Redneck Vasectomy

A redneck man says to his doctor, “Doc I just had my eleventh kid and we don’t ha a bed bigenough for any more kids. I needs one of them vasectomy’s done.”
The doctor Says ” A vasectomy is a shorefire way to eliminate that problem, but that operation cost alot of money and you don’t have any insurance to cover it. What you can do is get a Redneck Vasectomy done.”
The man says “A What”
“Yes” the doc goes. “You go home light a cherry bomb, drop it in a coke bottle, put it up to your ear and count to ten.”
The man say “I might not be the smartest person in the world, but I don’t see how doing all that is going to help me”
“Just go home and try it” the doc told him
When the man got home he did as the doctor had told him. He lit a cherry bomb, droped it in a coke bottle held it up to his ear and started to count. “one, two, three, four, five” at which time he placed the coke bottle between his legs and continued counting on his other hand.

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anonymous readerReport

2012-05-30 10:49:52
the co2 in the liquid gets cuhagt in the microscopically dented surface of the mentos and then gets released. this is a really quick process, which produces pressure on the bottle and makes the liquid escape rapidly through the first available opening. it’s not a chemical reaction, it’s just the gas concentrated and released by the dents in the mentos’ surface. this is why on most recently hand washed glasses you see little bubbles coming from the glass’s surface.same thing but bigger

Anonymous readerReport

2008-12-13 21:47:57
fucking gay

horneybitchfuck meReport

2008-05-28 15:54:16
haha. my boy friend did that one time, now hes a girl/boy


2008-05-26 13:39:19
been there dun dat

Anonymous readerReport

2008-05-19 20:51:51
it’s quite funny