Slumber Party

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Slumber Party

“Well, did the slut let you cop a feel?” I asked my older brother when he got home from his movie date with Carla Sanders Friday night. She was in Tad’s grade, a year older than me, and it was common knowledge around school that his date wasn’t shy about letting boys feel up her huge tits.

“Yep” he said as he sat a twelve pack of beer on the kitchen table. He was only fifteen, but his best friend’s older brother hooked them up with beer. “Do you want a beer?”

I paused the movie I was watching and accepted his offer. I was stretched out on the sofa wearing a thin pink teddy. I couldn’t wear it out of my room when my parents were home. Tad plopped down in a stuffed chair, but not before giving my 32D tits a long look. “So, how far did she let you go?”

Conversations like this one were not unusual for me and Tad. We told each other everything. He showed me a pout, “Just through her shirt and bra.”

“I thought she let boys put their hands inside her clothes.”

He shrugged, “Yeah, that’s what some of the guys say, but she didn’t let me . . . and trust me, I tried.”

“Well, there are going to be a lot of tits here tomorrow and Sunday. Maybe one of the girls will let you have a better feel. Of course, none of them have tits as big as Carla’s, but still.”

Our parents were out of town for the weekend, and I was going to host a slumber party. They admonished Tad to stay out of our hair, but many of my friends had the hots for him.

“Hey, I’ll take what I can get.”

That caused both of us to laugh.

In truth, it took all of my self control not to offer to let my brother feel of my tits. I’d been tempted to many times, but this time was different. It would be for HIS benefit instead of my enjoyment. It would have been the perfect time. I would be doing him a favor, at least, that could be my excuse. Finally though, I did manage to resist the urge.

That night in my bed though, I did manage to get myself off to my favorite fantasy: Tad running his hands all over my naked body and me slithering around on the bed under his touch.

* * *

It was almost noon when the girls started showing up. I was in the kitchen preparing snacks. The bay window in the kitchen looked out over the back yard. It was a warm summer day, and Tad was doing back flips off the diving board.

Jill said to Glenda, “OMG, Adonis is out there in his swim Speedo.”

I scolded her, “He’s not Adonis. He’s just my brother. Get your fingers out of your bikini bottoms and help me fix these snacks.”

She giggled, “Hell, I can help with one hand.”

When Debbie showed up, Jill immediately gestured toward the bay window. Deb giggled when she saw Tad, “I saw him at the movie last night with Carla. They were all huddled up in the back row.”

“Yeah, according to him, she didn’t let him get very far.” I told them. “He came home all bummed out.”

Jill laughed and then said, “You should have called me. I’ll bet I could have gotten him in a good mood.”

Glenda and Deb both started teasing her for thinking she was a woman of the world or something, when in fact, she was no more experienced than the rest of us, which meant none at all. Gina was the only one of our group that had even French kissed a boy, and she hadn’t arrived yet.

“Hey, just because I haven’t doesn’t mean I won’t. I just need the right boy at the right time.” Jill defended.

Gina hadn’t been there for five seconds when she looked out of the bay window, and then the whole conversation started all over again. My friends seemed to be trying to “out bold” each other with claims of how far they would go with Tad.

“Hey, you have beer!” Glenda exclaimed when she opened the door on the fridge.

“Those are Tad’s.” I was the only one of our group who had even tasted beer, and that was only because of him being able to get his hands on it.

“Go ask him if we can have some.” Glenda said to me.

Jill, Gina and Deb all agreed I should go ask him, but I shook my head, “You’re the ones who want it, so you go ask him.”

Finally, Glenda closed the fridge and stated, “Oh hell. I’ll do it.” And she immediately headed toward the back door. We all watched out of the window, but she didn’t appear right away.

“She’s probably trying to work up her courage.” Deb said with a chuckle.

I found it very amusing that my friends, for all their bold talk, were too shy to even ask Tad for a favor. Tad had just completed a forward flip and a half when Glenda appeared. We all gasped. She’d been wearing a T-shirt and shorts, but now all she had on was her bikini.

She walked over to the edge of the pool and called Tad over. We were all giggling and poking each other with our elbows. She was just standing there. He was right below her and looking up. Glenda didn’t have the best body among us, but she did look hot in a bikini. It appeared to us like she was intentionally poking her 32B tits out.

After maybe as long as five minutes, she turned and came back into the house. The others crowed around her, congratulating her on her boldness. And then she went to the fridge and grabbed a can of beer, immediately pulling the tab and taking a tentative sip. “Go on, help yourself.” She said, gesturing to the fridge.

“So, are you going to tell us or not?” Jill scolded as she pulled the tab on a can of beer.

“Yeah, give it up.” The others prodded, “You were out there a long time.”

Finally, Glenda held up a hand in surrender, “He said if we wanted more than one each, he’d have to go get another twelve pack. Of course, he’ll expect us to pay for it.”

I knew my brother better than that, “Oh no you don’t! What else did you have to promise him?”

The group got very quiet. Glenda shrugged, “Nothing in particular. I just told him we’d come up with something special to thank him.”

The group erupted with gasps and “OMG”, and “Jesus, he’s going to expect something really special. What do you have in mind?”

Glenda shrugged again, “Hell, I don’t know, but I’m sure we can think of something.”

* * *

Tad came in and went up to his room, so we left money on the table for him. And then we took the plate of finger sandwiches and beers out to the patio table.

Glenda was still in just her bikini. It was hot by then, so the rest of us stripped down to our bikinis. After eating, we all jumped into the pool for a swim.

When my guests started tossing around ideas for a “something special” to do for Tad, I left them to it. I got out, dried off, and took the dishes and empty beer cans into the house. The money was gone from the table, so I peeked out into the garage. Tad’s bike was gone, so I assumed he’d gone after more beer.

After cleaning up, I grabbed another beer and headed outside. I decided to just sit under the umbrella and watch my friends frolic in the pool. After about ten minutes, Jill joined me in the shade. “Well, did you guys decide on something for Tad?”

“Oh yeah!” She answered with a chuckle. “Bren, he’s your brother, so it’s okay if you don’t want to join us. You can be the director . . . to keep things moving along.”

“So tell me already.” I scolded her.

My jaw dropped when Jill explained what they had in mind.

* * *

There was one question looming: “Had Tad paid enough attention to know how many guests I had?” I doubted that he had. After all, he hadn’t been in the room with all of us at one time.

We paired up to take our showers so as not to run out of hot water. After Gina and Jill finished theirs, Glenda, Deb and I took our turn. It was crowded with three of us in there, but we managed.

While in the shower, I asked them, “What would you think if I wanted to draw a number too? It is my party, after all.”

I was pleasantly surprised when that idea didn’t shock or disgust either of them. After drying off and joining Gina and Jill in my bedroom, Glenda beat me to the punch, telling them what I wanted to do. Likewise, neither of them seemed to have a problem with it. All five vowed it would never leave my house, “What happens at Bren’s, stays at Bren’s.”

* * *

When we were ready, I went upstairs to get Tad while the others waited in the den sipping beers. “They are ready to give you your ‘something special’ for getting the beer.”

He looked at me and rolled his eyes, “Is it something lame?”

I chuckled, “Oh no, not at all. You’re going to love it. I promise.” And then I handed him the blindfold.

“Really?” He asked skeptically. “Is this necessary?”

“Yep. Now put it on and I’ll help you downstairs.” Reluctantly, he put on the blindfold.

The girls got really quiet when I led him into the den. I sat him on a bar stool. “Put your hands behind your back. If you promise to keep them there, we won’t tie them. Okay?”

When he agreed, I explained the rules: “You aren’t allowed to talk. You can only answer a question if you are asked. Understand?”

“Good, now this is a kissing contest. The girls have drawn numbers from a hat, however, since some of them have never kissed a boy before, they need some practice. So, there will be three rounds. For the first two rounds, they will go in no particular order. On the final round through, they will go in the order of the numbers they drew. After that round, you will declare the winner and the runner up. Each turn will last one minute. Ready?”

He nodded, so I set the alarm on my phone for one minute and motioned for Deb to take her first practice turn. She stepped up to Tad tentatively. She gave him a brief kiss on the lips, and then a longer one. Finally, she put a hand on the back of his head and began kissing him in earnest. It was obvious they were French kissing.

I was both nervous and jealous so I drained the last of my beer and hurried to the kitchen for another. I’d just gotten back to the den when the alarm went off. Gina was next in line. She didn’t hesitate at all. Of course, she’d French kissed a boy before, so she wasn’t as nervous.

When Gina’s time was up, she reluctantly moved away and let Jill take her place. I waited until last, and I was shaking like a leaf. Still, I managed to steel my nerves. Like Deb, I started by just brushing my lips over his a couple of times before pressing forward and working my tongue into his mouth. By the time my minute was over, my legs were so weak and shaking, I had to sit in the stuffed chair. A couple of the girls gave me looks that told me they understood what I was feeling.

I was a lot more at ease during round two, and I took full advantage of my chance to kiss Tad. I didn’t want to stop when the alarm went off, but I forced myself.

“Okay,” I announced, “That’s the end of round two. It’s time for the real deal. Line up in the order of your numbers. Tad, at the end of this round, you’ll have to name the winner and the runner up. Okay, number one, you’re up.”

Glenda was on Tad in a flash. When the alarm went off, I said, “Okay number two.”

I had drawn number three, so when Jill moved away, I intentionally stumbled, “Okay, M . . . I mean number three.” That drew giggles from the others, but they knew why I did it.

When round three was over, I asked Tad, “So Tad, who is the winner?” We all assumed it would be Gina, but he surprised us by announcing “Number four” which was Deb.

“And who is the runner up?”

“Number three.”

My heart almost jumped out of my chest. I even became slightly light headed. Finally, I composed myself enough to ask him, “Do you need anything before we start the next contest?”

He shrugged, “Maybe a beer.”

I had barely touched mine, so I gave it to him. While he was drinking it, I explained what was going to happen next: “This next part is the ‘something special’ part for you. The girls want to know whose tits you like better.” Everyone laughed when he spit beer out of his nose.

I waited until he was finished with his beer and the girls were back from the bathroom to continue. “Okay, we’re only going to have two rounds this time. The girls will stay in the order of their drawn numbers for both rounds because we want you to be sure of your choices. Again, each turn will be one minute. They only ask that you be gentle. Each time, just hold your hands out in front of you and let her guide them to her tits. Are you ready?”

“Hell yeah!” My brother exclaimed, causing us all to laugh.

When Glenda guided Tad’s hands up to her B cup tits, she looked over at me with a huge grin, of course, her grin wasn’t half as wide as Tad’s.

When the alarm went off and she pulled his hands away, she waited for me to set the alarm for Jill before leaning in and whispering to me, “Oh my fucking God! That was too hot for words.”

I didn’t like that I had to go right after Jill. I knew I had great tits, but hers were at least 36DDs. Still, they were slightly “lazy” with huge nipples, so I knew my very firm Ds with almost inch-long nipples had a shot. My knees went weak the instant Tad’s hands touched them. When I was pulling his hands free, he actually tugged slightly on both of my nipples, causing pre-orgasm tremors to flow over my whole body.

Round two was even better for me. He actually rolled my nipples between his thumb and forefinger prior to giving them a little pull. I had a small orgasm, drenching my thong.

“Well?” I asked him when round two was over, “Whose did you like best?”

He didn’t hesitate, “Number three.”

I almost fainted. Fortunately he didn’t wait for me to ask about the runner up. He simply shocked us all by saying, “Number one is the runner up.” All eyes turned to Glenda who looked totally blown away.

* * *

As one might expect, my room was abuzz with laughing and giggling well into the night. A loud gasp echoed through the room when Gina said, “We should have let him kiss them.”

Jill, never one to pass up a chance to get the upper hand, told her “Aww, poor baby. Does Gina want to sneak down to Tad’s room and let him take up where he left off?”

“Oh hell yes!” Gina shot back bold as brass.

After some more giggling and laughing and some lame offers to kiss Gina’s tits, Jill got more serious, “Hey, none of us are gay or anything, but I for one would like to know how that feels.”

The room went instantly quiet. Finally, Gina asked Jill “How should we do it?”

That brought gasps from the rest of us. Jill answered her, “Same as with Tad. One of us wears the blindfold and the others take a turn on her.”

“Why the blindfold?” Jill asked.

I answered her question, “Just because it will make it easier for the one doing it.

When everyone agreed, we drew new numbers. Deb was number one, so she doffed her shirt and put on the blindfold. Gina sat on the bed and the rest of us guided Deb over to the bed and had her stand between Deb’s spread legs. I set the alarm, and then Gina, after only a brief hesitation, pulled Deb closer and began kneading and sucking Deb’s perky C cup tits. Deb began moaning immediately and put her hands on the back of Gina’s head to pull her in more firmly.

When the alarm went off, both Deb and Gina seemed reluctant to pull away. I was number two, and my juices were already flowing just thinking about it. I took my place on the bed and the others guided Deb up to me. Jill set the alarm and said “Go”.

I couldn’t believe how fun and erotic it was to knead, lick and suck another girl’s tits. I almost came while doing it. Unfortunately, that minute flew by way too quickly to suit me. But I reluctantly gave up my place to Glenda.

When everyone had a turn, Deb removed her blindfold, “Whew! That was intense. I need a beer.” Which caused us all to laugh.

“Go get us all one.” I told her.

“I can’t carry five beers. Someone will have to come with me.” And she reached for her T-shirt.

Glenda grabbed the shirt out of Deb’s hand, “I dare you.”

There was another collective gasp, and then Jill volunteered to go with her. Deb pointed to Jill’s shirt, “You have to lose the shirt.”

Without hesitation, Jill pulled off her T-shirt and tossed it aside. The rest of us giggled when they headed out the door. Five minutes later, they were back with the beer.

“What took so long?” I asked them.

Jill giggled, “We were hoping Tad would come out of his room, so we took our time.”

“OMG!” Gina exclaimed. “Did he?”

“Unfortunately no.”

After we’d all taken turns kissing Gina’s beautiful C cups, it was my turn to don the blindfold. God! The feeling of a mouth on my tits was so incredible; I actually had a mild orgasm within the first few seconds. I had one more of those before everyone was finished with their turn.

When it was my turn at Jill’s huge tits, I understood why Tad hadn’t chosen them as his favorite. It was still fun, but not nearly as fun as doing it with the smaller, more perky tits.

* * *

When that exercise was finished, we all had another beer and everyone but me was more than a little tipsy. After all, I was the only one who’d had beer before, and I’d had some several times. It barely affected me.

“What now?” Deb asked the group.

Jill was slurring her words just a little when she said, “Hell, we’ve gone this far. I think we should practice making out.”

There was another collective gasp from the group, but Glenda said, “I’m in.”

I was astonished when Deb and Gina agreed, and not wanting to be the only prude, I agreed as well. “How should we do it?”

After tossing around some ideas, they decided that the four of them would draw numbers. Number one and number two would make out for five minutes. And then, number three and four would do the same. Since it was my party, each of them would make out with me for two minutes each. I quickly popped the top on another beer.

I have to admit, watching Gina and Deb making out in front of us was hot as fuck. They were deep kissing and feeling each other up. Before their five minutes were up, Deb even slid her hand between them and began rubbing Gina’s pussy through her thong panties. While still French kissing, Gina reciprocated in kind.

When their time was up, both girls swore that was the hottest thing they’d ever done. I had to agree.

While Glenda and Jill were going at it, I looked over and saw that Gina and Deb both had their fingers inside their thongs and were playing with their pussies.

Finally, it was my turn. I was so horny; I was actually looking forward to it. Deb was first for her two minutes, and she wasted no time forcing her tongue into my mouth and kneading my tits. I gave as good as I got, even when she started rubbing my pussy through my thong.

By the time all four of my friends had made out with me for two minutes each, my knees were weak and my pussy was soaked.

* * *

This time all of us went downstairs for beer. We left the open twelve pack and took the unopened one up to my room. There was a lot of giggling and joking about going to Tad’s room.

Back in my room, and while just relaxing and sipping on beers, Jill said, “If Tad was here, I’d let him eat my pussy right now. I can’t wait to see how that feels.”

With everyone so tipsy, bordering on being out right drunk, it didn’t shock me too much when Deb asked, “What happens here stays here, right?”

We all agreed, so Deb said to Jill, “I’ll do it.”

The group, including me, expressed only mild shock. Glenda spoke up, “I want to feel it too.”

Gina, not to be left out said, “Me too.”

When I made it unanimous, we drew numbers again. The next thing I knew, we were all helping Glenda out of her thong. She lay on the bed with her feet pulled up and her knees spread wide.

A pact was made that we would take one minute turns until she got off really good, so Jill crawled up between Glenda’s legs and immediately began licking her pussy.

When it was my turn, I hesitated only briefly before beginning to lick Glenda’s sopping pussy. Actually, it didn’t taste bad at all, so I really got into it.

It was half way through Jill’s second turn when Glenda started moaning loudly and bucking her hips. Jill clamped her mouth on Glenda’s clit, and I assumed flicking it with her tongue. That did it. Glenda came hard and pushed Jill away, gasping and panting.

Gina was next on her back. I was amazed at how sweet she tasted. Glenda’s juice was nice, but Gina’s was very sweet. I actually enjoyed tasting it very much. I hoped mine would taste that sweet to the others.

Even before everyone had taken a turn on Gina, she came hard. Deb actually expressed disappointment that she didn’t get a turn.

When it was my turn on my back, I was surprisingly very relaxed and looking forward to it. And when Deb’s tongue first touched my pussy, I almost came right then. GOD! It felt too incredible for words. I LOVED IT!

Like Gina, I didn’t make it through the whole group. I came extremely hard while Glenda was licking me. Everyone giggled when Glenda announced to the group, “God! Her cum is really sweet.”

“I want to taste it”, Jill exclaimed. She hadn’t had her turn on me, so I didn’t object. It was hot as fuck watching Jill dive her tongue into my pussy for the express purpose of tasting my abundant cum. I had tasted it, and I knew it was very slick and sweet.

It was almost three in the morning when we’d all cum really hard, so we decided to get some sleep. Everyone agreed when Jill said, “This is the most fun slumber party ever.”

* * *

We all slept in until almost noon the next morning. Everyone but me was really hung over. I only had a slight headache. After our showers, the girls got dressed and headed downstairs for glasses of OJ. And then they left. Tad was downstairs, and he thanked each of them on their way out.

After I had a bowl of cereal and went into the living room, Tad got up and headed to the kitchen. I heard him exclaim, “Wow! Ya’ll went through over a twelve pack of beer.”

I called back to him, “There are a couple left in my room.”

When he returned to the living room and handed me a beer, he said, “Well it will probably make them taste flat, but you should go ahead and put them back into the fridge.”

So I ran upstairs and retrieved the left over beers and put them in the fridge. When I got back to the living room, Tad was paying a lot of attention to my tits. I was wearing only my thin Teddy and thong panties. “So, did you wear your dick out last night?”

“Of course, and this morning too.”

I giggled, I guess you enjoyed our little contest, huh?”

He shrugged, “It could have been better, but yeah, I had a blast.”

“Better how?” I asked in a sincere tone.

“I didn’t get to suck any of those tits.”

I giggled again, “I’m sure the girls would have let you if we’d thought about it.”

“Even you?” He asked while staring right at me.

“What do you mean?”

His expression turned scolding, “Bren, I’m not an idiot. I didn’t know it until this morning, but you only had four friends over here. There were five of you in the contest. What number were you?”

I laughed out loud. “Number three. You picked me runner up in kissing and first place in the tits department.”

He nodded, “That’s not surprising. You have awesome tits.”

My mood turned a little more serious, “Tad, I thought boys like really big tits. Jill’s are huge, but you didn’t pick hers. Why?”

He pondered the question for a few seconds before answering, “Big is nice, but I don’t like flabby, mushy tits. Big and firm tits are the best. That’s why you won first place. So, what kept ya’ll up until three a.m.?”

I was surprised he knew what time we finally went to sleep, “Oh, were you awake that long?”

“No, but you weren’t exactly being quiet, so the noise woke me up a few times.”

“Promise not to blab it all over school?”

“Of course. You know better than that. I’d never tell anyone what you tell me in confidence.”

I knew he was right, so I decided to throw him a bone, “We were just practicing making out so we’d be ready when we get boyfriends.”

He chuckled, “I would have killed to see that—five drunk girls making out with each other. How far did you go?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but far enough that we all got off.”

“Wow! Now that’s really got me curious. Please give me details. I promise I’ll never tell anyone.”

I finished my beer and went to the fridge for another one. I got him one too, and when I was handing it to him, I lingered in front of him long enough to give him a long look at my clearly visible tits. While still standing there, I said in the sexiest voice I could muster, “Let’s just say we all loved getting our tits sucked and our pussies rubbed by someone other than ourselves.”

“Oh wow! I know what I’m going to be thinking about the next several times I jack off.”

I laughed and returned to the recliner. I decided to tease him, “I’m not saying we stopped at that mind you.”

“Oh shit! Did you go down on each other?”

I giggled, “Maybe. I can neither confirm nor deny.”

“Damn! You should have called me. I would have taken care of all of you.”

I giggled, “Even me? Would you have eaten your little sister’s pussy?”

“Absolutely! Especially you.”

“You don’t think that would be really weird?”

“Hell no! Was it weird when you kissed me or when you were letting me feel up your tits?”

“No, but you didn’t know it was me.”

“It wouldn’t have bothered me in the least. You know I think you’re hot as fuck. Besides, I’ve never had the opportunity to do that with a girl—not even close. The most they’ve let me do is feel them up through their clothes, and that was only with Carla. How’s a guy going to learn how to do it right if no one teaches him?”

“Oh, so it’s a teacher you’re looking for, huh?”

“No, it’s more than that, but yeah.”

I drained the last of my beer and walked over to him before heading to the fridge. When I got to him, I reached out and ran my fingers over his lower face. He diffidently had a lot of stubble. “You need to shave. No girl wants to get her tits all scratched up by your five o’clock shadow—not to mention her inner thighs and pussy.”

“So, you’re going to let me—if I shave, I mean?”

I giggled and headed to the fridge, “You go shave. I’ll think about it.”

* * *

Tad had barely touched his beer, so when he got back downstairs, he sat on the sofa and took a big gulp. I had to giggle when I saw that hopeful look on his face.

Memories of the night before and my conversation with my brother had me really horny and feeling naughty. I got up and walked over to him. “Scoot out to the edge of the sofa.”

“Yes Ma’am.” And he did.

I immediately pulled my Teddy over my head—not that it was a big deal. My Teddy didn’t hide my tits at all anyway. “Okay, you can feel them. Just be gentle. They’re still a bit tender from all the attention the girls gave them last night.

When his hands were on my tits, I told him, “Use your fingers to massage them. You can roll my nipples between your fingers, but just remember to be gentle.”

Tad obeyed my instructions to the letter. He looked up at me and said in a serious tone, “You still win first place. Your tits are incredible.”

“Okay, lean in and start kissing one while still massaging the other one. When you suck my nipples, don’t suck too hard. Just use your lips and tongue. Any girl with a brain in her head will tell you when you can do it harder. That’s when you’ll know she’s getting turned on.”

I stood there letting my brother lick and suck my tits for about fifteen minutes before I pulled away. “Grab a couple of beers and meet me in my bedroom.” I was going to teach my brother how to eat pussy.

When Tad entered my bedroom, I was standing beside the bed. I took the beers and sat them on my night stand, and then held my arms out from my sides, “Take off my thong.”

He obeyed immediately, and when I stepped out of them, I lay down on my bed on my side facing him and instructed him, “Undress and lay down here beside me.”

He didn’t hesitate, and a minute later, he was lying naked beside me. I’d seen tents in his shorts many times and had managed a quick peek at him in the bathroom a couple of times when he was naked, but I’d never actually seen his hard cock, and especially not up so close. It was impressive, even though I’d only see hard cocks on the internet. His wasn’t huge, but I’m sure it was above average.

“Now, you can kiss me and feel of my tits.”

Again, my older brother didn’t hesitate. He impressed me by first giving me a tender kiss on my lips before slowly working his tongue into my mouth. It was nice, just as I remembered from the evening before, but I had to admit to myself that I enjoyed kissing the girls more. Their lips and tongues were much softer.

After we’d been making out for about ten minutes, I rolled onto my back and instructed him, “Now start at my neck and kiss your way down to my tits.” I put my hands on his head to guide his mouth from one tit to the other.

Again, I let him lick and suck my tits for about ten minutes before telling him, “Okay, now start kissing your way down my body. When you get to my landing strip, move between my legs and start kissing my inner thighs.” When he did, I pulled my feet up and spread my knees as wide as I could.

After a couple of minutes, I told Tad to start licking up and down my slit. And I instructed him later, “You can run your tongue around my clit, but don’t touch it directly yet. I’ll let you know when you can do that. Now, put your arms around my thighs and use your fingers to spread me open. Then, you should spend some time licking inside them.”

When I told my brother to slide his tongue inside me, and after he did, he looked up at me and smiled, “I love the way you taste.”

“That’s a good thing.” I told him.

It was time for Tad to learn something even the girls didn’t do. “Okay Tad, this is something really important for you to learn. Slide a finger inside me and then a second.” When he had, I continued, feel along the upper wall of my pussy. Be gentle, but search around for a small muscle. It won’t be smooth like the rest of my insides. It will feel a little rougher, textured like a muscle. When you find it—Oh yeah, you’ve got it. Now, massage it by crooking your fingers like you’re telling someone to come to you. OH Shit! Yes, just like that. You’ve found my G-spot.”

I was having trouble concentrating on the instructions. He was doing it just right. “Keep doing that while you suck my clit between your lips. Lick it gently while you’re massaging my G-spot. When I tell you, suck on it harder and even nibble on it with your teeth.”

Again, my brother followed my instructions to the letter. I couldn’t wait any longer, “Now! Do it harder. Suck it hard and use your tongue harder and nibble on it harder.” When he did, I lost control, “OH FUCK! Yes, just like that. HOLY FUCK! Suck it harder! Do it harder!”

When he did, I started flailing my head and bucking my hips, “I’m . . . God yes! Just like that!”

Seconds later, I was in the throes of a powerful orgasm so I pushed him away.”

It took me a full minute or more to start calming down. When I could, I told him, “If you put your tongue inside me, you can taste my cum.”

“God! I love it.” He said after three times of putting his tongue inside me. Finally, I pushed him away and rolled over to get my beer.

* * *

“That was incredible.” He told me while we were relaxing and sipping our beers.

“Whew! You’re telling me. You were really, really good.”

He chuckled, “Better than the girls?”

“Much. None of them put their fingers inside me. I don’t know why.”

“I hope you’ll let me practice on you again sometime.”

“How can I refuse an offer like that? I’ll let you practice on me all you want. There is one thing though . . .”

“Oh, what?”

“I expect you to teach me how to give a proper blowjob.”

He seemed to ponder that for a few seconds before saying, “Well, I’ve never had one, so I’m not sure how good of a teacher I’ll be, but I’m definitely more than willing to let you learn on me . . . anytime you want.”

“Okay then. Give me some time to rest and recuperate from the wonderful orgasm you gave me, and then I’ll have a go at it.”

“Sounds great to me.”

* * *

It was almost an hour later when I came out of my room and headed downstairs for another beer. Tad must have heard me because he followed me down the stairs. But when I got to the fridge, there was no beer left. “Damnit!”

“Sorry, but the two I brought upstairs were the last of them. If you really need something, I can fix you something from Dad’s stash.”

“Please.” I told him, and then I watched as he took a bottle of whiskey from the pantry, filled a glass with ice cubes, poured in some whiskey, and then filled the rest of the glass with Coke.

When he handed it to me, he cautioned me, “Just sip, don’t gulp. It’s a lot stronger than beer and it will hit you before you realize it.”

I took a tentative sip, and it took my breath way and burned my tongue and throat, causing me to cough and shudder. My brother chuckled while he was mixing himself one, “You’ll get used to it. Just take it slow.”

“Fuck that!” I said as I turned up the glass and gulped down the contents. Of course, it still caused me to cough and gag, but at least I got it over with quickly. “One more please.” I told Tad as I handed him my empty glass.

He showed me a skeptical look, and then he shrugged and took my glass, “So much for taking it slow.”

I took the second drink into the living room and sat on the sofa. I did sip that one. When my brother came in, I scolded him, “What are you doing dressed? Do you want a blowjob or not?”

“Yes, but . . .”

“But what?”

“I was hoping to have a drink first.”

I laughed, “Hell, you can drink while I’m doing it, can’t you?”

He obviously didn’t want to risk pissing me off by arguing, so he sat his drink aside and got undressed. His cock was almost fully hard. “My, my, you’re really looking forward to this, aren’t you?” Of course, I was already naked, so I considered his hard cock a compliment.

“Hell yes.”

When I urged him closer, he said, “Just so you know, I jacked off when I left your room, so you shouldn’t have to worry about me cumming too quick.”

“Big shock!” I teased him. “Next time you do that, I want to watch.”

He shrugged, “Sure, no problem.”

When he was within reach, I grabbed his cock and pulled him closer. “I think I’m going to enjoy this.” And then I took another big gulp of my drink and sat my glass on the coffee table. “Before I get started, I just want to look at it a little bit. You just stand there and enjoy your drink.”

In truth, my whole body was already tingling—half from the alcohol, and half from the excitement of holding his hard cock and what I was about to do with it.

“Tell me if I get too rough with it, okay?”

Tad chuckled, “Outside of biting it or digging your nails into it, there’s not much you can do to hurt it. It’s very durable. My balls are a different story. You have to be very gentle with them.”

I released his cock and said, “Show me how you jack it off.”

He put his hand around his hard cock and started moving it up and down, “Don’t move your hand over it. Grip it tight enough to slide the skin up and down over it.”

“Okay, I got it. Let me try.” When he released his cock, I tried to immolate what I’d seen him do. “Like this?”

“Grip it a little tighter, but yeah. That’s how you do it.”

I reached over and grabbed my drink, downing the last of it with only a little cough and shudder. And then I handed him my empty glass, “Another, please.”

When he handed me the fresh drink, he admonished me, “Careful. I don’t want you passing out on me.”

I giggled, “At least not until after I finish your blowjob.” That said, I took a big swig of the drink, sat it aside, and immediately took the head of his cock in my mouth before I could chicken out.

“Don’t try to take too much. You’ll gag. Also, the spot right under the head on the underside is very sensitive. If you flick it with your tongue, I’m sure that will feel great.”

I took my mouth off his cock long enough to look up at him and ask, “You’ll warn me before you cum, won’t you?”

“Sure, but why? Are you going to back off when I start cumming?”

“I’m going to try not to, but I don’t know.” And then I put his cock back in my mouth and began sliding more and more of it into my mouth. I loved the way it felt in my mouth and against my tongue even though it was really stretching my jaws open.

Surprisingly, I got all but a couple of inches of it in my mouth. And even more surprisingly, when it hit the back of my mouth, I didn’t gag at all. Still, I just couldn’t get that last two or three inches. Finally, I pulled back and told my brother, “I can’t get the last of it in. I want you to help me. Push my head down on it.”

“You’re not afraid of gagging?”

“I haven’t yet, so no. If I do, just let me up.” And then I put it back into my mouth and went down as far as I had before. Tad obediently forced my head down until the head of his cock popped into my throat. I LOVED IT!

I stayed there with his cock in my throat for several seconds before backing off. “Again” I told him, and then I went back down on him. When I hit bottom, my brother pushed my head down again, and again, his cock violated my throat.

When I backed off, I told him, “Just keep doing that every time I bottom out.” And then I went down on him again, and yet again, he pushed my head down until his cock was in my throat.

I must have repeated that at least two dozen times before he warned me, “I’m getting close.”

“Do it down my throat. Just hold me there until you’re finished.” After taking all of his cock another two or three times, he held my head down to keep me from backing off. Sure enough, he grunted and I could feel his cum splashing into my throat. It took maybe thirty seconds before he finally let me back off. When he did, I got my first taste of his cum as it was just oozing out of his cock.

I swirled his cum around in my mouth before swallowing it. It had a weird texture, but it didn’t taste bad at all. I even kinda liked it.

When I finally let his softening cock slip from my mouth, I grinned up at him, “Well, did I do good?”

“HOLY FUCK! You did incredible. I can’t believe you didn’t gag. That was awesome. The boys are going to love you.” And then he got his drink and plopped down on the sofa beside me.

I took up my drink and gulped down the last of it. Needless to say, I was very, very proud of myself, and I was extremely horny. “Sucking you off made me really, really horny. You should come up and eat my pussy again. Then maybe I’ll give you another blowjob before Mom and Dad get home. Bring me a fresh drink with you, and this time, put more whiskey in it. I know you’ve been making them really weak.”

* * *

This time, when Tad was between my legs, I didn’t have to give him instructions at all. He did great. The only time I spoke up was when I needed him to suck my clit hard and nibble on it. That sent me off into a wonderful, much needed orgasmic bliss.

When giving him his second blowjob, I did two things differently. First, when his cock was in my throat, I put off backing away until I absolutely had to. I love the feeling of his cock in my throat.

Secondly, when he finally started cumming after about forty-five minutes, I backed off sooner so I could take more of his cum in my mouth. I quickly got addicted to its taste.

* * *

The following day, our parents were up and gone to work by the time I got up. When I got downstairs, Tad was just heading out the door. “Hey, where are you off to?”

“I have to get another bottle of whiskey to replenish what we drank before Dad notices it missing.”

“You won’t be gone too long, will you?”

“Nah, why?”

“I’m a little horny.”

He chuckled, “Oh, so you want to play, do you?”

“Yes I do, so hurry up and get your ass back here.”

My brother laughed out loud, “You don’t care about my ass. You want me to get my cock back here.”

“And your tongue.”

* * *

The End

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