt rustling. It was bunched around her hips. She wiggled her body, stirring her bowels around my cock while I knew both her holes were vibrated by the stone dildos.

It made her asshole feel so amazing about my buzzing dick.

“Yes, yes, Mistress!” I moaned. “Oh, Gods, this is amazing! Thank you, Krab, for making her!”

“Uh-huh!” she gasped. “Gods, this buzzing… Carsina, this is amazing! Humming dildos!”

“The priestesses of Saphique love them,” groaned the journeyman, her hands fingering her pussy now, watching us with glassy eyes, her spectacles slipping down her cute nose.

“I bet!” Ava moaned. “Oh, Gods, Zanyia, fuck me harder with that vibrating dick. Stir my asshole up and make me cum! You heard my betrothed!”

“I’ll make you cum so hard!” I yowled, my own orgasm swelling inside of me. “I’ll make you explode on my girl-dick, Mistress!”

“Mmm, yes!” she whimpered, her bowels clenching down so hard on my girl-dick. “Do it! You wicked slut! Oh, gods, I love it.”

I fucked her so hard. I concentrated on slamming into her, ignoring my own pleasure. But it was so hard. Her bowels felt so amazing about my stone-dick. My pussy drank in the heat, brewing with juices. I wanted to just erupt.

I wanted to explode fucking her. My pussy ached to just erupt. It was incredible. This was such a new delight to ram my enhanced clit into her velvety asshole. I bit my lip, my face contorting as I warred with my orgasm.

Her pleasure came first.

“Ooh, yes, yes, devour my cunt, you wicked slave,” moaned Aingeal. “Cernere’s black cunt, but you are so hot to watch, Zanyia.”

“Thank you, Mistress Aingeal!”

“Uh-huh,” Kora groaned. “What a wicked treat. You are full of surprises, Ava.”

“I know!” gasped the princess, her bowels clenching down on the thrusting cock. “Buzzing surprises.”

“Yes, you are!” I groaned. “Ooh, just cum on my buzzing dick, Mistress! Explode.”

“Yes!” growled Sven, his balls smacking on Nathalie’s chin while she made the cutest, yet most obscene, slurping sounds as he fucked his cock down her throat. “Just cum, Ava! Gods, you two are breathtaking to watch.”

“Mmm, yes,” Kora moaned. “Just so stimulating.” She gasped. “Ealaín, yes!”

Their words inspired me to fuck the princess with all my might, to hammer her asshole with such hard strokes. My hips slammed forward, driving the buzzing cock so hard and deep into her bowels. She whimpered and groaned, her hips stirring in circles, massaging her velvety depths about my cock.

Gods, it was incredible. I wanted to cum so badly.

“Zanyia!” gasped Ava. “Oh, Pater’s mighty cock, yes!”

Her velvety delight spasmed about my stone-cock. I whimpered out in rapture as her orgasming asshole massaged my plunging appendage. I made her cum. I gave her such wicked pleasure. I gripped her hips and threw back my head.

“Las’s fertile cum!” I yowled out as I joined her in ecstasy.

I buried my stone-dick to the hilt in her bowels. Her flesh spasmed about my enhanced clit with such naughty bliss. It hurtled me into the heights of my orgasm. My pussy convulsed, Juices gushed out of me, filling the air with my sweet musk that mixed with Ava’s fresh aroma. I breathed in the twin scents, catching whiffs of other hot cunts through the room.

“Ooh, yes, yes, yes,” the journeyman moaned, her fingers reaming a pussy that smelled tangy. “Masterwork Craft! You’re feeling the joys your powers give!”

“So much,” Ava gasped.

“Me, too!” I whimpered, my tail swishing back and forth as the ripples of rapture ran out of my pussy. “Gods, yes! Naga’s slimy scales, I love it!”

My ears twitched. My head threw back. Stars burst across my vision as the ecstasy melted my brain. I whimpered, shuddering. I gripped Ava’s hips, my body swaying back and forth. My pleasure peaked in me and—

“I didn’t cum!” I gasped.

“Mmm, you sounded like it to me,” purred Ava, her head resting on her arms folded before her on the table.

“Yeah,” panted Master, his voice thick from his own orgasm, Nathalie happily nursing the last of his cum out of his dick.

“No, no, I didn’t ejaculate,” I said, staring down at it. “Nothing came out.”

“Why would it?” whimpered Carsina, her face flushed from her own orgasm. She pulled her juicy fingers out, lifting them to her lips.

“When Mistress inhabits the feyhound proxy, she cums with it.”

The Valyan girl’s fingers frozen a few inches from her mouth. Her jaw gaped open. Then she asked, “Really? You have a proxy with a dick that is capable of ejaculation, Masterwork Craft.”

The buzzing stopped. Ava rose up, her bowels clenching around my dick. “It’s a special proxy.”

“My doing,” Aingeal whimpered, her pink butterfly wings fluttering behind her. Her fingers tugged on the gold rings piercing her nipples. “Ooh, yes, yes, Greta, just keep sucking on my clit. I’m going to explode on your face.”

“You’re doing?” asked the journeyman. She whirled around. “How?”

“I created it with my magic,” Aingeal said. Then her eyes squeezed shut. “Cernere’s black cunt, yes! Just like that, Greta and… Gods, yes!”

Her tits heaved as she came. Carsina didn’t even notice or appreciate the delicious sight of the faeries pillowy tits heaving. The journeyman just leaned her naked rump against the edge of the table, her forehead furrowing.

“Fascinating. I have heard of the constructs faeries can wrought, devices worthy of Krab’s workshop. I must see this. Did you bring the proxy with you?” Her head snapped around to Ava. “Can you pilot it here?”

“Is this really the time for this?” Kora asked, her voice thick with pleasure. “We came here for a reason.”


The Watcher

I hooted again. The proper amount of time had passed. The disguise must be maintained. Owls hooted, so I did as well. I cocked my head as I perched on the roof of the building adjacent to the Temple of Krab. The Paragon would not be happy.

I did not know what Sven and his women were talking about in there, but it could not be good. I fluttered the feathers I clutched in my thousands of hands, my body contorted into the shape of the owl. It itched that I couldn’t watch them.

For weeks, I’d followed this human and his women ever since they left Faerie. They were strong and resourceful. I studied them as they fought the naga and her servants, using their unique abilities to their fullest.

They possessed Father’s soul. It was dangerous. If they realized just what they had…

The Paragon had to be warned. Nothing good would come of Sven and his harem talking to the followers of Krab. If any God knew the means of undoing the Phylactery and freeing Father’s soul to the ignominy of the Astral Realm, it was Krab and his followers.

I drew in a deep breath and let out a series the high-pitched screeches. They burst out of my chest, forming a complex pattern. None of the humans walking the streets below heard a thing. They couldn’t. Their ears were too limited to all the possible sounds in the world.

But the Paragon could hear me. Even if she lay half a world away.

Chapter Nine: A Masterwork Craft

Kora Falk

“As much fun as this has been, we have to find the information that we seek,” I said as Ealaín rose, her onxy features smeared with my glistening pussy juices.

As always, she gave such wonderful pleasure, just such an inspiration.

“Information?” asked Carsina. Her ruby eyes blinked. “Isn’t that what we are doing? Didn’t you bring Ava here so she could learn all the different ways she can power crafts and machines with her soul’s potential?”

“No,” Ava moaned. “Though it has been eye-opening. I’m really curious about puppeteering. Is that controlling something like a proxy while remaining in my body?”

“Yes,” Carsina said. “Though you won’t have the sensory input, but you will move it.” She glanced at the wooden man in the corner. “You could puppeteer that. He is fully anatomically correct. You could enjoy the pleasure of fucking yourself or another.”

“Interesting,” Ava said.

“I’d like to see that,” Sven said.

“It is,” I said, growing a little impatient. I glanced at my brother. He still had Nathalie sucking on his dick, her lips pressed into his bush. “But we have more important business to attend to. We need to find the Altar of Souls.”

Carsina gasped. Her eyes widened as she clasped her hands to her mouth. Her gaze darted around at us. “That?”

“So you know where it is?” Sven asked, his voice tight.

“No, no,” she said. She gave a dismissive laugh. “Of course not. It’s a myth. A legend. Nothing more. Those who follow Krab are not ones who indulge in such things. Look to the followers of Rithi if you wish to have…” Her eyes fell on me. “Well, I see you already have turned to Rithi. I am sorry I haven’t greeted you, Radiant…?”

“Kora,” I answered.

“You know all about the Altar of Souls,” Sven said, his eyes narrowing. “You’re not a very good liar, Carsina.”

The Valyan’s bluish cheeks darkened with her blush. Her hands shot down and she hauled up her leather pants, wiggling her hips as she drew them up. “No, no, it’s not real. I’m sorry, I can’t help you with such… fanciful things.”

Zanyia gasped and stumbled back from Ava, the dildo no longer attached to her body. The princess rose, both toys still stuck in her holes. Her skirt fell down her thighs as she moved around the workbench to Carsina. The journeyman looked down, her fingers fumbling to secure her leather britches.

Ava touched the journeyman’s wrist. She froze. The princess leaned in. “But I’m a Masterwork Craft.”

Carsina swallowed.

“I need to know.” Ava pressed her face towards the girl. “I need to find Krab’s altar. It’s a forge, yes? Where he made the High King’s sword and other devices.”

“Legend says it is where he forged the souls of all mortals,” whispered Carsina, “so that the other Gods could craft life freely, if they chose, the way he created Fabrilina, the Clockwork Woman, for Saphique. But it’s just a myth.”

“It’s not,” Ava pressed. “We know it lays somewhere in the Strifelands. There is a reason that imbuers—Masterwork Crafts—are found the most in Zeutch. This is where Krab spends most of his time because his great forge is here. We need to know. It’s vital, Carsina. We need your help to find it.”

“I can’t,” the girl whispered. “Not even for you.” She looked at Ava, her face twisted. “But… But… I can talk to my master. Excuse me.”

Carsina darted from Ava and rushed across her workroom. She barreled through the door, her boots smacking on the stones. They dwindled into the distance. I drew in a deep breath, touching the amulet between my breasts.

The phylactery.

I still couldn’t believe the Biomancer Vebrin’s dark soul lay in such a beautiful stone. It didn’t feel cursed or profaned by such evil. It felt so normal. I was so used to wearing it, I often forgot I had it. And then I would feel its weight other times, dragging at my neck. I couldn’t wait to be rid of it so Sven and I could focus on our true goal.

Killing Prince Meinard and avenging our family.

“Looks like we’ll be getting rid of this so soon,” I said, glancing at my brother.

“Yeah,” he groaned, his head leaning back, his hands clutching Nathalie’s pigtails.

Despite the blowjob the eighteen-year-old sex slave so vigorously gave my brother, he didn’t sound excited at all.


Sven Falk

Kora frowned at me. I struggled to put on a smile, my dick throbbing in Nathalie’s wonderful mouth. The orgasm the girl built in me was already fading. My balls just weren’t building up to that eruption of spunk any longer.

But I focused on her sucking mouth, my hips thrusting forward. I slammed my dick down her willing esophagus, my heavy balls smacking into her chin with a heavy thud. I groaned, my hands clenching down on her pigtails.

Kora sauntered to me, her hands squeezing the phylactery through her robes. She stopped before me, her blue eyes searching my face. She licked her lips and pressed her hand on my arm. “Is everything okay, brother mine?”

“Yes, sister dear,” I groaned, hating lying to her. Gods, she was so radiant. I gave her a roguish grin. “Just enjoying Nathalie’s sucking mouth. She’s doing wonders on my dick.”

“She is enthusiastic,” Kora said, her brow furrowing. Her hand stroked up my bare arm. “Are you sure…? I know that you would rather kill Prince Meinard, but this is important.”

“Very important,” I groaned. “Just…”

She nodded her head. “When we’ve destroyed the phylactery, brother mine, we’ll attend to that bastard.”

“Uh-huh,” I groaned, fighting the twisting dread in my guts. I would attend to Prince Meinard. Not we. “You’re right, sister dear.”

She smiled at me, her hand moving from my arm to Nathalie’s head. “You better hurry and cum. Carsina will be back with her master.”

“I could use a touch of inspiration,” I groaned, my dick throbbing in Nathalie’s hot mouth. I plunged over and over down her throat, hammering her hard. My sister was so intoxicating. I had another chance to make another memory with her.

She leaned forward. Her hot mouth found mine. I moaned into her lips, savoring the incestuous delight of kissing my younger sister. Our tongues met, stroking each other. She shivered, moaning into it, her hand stroking my whiskered cheek.

My tongue danced with hers, dueling hers. She tasted so sweet against me. I reveled in our taboo passion. My hand swept around her waist, finding her ass through her thin robe. I squeezed her, pulling her close. I loved the feel of my sister against me.

She was so amazing. So wonderful. Damn Rithi for taking her away from me.

With a grunt, I plunged my dick as hard as I could down Nathalie’s throat. I pulled on her pigtails. My heavy nuts smacked into her chin. I growled into my sister’s hot lips as my cum spurted out of me. I pumped my jizz straight down Nathalie’s gullet, flooding the sex slave’s belly with my spunk.

Her hands squeezed down on my hip as she moaned about my cock. She teased me, making me ache. I groaned at the hot feel of her. I shuddered as the rapture peaked through me. My eyes squeezed shut as the ecstasy boiled my mind.

“Well, well, well,” a man’s voice thundered. “What a collection of wondrous beauties you’ve gathered for me, Carsina and…” His voice trailed off into a grunt. “Then you spoil it by letting another man in here.”

“Sorry, sir,” the journeyman gasped.

Kora broke my kiss, the pair of us turning to see a tall and broad-shouldered man standing in the entrance to the workshop. Though he was bald and had a thick, white beard, his body still held the strength of a young man, his arms corded with muscles as they folded before the leather vest he wore. His eyes were hard above a bulbous nose.

Then his gaze arrested on Ava.

He marched to my betrothed and cupped her face, peering at her. “Oh, yes, yes, a piece of Krab’s work in living form. Almost as impressive as the clockworks.”


“I’ve never heard of the clockworks,” Ava said. “But I am a… Masterwork Craft.”

“Indeed,” he said. “I heard Princess Ava was one. So, you’re after the Vault? Well, I’m not letting you into it.”

“Vault?” Ava asked, glancing over at me, shaking her head, her face furrowing.

“Surely your journeyman told you we are looking for the Altar of Souls, not a vault, uh…?” I said, glancing at him. “I did not catch your name, priest.”

“Priest,” the man snorted. “I labored hard to master the esoteric crafts. I’m no bleating priest wasting my God’s time with bloated prayers. I am Master Theophil. And you are, son?”

I hesitated. “Sven Falk.”

He nodded his head. “A man with a certain reputation in Az. One who tried to purloin the royal nursery only to have his family pay for it.”

My hands clenched. “I did not steal Ava!”

“He most certainty did not!” the princess hissed. “I loved him. And my father…” She clamped her jaws shut, her face going scarlet as she trembled in anger.

“You have assembled quite the collection of women about you,” Theophil said, his eyes flicking around at my women. “What possible reason do you need the Altar of Souls to pursue your vendetta with Prince Meinard? Especially since you have his daughter already.”

“Because of this,” my sister said. She pulled the ruby amulet out of her robe. “It’s a—”

“A phylactery,” the older man said.

“You can tell just by looking at it?” I asked in shock.

“Of course I can tell,” he grunted. “By the way the ruby is shaped, the precision of its faceted surfaces. And the size of it… Krab’s skilled hands, but that is no natural jewel. It was grown to that size through skill and care.”

I gasped at that. “Jewels can be grown?”

“If you have the time, yes,” Carsina answered. “But you would only do that if you needed one of unusual size for a reason. A corundum, like the ruby there, would have taken years to reach that size. Much time was put into creating this. Much labor and care.”

“Yes, it is one powerful construction.” Theophil stomped across the room to us, his eyes fixed on it. He stopped before my sister and seized it from her hand. He lifted it on its golden chain to peer at it up close. After a minute of studying it, he said, his voice tight in awe, “An exquisite piece of craftsmanship. A master made this. One of Krab’s finest skilled in the esoteric discipline.” He turned it. “Yes, yes, there’s the maker’s mark. Master Bezimil. This is four-hundred-years old.” He looked at my sister. “Whose soul is held inside the vessel?”

“The Biomancer Vebrin’s,” my sister said her voice clear.

Carsina let out a squeak of shock.

To be continued…