Slave Of a Sith Chapter- 1

Based On Star Wars

Slave Of A Sith

This is the first story I have ever wrote please do not hate. This story is based around the Clone wars times.
I am Ahsoka Tano a padawan learner under the wing of master Anakin Skywalker. He has been my master for over a year now, he has been training me to eventually become a Jedi knight. Growing up from a small age I was trained to be Jedi and learned from a youngling up. I never spent much time of my teenage years as a free teen so I had not experienced and sort of sexuality until one day…

Me and Master Skywalker had been sent on a hunting mission for Asajj Ventress an assassin under the command of the Sith we had chased her down to a big cave opening with two different tunnels, one going right one going left. “We must split up to cover more ground. I’ll go left you go right,” ordered Anakin. “Ok I will contact you on the com link if I find her” I answered. I quickly darted down the tunnel with curiosity. Further down the tunnel it started getting darker and quieter. After about 10 minutes I decided to check in with master Anakin to make sure everything was okay on his end. “Everything going okay over on your side?” Ahsoka asked. “yes, no signs of Asji yet keep looking report back to me soon” he replied

I started hearing weird things moving around me quickly almost inhuman like quickly. The next thing I knew I was hanging by chains in a dark room with some sort of collar wrapped around my neck. There was just enough light to see my comlink smashed in the far right corner of the room. I was fully clothed apart from my comlink and Lightsaber missing from my person. Time wore on and I slowly fell back to sleep. I woke again with a hard slap across my face. “Wake up Bitch” before there had been nothing attached to my face now I had a ball gag in my mouth preventing me from speaking. I tried yelling for help but all that could be heard were muffled cries.

I opened my eyes and there was Asji Ventress fully nude holding some sort of controller in her hand. “I see you are still following Skywalkers command” Ventress spat at me. I tried to reply with a comeback but only muffles could be heard. Ventress laughed loudly in mockery. “See I have been in the need of some company lately so I have decided that I will take you under my wing and make you my personal slut slave” Ventress said. Again I Tried to scream in terror nothing was heard. All of the sudden a jolt went there my body like an electrical wave. After a few short seconds the shock ended. “ everytime you try and do something I am not happy with I will give you a shock” She snapped. Asji started running her hand over my thigh. I just couldn’t help take a look at Ventress’s body. Her big juicy ass and large perky breasts were very attractive. I had no idea of what was coming over myself Ventress Slowly moved in to kiss me and I allowed it unable to control the emotions I was experiencing. After close to a minute she broke the kiss and said “After this you will be begging to become my personal slut” She slowly started taking off my tights then my panties revealing a tight bald pussy. She lowered herself down to my clit and started slowly licking it. I moaned out in ecstasy. She started quickening her pace until she was attacking me as hard as she could and I was screaming as loud as I could yet it could not be heard. After 5 minutes I felt a orgasm building up within me I tried to hold myself back but I couldn’t do anything my juices came flowing out of my body onto Ventresses mouth. “The slut has already come. My I am going to have lots of fun with you my apprentice. That is enough for right now. We shall continue later” She said. I’m still not hers

Somewhere inbetween Ventress leaving and her returning back to the dark room, I must have fallen asleep in my bounds because I was woken up with a sharp slap across the face. “Wake up bitch! Time for round two” Ventress said firmly. This time around I noticed Ventress ahd her lightsabers and mine. “We are going to put these sabers to use,” She said as she un-hilted the two sabers from her belt and started to move towards me. “This is going to make you mine this will take over your body and make you do anything I want slut” I was freaking out on the inside I tried to say anything but nothing would come out of my mouth. She started to rub the Hilt of the lightsaber against my cunt and suddenly jerked it all the way in sticking it deep in my pussy; I was in heaven the feelings were beyond belief. I was surprised I haven’t used my lightsaber before. Ventress didn’t start there she took the other saber and without any warning shoved it right up my never used rosebud. The feeling I had was unbearable there was nothing I could feel except for bliss and absolute ecstasy. There was no doubt…I was hers…I was her slave…I was her apprentice… I was her Slut.

Well that is the end of chapter One I really hoped anyone who read this enjoyed the first part to this story. This series will be posted as often as I can. Please leave your thoughts and feedback of what you think about the story or any ideas I can incorporate.