Sometimes what you rally need is right in front of you.

No one in this story under the age of fourteen has any sex.


Jimmy is in his own workshop working on Alice’s Oldsmobile. He is one of the few that still will work on them, since they are a discontinued brand. It almost appeared that the Buick line would go, too. But, with some serious redesigning, the brand caught on again and has maintained its place in the marketplace for several years.

He only does light work here, and this time it will be to clean out the fuel lines and replace the fuel filter. If the injectors are going to have to be cleaned or replaced, then that will have to be done at the dealer’s garage. And it so happens that he is the Buick and Oldsmobile specialist there, too. They defer attention from his little side jobs here, because he not only is a top mechanic, but steers a lot of work to the dealer’s garage, also.

Jimmy is paid very well, and really doesn’t need to do this, but his friends have depended him on doing their light work and oil changes for years. He does them very well and is very moderate in his charges. Once in a while he will do some work for a girl that he is dating too. He usually gets reimbursed in bedtime pay for those favors.

Being busy is good for him as he is alone in the world now. In the last year he lost his father to a crane falling on his dump truck and his mother to breast cancer. He misses them both very deeply. He had been an only child to a couple in their later years. He had not been spoiled, but he had been fervently loved by them as a L.L.O.C. (Late Life Only Child.) His parents had been deeply in love and frustrated that they didn’t have many children and so poured all of their love into the one that they did have. He still felt her arms about him, sometimes in lonely times. Her soft body swallowing his rather large frame into her arms up to her breasts squeezed against his chest. It brought tears to his eyes when he thought of it. So, to try to prevent that he kept very busy.

He was thirty-two at the beginning of our notice of him. And he was doing well. He had the fine paying job at the dealership, his parent’s home in his name now and his own little private business to keep him busy.

His father, as an independent trucker, had done almost all of his own wrench work. And from the time of his sixth birthday, Jimmy had hung over the fenders and into the open engine areas with his father. His father never said a word about it, unless he made a significant advance in his learning, but Mom knew that Dad virtually worshipped his bright little boy.

Jimmy came to be called Pudge, because he was built medium tall, but very broad in the shoulders and solid all around. When the name was first laid down on him, it was a tease, meant to hurt his feelings by a twerp that meant no harm, but was a jerk anyway. But, as Jimmy advanced in his age, the name stuck and became his mantra, instead of his dishonor. And like Dan Blocker, his idol, he was a gentle giant as Hoss Cartwright was portrayed.

The girls all liked him because he was so gentle, kindhearted and generous with his monies. They could always count on him to take them out for a wonderful date, and he didn’t scrimp on the cost either. And he was not beyond putting a few bucks in their pockets when they were funds struggling, either. And he got regular fluffing up for that. Since he turned sixteen, he had never gone more than two weeks without this essential service.

It had started on a Friday night after the football game. He didn’t play, and it broke the coach’s heart, because his father wouldn’t sign the release. He didn’t want his only son injured to promote a coach’s reputation or for fading glory to a high school. But, Pudge was allowed to use the family sedan and regularly hauled a load of kids, mostly girls to the games and was a world class rooter for the team.

This evening, the prettiest girl in the school asked for and received a place in his father’s sedan. Actually this time it was the pick-up since his parents had plans of their own. Since she asked first, she got the choice of seats and elected to sit next to Jimmy. He noticed that, but since it was a stick shift, he was busy in his driving and didn’t have time to make any time with her. She did sit in the middle with her legs splayed to either side of the shift with his working the shift moving his hands in between her legs and up against her dress. She and the only other girl in the truck, did notice this and were smiling back and forth between them. Probably her best friend would have liked some of this ‘innocent’ action, too.

When they settled in at the game, Nellie sat right next to him on his right-hand side and Jessie just beyond her. Nellie had a scarf with her and put it over her lap and moved Jimmy’s hand to lay under it. He was terrified to move it, but she reached over and gave him a kiss and then reached down to activate his hands in her lap. Despite the cold evening, it got very hot under that scarf. And after the game he took the two girls to the Burger Burp, the best drive-in in the area.

When they were done there, Nellie asked if there was a place that the three of them could hang out and talk. He suggested his parent’s place because they had made it clear that they were going out of town and wouldn’t be back until Sunday evening. So, the girls said that that sounded cool and they made their way to the house.

As the girls turned on the T.V., Jimmy went into the kitchen and made a bowl of popcorn and brought out sodas for the three of them. The girls then moved to sit one on each side of him to have some fun. They were ignoring first the late news and then The Late Show, with Johnny Carson, because most of the guests were of little interest to them, anyway.

The two girls started laying it on very seriously. Kissing and fondling Jimmy to raise him up as it were. While, Jimmy was obviously enjoying this attention from not one, but two girls, he in the back of his mind (the part that was still functioning) began to wonder why this was happening. He knew that girls liked him, but none of them had ever shown a long-lived interest in him. It just lasted until he gave them some gift or privilege. Although they were always very friendly to him afterward.

But, when the two girls removed their blouses and bras, he knew that he was into some serious shit this time. They rubbed their tits up against his chest arms and shoulders and then brought them up to his mouth to kiss and suck on. He liked this, because he had been a reluctant removal from his mother’s tit as a youngster. And secretly still missed it.

Then his hands seemed to innocently reach under their skirts to caress their most intimate areas, and then Nellie whispered into his ears, “Jimmy, I need bus fare and some funds to go and help my mother’s sister who is very ill. It will take about two hundred dollars, can you help me with that? I would so appreciate it!” Jimmy, who regularly had a goodly total of funds due to his already busy sideline of doing light work on cars, nodded ‘yes.’

But, since he didn’t seem to be moving to quickly accomplish this, which was actually for her Prom Dress to attend with another young man, he being gorgeous and from a rich family, she nodded to her best friend and the two of them moved Jimmy to his bedroom.

And from there on, it was the night of Jimmy’s dreams. They now added taking off of their dresses and panties in his sight. A scene that he had never even imagined in his wildest dreams. Then with them in full display, they moved to remove his clothing, also. And then gathered up with him onto the bed. Two gorgeous teen girls making over a stunned teen boy. With hands flying everywhere about each of them.

With Jimmy at full mast, the first to avail herself of this and plunge down on it was Jessie, the friend. And she was so very impressed with Jimmy’s equipment. She rode him vigorously and got her cum in just a few minutes. She then moved aside for Nellie’s turn. But, before she allowed him to enter her, she leaned over and took his still uprisen member into her mouth and fed on it to his shaking pleasure. Then she mounted up in the famous sixty-nine position for him to get some of the fun, too. By this time he was totally out of his mind and rolled her over and plunged up into her love vault. He with wild eyes, took her with all of the strength that he had and she gloried in it. He then emptied into her and she reciprocated with each of their cums dumping on Jessie’s face as she got into the fun, too.

Afterwards, as they laid together, still nude and in ‘pillow talk love,’ they nestled together and whispered lovely things into each other’s ears. When it came time to wind up the evening, he got the money for her and they dressed to be taken home in the truck. His hands were guided to her lap again under her dress for the trip home for each of them, she being the last to depart the pick-up.

When he got home, he just crashed on the bed and slept in dreaming wonder of the events of the night.

The next day he got a lot of nods with smiles from the girls and blank expressions from the guys. It got around among the girls that he was a wonderful and gentle lover and could be generous to a girl who was in need, with the proper motivations. Nellie testified that she had never been fucked this well before, and the truth was would never be again. Even by the handsome and rich young man who took her to the Prom later in the year.

Pudge got regular pussy after that and the girls who used him, were very protective of this asset and diverted any of the real sharks from among them from trying to serious bleed him of the funds that each of them needed at times. But, none of them dated him for any period of time, it was just brief meeting, usually with sex to get what they needed, no hard feeling either way. And this was how it continued right up to Jimmy’s thirty-second birthday. Not tragic, just lonely and dead-ended.

In the meantime, he finished High school, a two year tech school and the G.M. Master Mechanics Course and then was hired by the local dealership the day he arrived back home from Detroit. He was now in his tenth year with them.

He had dated while back in Detroit, mostly black girls, who were very affectionate with him and then back home with many of the girls of the town, including every single girl at the dealership, except for Nancy, the parts girl who had moved into the area six years before this narrative began. Every one of them reported well on him, and none of them were in the market for a real relationship with him. He had gotten used to this by this time.

Nancy was a big girl and had been treated a lot more cruelly over it than had Jimmy. One of the kinder nicknames for her was, ‘Biggy’ and she reluctantly accepted it. But, even the people who teased her about her body and weight in their hearts, just loved her for her wide smiles and generous spirit. And a couple of the boys had given her a ride, too. They found her to be wondrously affectionate, giving very effective mouth play and when she was entered, her body just seemed to hug them as they played in her pussy and vault. But, though they really liked her, they couldn’t get past her body image. To their loss, it must be admitted.

Anyway, she had set her cap for Jimmy soon after arriving in town and taking up her place it the dealership’s parts department. Because of her job, Jimmy had regular interactions with her and totally respected her ability to do her job. If a part couldn’t be found, it didn’t exist, but would be made if she had any say over it. Other dealerships learned of her and tried to hire her away, but with her hopes in Jimmy, she held out even in the face of repeated offers to become the parts manager at other dealerships.

For Jimmy’s birthday, several girls at the dealership arranged for a secret surprise birthday party for him. After all he had slept with almost everyone of them, and they loved him dearly, just not in a marital mood though. But, they also liked Nancy and had hopes that she would fill his life, like they imagined that they would have, if they had been motivated to do so for him. So, Jimmy was going to be the object of the party, but Nancy would be the star. And so they took her to the company’s exercise program for six weeks and she lost twenty-five pounds in that time. She still was thick, but much of her natural beauty came out with that weight loss and her smile remained intact.

At the party, he was suitably surprised and pleased and as usual danced and made over the ‘sporty models’ of girls there. But, he also to be polite danced with Nancy and to the delight of the other girls, they seemed to fit together just fine. He was very impressed that he felt in her arms, very much like he had in his mother’s and he still missed her very much. But, this young woman woke up feelings in him that he hadn’t felt in years. A sense of belonging.

Someone had spiked the punch, some suggested that it was a part of the girl’s plans for Jimmy. He drank too much, not even knowing of the liquor until too late. Nancy offered to take him home, and several of the girls helped to heft him into her car. When she got him home, he was alert enough to make it into the house with a minimum amount of help from Nancy, but when they got him up to his bedroom, he appeared to be flushed and she was worried about leaving him alone for the night, so she locked up her car and his house and joined him on the bed for the night.

Sometime in the night he undressed and moved to under the covers. There was a girl there with him, but he took no notice because that was not that unusual for a weekend night. But soon after, she woke up too and undressed to her panties to join in with him, in peaceful slumber.

In the middle of the night, he had a rather vivid dream recounting a wondrous night with one of the girls and he moved over to a very warm female body and initiated love play with her. She noticed and decided, ‘Why Not!’ and let it proceed. He held her in his arms and didn’t notice the additional body mass of this female, only the affections that she returned to him. He made his way down to her pussy very quickly and gave her the best feeding there that she had ever received. At this time he could have asked for anything and she would have granted his wish. But, he settled on a quick and regular fucking of her and she enjoyed that, too.

When he awoke the next morning, there was no one there and he had vague memories of a delightful time with a female, but couldn’t for his life remember who it was. But, he did wonder where his car was and how he had gotten home.

Over the next day, prompted by his returning memory and stoked by repeated calls of his friends, he put the pieces together and realized what had happened. And on Monday morning when he interacted with Nancy and got a shining smile, he returned it to her and was bold enough to ask her out on a date. She remarked that she had nothing on her social calendar as important to her and so they met and as they say, that was history in the making.

They married six months later and no one could think of a happier couple. It took a special wide-angle camera to frame in her smile. And an even wider one to get the wedding party in, because every girl of the dealership that he had bedded wanted in on this wedding. On his side Jimmy had the dealership’s general manager, the repair department manager, Nancy’s boss and a distant cousin who often helped out in Jimmy’s little garage. They took in a weeklong cruise and settled down to a fine life together.

Jimmy still kept busy in the garage as to not wear out his welcome with his new bride as she settled into the house and analyzed the situation. She determined that the house was solid, but needed some refreshing. So, she got Jimmy’s permission and arranged for a young Boy Scout Troop to earn merit badges by cleaning up and mowing the yard and washing down the outsides of the house and garage.

Then she bought a whole lot of paint and hired some college guys to do the painting. Two coats of primer, four hours apart and then on the next day two coats of top coat. The house and garage looked splendid, especially the garage with the sigh up front that said, JIMMY’S PLACE: Oldsmobile’s and Buicks, Especially Welcome.

She then had a ‘hen party’ for the girls and they planned and then painted up the inside of the house, too. Topped off by the papering of the main bedroom. It was apparent that some of the girls were thinking, “I slept and fucked with Jimmy right over there, and then I helped Nancy gain him. What have I done? It could have been me.” But, there was no real resentments over this, just a wistful thought now and then.

Then it came to Nancy, that she was twenty-eight and should soon start their family. Jimmy smiled at that though and they began practicing the process that night with him up her ass. As he mounted and entered her darker regions, she remarked, “Enjoy that now, lover-boy, because you won’t be back there very often until I have my children around me. She knew that she would relent often while pregnant, but wanted that to be a pleasant surprise when it occurred.”

Over the next six years they had three children and after a close call on Nancy’s life with the third one, they both got fixed to prevent that danger from happening again. After that they settled into a long and very happy marriage. They became among the very most favorite friends of most everyone that they knew and one of the most admired couples in the whole city of Big City.

And everyone smiled when they would show up with matching badges that said, ‘I belong to Pudge!’ And the other ’I belong to Biggie!” Everyone was in on the joke and laughed with them at their naughty smiles.