My Sweet Aiden

I love you.

My beloved little Aiden, delightful one,

your beauty is the sweetest ray of light

from the cool, morning air which heals

the wounds my nightmares inflict.

I will dominate your body, little pet,

as you dominate my mind with every thought

and dominate my soul with the desire to

drink your every drop and please your every fiber.

Your dark little cavern, I shall explore

and taste every depth you have to plumb.

Every inch I shall inspect and know its taste

searching to devour your soul with mine.

Tender little screamer, your gasps enrich

my life with every bite and buck,

I shall please you with pain, and then lather

your wounds with ever-deeper love.

My fiery vixen, your nectar is my elixir

a bittersweet splash that makes my life

an everlasting miracle. It dances through my blood,

destroying disease with radiance.

Shining star in my night, be who you are

and never stop twinkling with your ever special

hue that I know out of all of the trillions of specks

of nothing. You are true light.

Sweet soil, take my seed and grow.

Aiden, I give my life force to you

as I drink your life force into me.

We are one endless rhythm – thundering heartbeats.