The parrot and viagra

Guy comes home from work to find his pet parrot has eaten all his supply of Viagra which had left on the sideboard. He is so annoyed with the parrot he stuffs it into the freezer to teach it a lesson.
After an hour he decides the parrot has been punished enough so he opens the freezer to let him out. To his great surprise the parrot instead of being very cold is sweating his bollocks off, “why are you sweating so much?” he asks.
The parrot replies ” you would be too if you ever try getting the legs of a frozen chicken apart”

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Anonymous readerReport

2014-08-31 11:04:18
Super inaomrftive writing; keep it up.

anonymous readerReport

2013-11-18 11:18:32
dFmZuN This is one awesome blog article.

anonymous readerReport

2013-10-25 01:03:59
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anonymous readerReport

2013-10-24 12:03:37
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anonymous readerReport

2011-04-26 17:33:47
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