The Amish Incursion. Pt.2

Once in the shower; Sarah shuffled over to the twins. They were just soaking in the hot water that was hitting them both from three sides. Lilly was overjoyed. Playing in the streams as if they were her own personal waterfall. Anna stood. Wringing her hair. Eyes closed back arched and pushing her chest out to catch a burst across both her nipples

The Amish Incursion

Pt 2

Once in the shower; Sarah shuffled over to the twins. They were just soaking in the hot water that was hitting them both from three sides. Lilly was overjoyed. Playing in the streams as if they were her own personal waterfall. Anna stood. Wringing her hair. Eyes closed back arched and pushing her chest out to catch a burst across both her nipples at the same time. Sarah reached for one of the fresh Lufas and started on Anna first.

Soaping her belly sides and back with the gentle skin scrubber. Anna purred audibly. Lilly caught on and started in from the other side. The two washing the third methodically. Anna continued to just hold her hair, eyes closed

At one point. Sarah had nosed in and kissed the girl. She reciprocated politely. Yet she held back on any interest in going further.

“No” she whispered. “The freedom, and the gifts you have already given have been amazing.” She was embracing Sarah now.

“But?” Sarah was looking slightly upward into Anna’s eyes. Apprehension creeping in.

“No Buts Sarah. I’m just tired. My head is spinning. I need to eat. I’m hungry. Last, I hurt.” she giggled. “I haven’t had sex with anyone but Lilly.

It’s been good. But nothing like that!”

Sarah’s turn to blush. “Thank you Anna. But I cant take all the credit”

She reached over and pinched Lilly’s nipple. Gave the thicker girl a wink and added. “If we are going to continue this. You’ll have to learn to share. And keep up.” The trio all laughed. Sarah and Anna started to scrub on Lilly. At one point they both latched on to Lilly’s superior nipples. Longer than a fingernail. Almost as wide as Sarah’s thumb. Sarah rotating a finger deep in Lilly’s ass. Anna playing with her clit and labia. Lilly sent a gush of girl goo to the drain quickly. It had taken them less than two minutes. Lilly again crumpled to the floor. Panting and shaking, smiling ear to ear.

Sarah washed herself, mostly. Anna helped with her back. The clock on the shower control panel telling her they had been in the stall almost an hour.

A beep, and a red light from a small corner window on the LCD screen telling her there was a door breach. Philips face and head traveled past the camera. She pressed a button on the waterproof screen. The window changed cameras. He was carrying two big takeout bags from Carraba’s her favorite Italian eatery. Quickly, the girls dried off. Hair wrapped in towels as Philip tried to enter the bathroom.

Sarah headed him off. Ushering him back to the kitchen for place settings with a deep kiss. A grope of his crotch and a hug. She spun him around. The way she was looking up at him, he read instantly the body language. No Peaking! He laughed to himself as he rounded the door and back down the hall. She ushered the mostly dry girls into her closet for something to wear. She herself choosing a simple sun dress. Anna some jeans and one of three western style blouses. While Lilly took a tee shirt

peach colored. Her dark and excited areola with proud nipples shown through

easily. Add some tight gray spandex running pants. And socks for all three, the girls followed Sarah. Nervous but ready,

Sarah entered the kitchen, directed the girls to sit opposite sides from the other. Philip at his spot on the end. The table easily large enough for 8. Sarah sat beside Anna helping to shield her from Philip slightly. This calmed Anna’s nerves some. The girls remained standing behind their chairs. Puzzled, Philip asked why. Lilly spoke. “We aren’t supposed to sit until father does.” Philip was stunned. He sat quickly letting them settle. He handed each a food saver of Chicken Parmesan. He took the Shrimp for himself and gave Sarah veal. Then he spoke. Telling each what they had and to enjoy before asking.

“Sarah? Who are our guests?” Sarah Laughed.

“Daddy!” strange looks at her from both girls now. “This Anna. And beside you is Lilly. You met them at the Amish Shop Sunday”.

“Yes, of course! I didn’t recognize them in modern clothes” he stood slightly and offered a hand for each to shake.

Sarah continued her monologue. “Anna is lesbian, she is a bit harried from today’s events. I shall sleep with her tonight to help her settle. And Lilly is Bisexual. I was hoping you would entertain her for me. If that’s acceptable?”

She looked at the girls. Both were a shade lighter than crimson, and looking at food plates to avoid eye contact.

Lilly spoke next. The words came out quickly. “You sleep with your father?” Not anger really. But very high tones. Anna butted in trying to chaste Lilly for being rude. “You’re fucking behind my back”

Sarah stood somewhat to gain control again.

“Daddy is what I call him in home. It’s a term of respect and adoration. Yes. We have sex. Very good sex. Lilly, you don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with. I AM NOT forcing anyone into something they don’t want to do.” She looked into the faces of each person with her, silently asking for understanding.

It was Philip who spoke next. “How long will we have them?” And as if to make some sort of counter jab. “What about Rachael?” It didn’t work as intended. “Daddy. We share everything in this house. I already told the girls that. If. Big If Here. Anna decides she wishes to try sex with a boy. I hope you would be up for the task. But Like I said. she’s gay. Lilly, Don’t lie. You’ve been staring at Philip’s crotch every chance you get.” Lilly giggled and while forking some pasta around her plate said “Yeah” and turned red again.

Anna found her voice finally. “How do you know I’m gay Sarah? Yes I was jealous of you. Your pretty clothes. The fancy car and.” Sarah put her hand on Anna’s arm to stop her from speaking. “please don’t be mad sweetie. I’m trying to help. You are safe here. I don’t know about Amish culture. I DO Know gay when I see it. I’m guessing your parents are trying to marry you off. Both of you maybe. But you are resisting. Also. Philip is Cut straight out of Fireman’s monthly. If he were any hotter I would have to hose down the furniture twice a day to keep it from burning. Lilly giggled again and agreed with another “Yeah”

Sarah kept on. “You don’t even try to half look at him. I’m betting it’s not okay to be gay in your family.. I’m not saying you should stay here. But our door is always open for you.”

Anna Hugged Sarah hard. She started to cry into Sarah’s neck while Philip rubbed her back, reassuring her. “I can’t leave Lilly. I can leave. But I will never be allowed back if I do. Father has had talks with a couple of the families in our community. He is trying to marry us off. But Lilly isn’t ready.

And well, you already know I’m a bitch. None of the boys want to be near me because they know I will get very mouthy.” Lilly added “That’s true. They are scared of her.” everyone laughed a little. Anna feeling better returned to her dinner.

Philip and Lilly started to talk quietly. Sarah excused herself and got up to call Rachael. Praying the fallout would not be horrible.

Phone rings.


“Hello Ihop, your girlfriend is calling you”

“Mmmmmm I like how you say that. Do it again!”

“Your Girlfriend needs to talk”

“This sounds Ominous. what’s up cutiebutt?”

“It’s not. Well, maybe. I don’t know. Question. Are we dating?”

“Um. I think so. Maybe? Do you want to. I mean we didn’t exactly talk about it. Wait. Are you mad at me for fucking Philip?”

“Oh God NO!! we share everything in this house. I mean that. What I have is Your’s. Clothes, people. Whatever. I want you to be part of my life Rachael. I need you.”

“Um okay. I would like that. So we agree then? Oh, wait. You said people as in more than one. You didn’t cheat on someone with me. Did you? I don’t like cheaters. I didn’t think what I did with Philip was out of bounds. I’m sorry if.” Sarah cut her off.

“NO. what happened with Philip was planned. I wanted to watch you guys. Or help. But I passed out. I’m sorry. Next time, Okay?

“You Better! It was awesome by the way. I’m gonna fuck him a lot. Maybe you can eat his cum out of me. Or is that too gross!?” she giggled. And you could hear someone in the background calling her.

“Oh. No. I’m gonna do that! Count on it.”

“I can’t stay on. I’m holding up dinner. We’re Dating then? I can tell Ali

I have a girlfriend? Oh. Hurry. what’s wrong baby. that’s not why you called. Is it.

“Er. YES! We’re dating. And You need to tell me about Ali. But NO. something happened today. I kinda fucked these Amish girls and”

“OhMYGod!! That’s so HOT. Got any pictures? Can I see them? Two of them? Fuck. You’re such a slut! I love it! Do I get some?

“Twins, and Yes! If you can be here after practice tomorrow. NO. I don’t have any pictures. But They are staying over. So I’ll ask. You’re not mad at me?”

“FUCK NO! I don’t have soccer either. So send a car for 1:45? I’ll be there.” The voice called again. She yelled to hold on. Said She was in the bathroom

Sarah said “Baby you better go! I’ll see if I can get pictures. If I can, I’ll send them”

“Awesome! Okay. I need to go! Don’t forget 1:45. Kiss Philip for me.” and she hung up.

Sarah left her room with a new bounce in her step. She entered the kitchen to find The girls doing the dishes while Philip put away the leftovers.

He looked at her silently asking.

“Rachael has agreed to be part of our group. She is our girlfriend. And will come over to meet the twins” pointing at Anna and Lilly. “Tomorrow” Philip nodded approval. He announced he was going to shower. Lilly spoke up.

“Can we try the hot tub? I’ve never been in one before?” Philip laughed.

“Be my guest.” he was joking but he added. “I usually hot tub nude. If you don’t want to. I won’t object.” He winked at Lilly. To assure her he was in jest. But she responded, embracing her momentary freedom with

“Works for me, Daddy.” then giggled and placed the last dish in the rack to dry headed for the door. Anna Shrugged. She wiped the sink and followed her sister.

Sarah went for some fresh towels. While there she exchanged the laundry so it wouldn’t sour then started the whites. As she passed thorough the portal to the deck. Her cell rang. Called ID said “Carpenter.”

The girls were already in the water, naked but half hidden under the jet foam.

She handed the device to Anna who was closer. Not really listening as she stripped out of her dress to join them.

The conversation lasted several moments. Dinner was discussed. Philip, the servant was “not available.” She wasn’t exactly telling a lie. Lilly spoke next. “No drugs. No English beverages. No TV. Yes they were behaving properly. She outright lied and said Lilly was in the bath and couldn’t talk. “Love and kisses Good Night Father” she handed the dead line back to Sarah as Philip came out onto the deck wrapped in a towel. He silently padded over, looked to see the three beauties were bare that he could see in the dim glow of the sunset and he dropped the towel. Lilly gasped hungrily and said. “It’s as big as Stephen’s and it’s still soft!” She waited for him to get comfortable and immediately moved to climb in his lap.

Philip looked nervously at Sarah. His expression broadcasting his question(s) what do I do now? Or Help Me! She wasn’t completely sure.

She just shrugged, smiled and said “Lilly, don’t hurt him” then added a “yet.”

which caused Anna to burst into a fit of giggles. She then got out of the tub and entered the kitchen dripping water. She came back several moments later. The three in the water were silent.

Lilly relaxing on Philips lap. Half facing him and rubbing both his shoulders while her breasts swung back and forth gently in front of his face. Anna had her head back. She was in the more prone seat letting the jets massage her body. She placed the urn on the tub side and from a second wine bottle poured four hefty glasses of amber liquid. Handing each a glass then rejoining the trio in the water. She spoke

“A toast! To beautiful women everywhere. May we be lucky enough to kiss them all.”

clinking glasses the twins took cautious sips. Tasting wine for the first time. Anna giggled. Lilly took a rather big gulp for a second sip. Philip warned her to be gentle. Or she will pass out,

For the better part of an hour. The group sipped wine while Anna and Lilly shared experiences of Amish life. While Philip tried to explain what he did and where he came from. Sarah just sat and listened. Enjoying herself.

At one point she had closed her eyes for a few moments. Enjoying the silence. The second bottle not quite half full. She opened and looked around Lilly and Philip were kissing very deeply. His one hand holding her close. The other was playing with her tits.

Anna had moved over close. However she was looking off into the sky.

Sarah took hold of her hand, signaling retreat. They exited the tub and let the other couple do as they wish. Sarah grabbed the ice urn and discarded glasses with Anna’s help. They went into the kitchen swiftly, wrapped in towels as to not make puddle trails. Putting the leftover wine in the fridge. Glasses in the dishwasher she was leading Anna down the hall when she finally spoke.

“Do you really want Lilly and Philip to have sex? I mean, she seems into it and all. But?”she cut herself off. Not wanting to make Sarah mad.

“I have no intention of being with just Philip. I like girls and boys.

It’s much safer for both of us if I choose who and when. And while I can get jealous. it’s not fair of me to do my thing and not include him. He can’t have children. He had an operation. But he seems to like sex. So why not share my partners with him? That way I can make sure we both stay clean from germs”

Anna seemed to accept that answer. She pulled Sarah close and they started to kiss and pet each other very heavily

The towels fell off. One in the hall. The other just inside the door to Sarah’s bedroom. Still kissing and dancing though to unheard music. The two young women collapsed on the bed, still embraced. Lips locked. Tongues grinding against each other. Hands roaming freely on each others milky soft skin. Anna pulled back from the shared passion. Sarah looked back at her with a questioning expression.

“Will you help me with my patch?

“Patch? What patch? I thought you don’t believe in birth control?”

“um.. My hair. You know. Down there” Her eyes shifted as she stepped back. She was looking at Sarah’s hairless slit. Then back up into her eyes. She did this several times, hoping Sarah would catch on.

“Oooh you want to get rid of your coochie curtains!

“My WHAT?”

Sarah giggled softly. “Your pubes. The hair on your pussy”

“Yee. Um, Yes. The hair on my … Cunt”

Sarah took her hand and guided her into the bathroom. The motion sensing lighting turned on dim due to the time of day. So she hit the button to brighten the room to a workable glow. She got a fresh towel and lay it on the vanity top. She then had Anna sit up, giving her a boost using the little seat step. Making her open her legs wide, Sarah started first with her hair trimmers and a comb. Slow and gently she trimmed up the downy fluff till it was all short stubble. Then she asked.

“Are we just looking to shape whats here into something? Or do you want bare skin?”

“I want it to look like yours. Make me bare skin”

“I wax. I don’t grow lots of hair so it doesn’t use much. You have more here. Not as much as Lilly. but she’s also trying to keep it tame at least.” Sarah giggled. “Lets just start with a shave. That way you can keep it manageable for now. We can wax next time you visit” She warmed up a body cloth with water. Gave Anna’s crotch a good pat down to moisten things, then added shave gel. A few swipes with a fresh razor and her entire muff was gone. It excited Anna. Her already protruding labia had swollen and were glistening with ambrosia.

Helping her friend down to the floor again. Sarah led her into the shower stall she pulled the wand free of it’s holder. She adjusted the waters temp to rinse the extra foam away. Once her task was complete. She kept the water pointed at Anna’s pussy. They started kissing again. Anna’s hands playing with Sarah’s breasts. The water flow was on pulse, giving Anna’s already excited sex that extra boost. She nearly buckled when her orgasm hit.

Moaning into Sarah’s mouth. She then pulled away. Remembering how to turn the water off. She ripped the water spout out of Sarah’s hand and drug her out and onto the bed. Pushing her over, Sarah tumbled onto the sheets. Her legs dangling off the side. A still wet Anna went to her knees

Diving face first into Sarah’s own hot, sloppy poon. She licked sucked and finger toyed with Sarah’s labia nudging the extended clit with her nose.

Anna ate Sarah for all she was worth. Her tongue occasionally dipping into the crack of her ass. Not very experienced, Anna made up for it with energy and desire to please her new Mistress. Sarah came hard. Gushing a large dose of her juices onto Anna’s face. It was a surprise. Causing Anna to fall backward coughing. Sarah up on her elbows watching. Hoping things were Okay. Purely through chance she found the towel that had been discarded earlier. She wiped her face. Then Sarah’s thighs and crotch

Without another word; The girls got situated. Sarah comfortably spooning Anna under the duvet, and quickly drifting off to sleep


Philip was enjoying his new friend’s spirit. They were so intent on kissing and fondling each other they hadn’t noticed the others had left. Lilly said something first.

“Do you like my tits? I know they are bigger than Sarah’s” She was hefting them up and inspecting them. Her areola were crinkled from excitement. The nipples, fat and longer than Sarah’s stood out

“Lilly, doll they are marvelous! Sarah is sexy. I love her. She is the perfect woman for me, Us I suspect” that brought another shy giggle out of Lilly He continued. “She set us up. She has no shame in that she wants us to share. She will always be mine.. But tonight. Beautiful Lilly. I am yours. What do you want to do first?”

Lilly looked at him she was suddenly out of confidence. She was reverting to the shy little girl she feels like whenever she’s alone. When she’s usually able to feed off of Anna and now Sarah’s bold strokes. She has very little of her own. That’s pretty much how her relationship with her brother turned sexual. She just let him do it enough that she started to like it.

“I um. I don’t know. I usually just let Stephen do whatever he wants.”

“Stephen is your boyfriend then?”

“Umm No he’s my.” she stopped herself. “He’s the guy who likes me enough to have sex. We don’t date or anything” Philip vaguely remembered names so it passed right over him that her brother’s name is Stephen.

“I see. Well lets get dried off. Then We’ll go to bed and go slow. how’s that sound?”

“that sounds nice.”

She exited the tub first. Stood in the moonlight, dripping, looking at the stars. Shivering slightly from the changes from water to air. Philip came up behind her silently. Wrapping her in one of the big fluffy towels that Sarah had left. He had closed the cover on the tub quickly. And having wrapped his arms around the young girl making her feel comfortable and safe. She smiled to herself at how loving and attentive both residence of the home made her feel this day. She was wondering what it would feel like to be Sarah when Philip scooped her up in his arms. She looped hers around his neck. He carried her as if he were carrying a small grocery basket. Almost No Effort.

She rested her head on his shoulder.

Her breath washing down his neck. He had been ignoring the sexual tension between them. This girl, only a little older than Sarah. who’s body was tight. Womanly, athletic, dangerous. Lilly was a woman. The largest breast of the three. Full D cups. Probably larger. Her hips were full. Giving her the hourglass figure many women would kill for. By the time they passed through the automated sliding door. He was fully erect. His cock’s head was rubbing the terry fibers where Lilly’s ass had settled between his arms, stimulating it. He resisted the urge to just throw her over the arm of the sofa and have his way with her. They had already decided she needed gentle and mutually giving. Animal lust wasn’t an option.

Philip was glad now for having paid more for the practical options.

Motion sensing glass doors. The wider interior openings into the great room and kitchen. Double width main Hall. He would have had to walk sideways down the passage in his last apartment. This trip was effortless and quick. He pretended to himself it wasn’t blood lust urgent. Once in his room. Having made it to the bed, He noticed that he was air dried. Glad that Lilly hadn’t gotten her entire head wet. Only the loose hair that had hung down her back was damp. There would not be a need to dry it before laying her down.

His “package” lay on the bed now. Her body mostly hidden by the towel. He started with the uncovered parts. Her toes, feet and calves. Gently rubbing and giving her a half pressure massage. She did nothing to resist him.

The towel spreading open as he pushed up above her knees. Her legs were beautiful. Dancers muscle, presumably from lots of physical Amish pride type work. He was surprised there wasn’t a coating of hair like that tree hugger he dated briefly. She was smart enough, but it ended due to her lack of razor use. Lilly only had a days worth of stubble.

He had stopped once he reached the apex of her thighs. He could smell her desire now. But he left her crotch covered. Still standing above her he picked up the near arm. Using both hands to massage it. Still no resistance,

He had reached her elbow when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID

Kuaffman Furnishings. Puzzled he showed it to Lilly. Her face showing panic. She blurted out.

“We told him you were away on business. it’s supposed to be just Sarah and us here!!” He winked understanding.

“Hello” As Mr Kuaffman spoke from the other end, Philip remembered how Sarah played out as English while in the shop. He assumed for appearance she did the same today “Yes Sir. Miss Victoria has me getting a few of her things from England” pause. “No Sir, She should be alone now. Is something the matter with the order?” pause “I understand. No. I live in my own space. Her parents want her to be more independent. I’m to be there as needed.” pause. “Do you need her number? I’m sure she” pause. Chuckle. “I’m sure the girls had a nice dinner and spent the evening talking about culture. The Miss is all about learning new perspectives. She’d never met any Amish folks before. I would not worry about them. The house is very secure.” pause. “Thank you sir. You too” he hung up and put the phone down

Then to Lilly, he started to massage her arm again as he spoke.

“He’s a bit over zealous.”

“We have never been the night away from home before. While he would be glad to marry Anna off. Sometimes he” her voice trailed off she was into her own thoughts now.

“He doesn’t touch you, does he?

“Oh NO! He doesn’t but he is not in a hurry to get me out. Anna, yes. Me? I understand what you are thinking. Sometimes he looks at me the way Stephen does. But he hasn’t acted.” She stopped and sighed. Then said “More please. My arms are lonely” Philip responded “As you wish” and straddled her hips to get better angle for her untouched side.

He had grown soft during the brief conversation. But now Lilly had taken to gently squeezing his dick with the free hand. The precum that had moved into his shaft earlier started to dribble into the palm of her hand. She was usually given little time to prepare, as the sex with both her siblings is only stolen moments. Thinking about sex often kept her wet enough. When it would happen it was fast, but fulfilling, most of the time. She was truly enjoying the attention today. The cock in her hand only a little longer than what she is used to. It was for sure thicker. She was ready to feel it inside her. “will you shoot it inside me when we fuck?” she asked.

“Not if you don’t want me to. Why do you ask?”

“Stephen doesn’t. I won’t let him because I don’t want to get pregnant. But I want to feel it shoot in me if I can.” He smiled down at her. That was her queue to let him know she was ready

Philip moved his knees between hers. Slowly, he unfurled her body from the rest of the extra large towel. She was breath taking in the soft glow of the recessed lighting. Her breasts were on top of her ribs. Large but firm enough to hold shape. Leaning in, he kissed her with passion. The earlier psudolessons from Sarah were really helping her enjoy mouth to mouth play now. Bringing her mental state to new highs of expectation. The bulbus tip of his member was coated with his secretions. Pushing against her equally excited slot.

He slid in a good span. She gasped at the intrusion. Doubt filled him so he stated to pull out. She clamped her hands onto his ass. Nails digging in. her feet wrapping around his thighs and locking him in place.

“Just go slow” she whispered. “I’m not used to this.” They locked eyes. He sank deeper. Her eyes closed as he started to churn and push. She let out a guttural sound like he had never heard. She was tight, maybe more so than Sarah? Her nails tearing his flesh on his lower back and ass cheeks. Thankfully not deep enough to draw blood. But he knew it would hurt in the morning. Totally worth it.

“Is this how you do it?” he asked

“Nnnn No!”she panted. “Usually I am standing. I lift my skirts and a leg. Or or I’m bent over a hay bail. Sss Stephen has nnn never seen me me naked. Oh God. More.”

He was working a decent pace now. Her pussy screaming for attention. When he pulled she would clench trying to keep him in. When he would push it felt like it was sucking him in. Trying to devour his mid section. She came hard. Bucking her hips. Disrupting the action for a moment, while soaking his thighs. He was glad for the thick terrycloth under them. The pressure as the stream hit around his cock base he knew she was a true squirter.

Her second orgasm rolled over both of them less than a minute later. She squeezed him with her whole body. Inside and out. More juices dripped from her glands. He kept pace this time but he was getting dizzy from her tight hold. He had to stop moving, else he would tear something. She began to let go. He started again. Moving very gently. in. out. Away. Touching.

His heavy sack would rub her most intimate spots every time he got too close. It was feeling something in between tickle and awkward. But I added to the experience for both of them. She screamed and urged him to go faster.

Bucking the backs of his thighs with the heels of her feet. If not for the extra thick walls and heavy doors, the two young women in the other bedroom might think something sinister was happening from all the noise Lilly was making.

She was reaching her third orgasm when he felt his sack get tight. He was not going to last long. Her pussy gripped him like a valt jumper in flight.

They came together. But she felt his streams invasion anyway. Driving her to new highs. Her world was spinning again. Every muscle in her body twitched

Just as it had for Sarah and Anna earlier. She stayed awake however. Where Sarah would have passed into oblivion. This surprised Philip a bit. He rolled his sweaty body off because the couple was suddenly very heated..

“I can’t move” she said. Spasms still flowing across her tummy and thighs. He started with a chuckle before asking “Do you need something?”

“I think. Maybe, I need to pee” They both laughed. He got out of bed and walked around to help her. As he moved around the bed. She was able to make out several welted streaks across his body. Several of the thin lines were a deep red from where she had actually dug in too deep. On Wobbly legs the two shuffled for the glow of the soft lights through the door.

“I’m very glad you have indoor bathrooms. We have one at home. But there always seems to be a line.” Philip laughed again.

“well I hated sharing them with my siblings. So when I had this house built. I made sure the two bedrooms had one for itself.

“But Sarah’s is big enough for two people. Actually, my whole family could shower in there at one time! And it has two sinks.” They entered his bathroom. Also two sinks, the commode was just inside the door. The extra large shower stall on the other side of a smoked glass partition. She sat to let out the stream. He was polite in that he stayed out of the room. Even if she kept the door open. “Oh Ewwww” he heard.

“What? Are you Okay?

”Yes, But there’s all the sticky goo in me now. it’s falling out. I should have swallowed it” They laughed while she wiped as best she could. Causing more of his seed to dribble free. He helped her to bed and lay her closer to the bath. Tossing the towel away. The side he chose was only damp. Not a full wet spot. He lay down. She rolled in close to cuddle. Both were asleep in short order.