rich boys love 51

my story may restart

hey everyone me and harvey are thinking about coming back to write are story because we both love all you guys and miss you all

so time for an update
-me and harvey are still together and still married
-my brother is back in jail for drug useage
-blake hasnt talk to me since we was accused of being fake
-we are still in L.A
– o and one last little thing we are two months pregrant

starting from yesterday me and harvey got out of bed about 8ish and had some breakfast i said to harvey “babe i miss writting are story” harvey walked over to me and gave me a hug and said “why dont you start rewritting it babe screw what the jerks on there say” i laughted at harvey but he said he was serious and i thought to my self why shouldnt i carry on doing something i enjoy just because a few people cant get over my spelling misstakes and they dont believe in my life

so anyway later on that day i got into my car and drove over to my moms when i got there she answer the door to me and told me to come in when i got inside my mom handed me a box so i opened it and it was some baby botties they was so cute but me and harvey dont know what sex baby we are having so me and my mom had some lunch and we chatted for such a long time that i ended up staying for dinner aswell so when i got home to harvey it was really late and strangly i was in a very annoying mood so i got into my apartment and harvey hate when you keep your shoes on so i walked over to him and laid on top of him harvey gave me a kiss and said “babe you have your shoes on” i said “i know right” and started laughing harvey looked at me and said “your in your stupid mood arnt you?” so i carried on laughing at harvey and he walked away from me as he was walking away from me i walked with him and started singing “theses boots are made for walking and thats just what they do and one of these day these boot are gonna walk all over you” harvey turned and faced me and said “you already do walk all over me” i winked at harvey and grabbed his dick and said “but i do make sure you get your fair share of walking” harvey smiled at me and said “babe that isnt fair making me all hot when you know i gotta go out” so i tugged his dick a few times and harvey got hard then i just walked away harvey followed me into are bedroom

and said “come on babe you cant leave me like this” so i walked over to harvey got on my knees and lowered him pants and his boxers and licked his dick once and got back up and said “wait until later babe and see if your luck is in” so harvey went out and i had a shower and i jacked off and got changed then my cell rang and it was are carryer so i answered it and said “hello it leon are you okay” “yeah im fine its just i want some ice cream and im lonely” i was trying not to laught and said “arnt you a little early for the needy stage” so i got out of my chair and got my keys and drove to a local store near her house and brought her some ice cream and spent a few hours with her and drove home when i got home harvey was there and asked “where have you been” “ive been t see are unborn baby”

harvey looked at me and said “sure” and walked into are bedroom so i followed him and said “what do you mean sure. whats wrong with you” harvey looked at me and said “nothing your fair to busy to worry about me” so i said “o wow harvey really? arnt we went to fight when the baby fucking get here” so i though a pillow at harvey and said “you can sleep in the living room becuase im tired of this shit harvey” so harvey left and when i woke up the next morning i went into the living room to find 12 read roses but harvey wasnt there so i read the card saying sorry with a love heart on it so i got my cell out and rang harvey and said “thanks for my flowers baby they smell lovely so what was wrong with you last night” harvey took a big breath and said “im just ver tired babe thats all but i still love you even when i take it out on you” “i know you do baby maybe when you get home i can find a way to release your stress” harvey lalughed and said “im gonna hold you to it babe” “haha babe i dont need holding to it i can take care of it without your assistance” so when harvey got home around 3ish i pulled him into the living room and pulled his pants and boxers down and took his dick in my mouth it felt so good becuase me and harvey havent really had the time for things like this in some time so i kept sucking on harveys dick until he cummed in my mouth and i drank his load and harvey did the same to me after i showed harvey the little botties my mom had brought for the baby and harvey eyes filled up with happy tears he said “babe i cant wait to be a dad with you” i said “aww baby” harvey smiled at me and said “i hope he has you sense of fashion and your confidence” i said “i hope he has your smile and your sports abilities”

eaither way me and harvey are just so happy that we are going to be dads and we just hope that the way we bring are baby up will be the right way