My Mom’s Boyfriend

Going home was not easy cause these feeling I had were REAL and WRONG.

Boarding flight 253 for Denver, the loudspeaker

screamed. I hurriedly gathered my things and moved

toward the gate. It had been 5 years since I had seen

my Mom and her husband. I had been studying in Hawaii.

My longtime dream had finally come true of becoming

doctor. I had completed my residency and now I was a

full fledged pediatrician. I am hoping to start my

own practice in Denver. But that’s not what this

story is all about. I want to share with you an

incident that happened to me when I was 18 years old.

This is not a sick perverted story but… maybe

you’ll think so, and my feelings are mixed about the

whole thing, especially since I will be seeing Joe

again soon, (Mom’s husband).

My Dad died when I was 6, Mom had given birth to me

when she was 18. She had a promising career as a

beauty pageant contestant, but I guess that just

wasn’t meant to be. She has never made me feel bad

because she had me, because my Mom is a survivor and

has always wanted nothing but the best for me. I know

she loved me and always made me feel special.

Mom had become a registered Nurse while my Dad was

alive and she went on to become a Doctors assistant.

I really respected Mom for her moxy and wanted to be

like her.

I have finally arrived I thought to myself as we

lifted off the runway streaking upward into the blue

sky inside the jumbo jet.

The story I want to tell you about all started when I

was 18. Mom had basically stayed unattached since

Dad died. She was too involved with making a living

for us and raising me. She kept a very close watch

over me and protected me from everything. She had

enrolled me in a Catholic School down the street. We

lived in a very affluent neighborhood and were highly


About two months before my 18th birthday, Mom had

started dating a fellow she had met at a doctors

gathering at the hospital. He was a well to do real

estate developer. I encouraged Mom to start dating,

she had been alone long enough.

It certainly wasn’t because she wasn’t attractive

that she didn’t date, she was stunning. Tall, about

5’9″, long brown hair and the class of a aristocrat.

Well this Joe must have been pretty special because I

saw a change in Mom’s demeanor after she met him, I

could tell she really liked him. Anyhow,

she informed me that she was going to have dinner with

him and wanted me to join them and meet him. I was

thrilled, I couldn’t wait to meet the person that made

Mom happier and more radiant than I had seen her in


Finally, Friday night came and Mom picked me up after

work and after she changed into fresh clothes we left

for the restaurant. I was impressed when we arrived.

It was a French upscale restaurant with a beautiful

atmosphere. When we entered, all eyes turned to us.

Oh, by the way, not only was Mom stunning, but I’m

not bad to look at either.

As we entered, Mom spotted Joe and he got up to greet


Wow, I thought. He was really a handsome man.

Immediately I knew that he and Mom made a great


Mom introduced me.

“Joe, this is my pride and joy, Susan.”

“Hello Susan,” Joe responded with a bit of a foreign

accent. Something like Omar the actor.

I liked being referred to by my proper name. So many

people called me Susie, or honey or some other

condescending name like “young lady” or something.

Joe treated me with respect. I liked that.

As he reached out his hand to shake mine I know my

face flushed. I was embarrassed.

We ended up having a great dinner, we talked for a

couple hours and it was really great having conver-

sation with an adult man. It almost seemed like a


On the way home Mom couldn’t wait to ask how I liked

him. She was pleased when I said I thought he was

great and that I thought they made a great couple.

I knew Mom really like him.

“Well, tell me Mom?”

“Tell you what Susan?”

“Well, are there any special plans in the future.”

Mom just blushed and giggled like a teenager.

She said, “Well, who knows, we will just have to wait

and see.”

Chapter 2


It was the night of my 15th birthday party and I was

so excited when I came home. Mom had invited 20 of my

best girlfriends from school. Her and Joe had worked

hard on making this a really special time for me. We

had a wonderful time of fun and games and the presents

were special as well.

Finally though, it came to the end of the evening and

everyone left. After cleaning up Mom and Joe presented

me with their gift. I was shocked to open the envelope

and there was a check for $10,000 designated for my

college tuition to Medical School. I was flabbergasted,

I didn’t know what to say.

They were so pleased that I was happy. I grabbed Mom

and hugged her so tight I about squeezed her to death.

She whispered, “I was not the only one who gave you the

gift Susan.”

With that I turned and threw my arms around Joe as well

thanking him gratefully. He leaned over and kissed me

on the cheek. “We’re so glad to help you get a head

start on your dream Susan,” he said.

I was really growing to like Joe a lot.

Joe left about 11 and Mom and I finished cleaning up.

“You know Mom,” I said. “I really don’t know what to

say. I am so shocked.”

“That’s OK Susan, we both love you and want the best

for you.”

Now, this is where the story changes pace.

It was about a week later and I had just walked in the

door after school when the phone rang.

“Hi honey,” the voice on the other end said.

“Hi Mom, what’s up?”

“Listen Susan, I’m going to be delayed at the hospital

for about two hours, Joe is supposed to be coming over

to pick me up for dinner, will you call him and tell

him I’ll be late?”

“Sure, no problem.”

I dialed the phone and finally Joe’s answering machine

answered. Shoot, I must have missed him I thought to

myself. When the greeting was over, I left a message

telling Joe that if he got this message that Mom would

be a couple of hours late and to come over later to

pick her up. With that I pulled my white blouse out

of my pleated plaid Catholic School skirt and began

going up the steps when the doorbell rang. I ran over

to the door and opened it and their stood Joe with a

bouquet of roses in his hand.

“Hi Susan, I’m here to pick up your mother for dinner.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Joe, I tried to call you at home but

you were already gone. Mom has been delayed for about

two hours at the hospital.”

“Oh,” Joe replied.

“I’m sorry Joe I said, I’m so rude. Come on in.”

Joe stepped in and I took the roses from him and walked

over to the sink, grabbed a vase and ran some water

in it for the flowers.

“They’re beautiful Joe,” I said.

“Thank you Susan, I hope your Mom likes them.”

“Oh, I’m sure she will Joe. She likes everything you


“She does, does she,” Joe replied half laughing.

I was facing the sink working on the flowers when I

felt Joe place both hands on my shoulders and begin

massaging them.

“Does that feel good Susan?” Joe asked.

“Well, ah, well yes, I guess so.” I was surprised, I

really didn’t know what to say to him.

“Good,” Joe responded as he massaged methodically. I

had to admit, it really did feel great, his hands were

so strong and at the same time, so gentle.

I finished with the flowers and sat the vase aside and

placed my hand on the ledge of the sink as Joe

continued to rub his fingers deeply into my shoulders

with a massaging motion that caused my head to spin.

It felt great.

“Ah Joe, well I really have some homework to do, and


“Just relax Susan, you will have plenty of time for

homework. When is the last time you had a good

shoulder rub?”

“Well, actually, never,” I replied. I felt so stupid.

“All right then, just relax and enjoy.”

I didn’t argue, actually, I really didn’t know what to

do. I had never, and I mean never, had a boy or man

or anybody else for that matter, touch me.

Then Joe moved his hands from my shoulders to the side

of my head and began to rub my temples. I thought my

knees would collapse. I got light headed and started

to weave back and forth.

Joe took his left arm and quickly put it around my


“You OK?” Joe asked with a concerned voice.

“Yes, I think so,” I replied. “I just got really dizzy

there for a moment.”

Joe half laughed, “You sure you’re OK?”

“Yes, I think so,” I said again.

Then with one arm around my waist and one hand still

massaging my right temple he lowered his head to my

neck and gently kissed me. I felt a wave of elec-

tricity shoot through my body and I thought I would


“What are you doing?” I asked half scared to death.

“Nothing Susan, nothing.”

He kissed me again as his arm tighten around my waist.

“I think I better go upstairs Joe,” I said in a

panicked voice.

“Relax Susan, do you think I’m going to hurt you?”

“Well, I don’t know Joe….. are you?”

“Of course not Susan, I wouldn’t think of it.”

Then he bent over and kissed the other side of my neck,

this time he lingered and lightly ran his tongue over

the skin. I shuttered all over.

“Now, doesn’t that feel good Susan?”

I didn’t reply.

I could feel his warm breath against my neck and it

was driving me crazy. I began to squirm to try and

get out of his grasp but it was to no avail. He held

me tight as he continued.

Joe then began moving his hand back and forth across

my stomach as he continued to massage my temple and

kissed my neck. My knees had all but given out by

this time and I was just hanging there with my hands

on the sink and my back against Joe. I wasn’t sure

what I was feeling, but it sure was different.

As Joe rubbed my stomach, he began to unbutton the

bottom buttons of my blouse.

I was too weak and memorized to do anything and he

obviously could sense that, because he was really bold

in his movements.

When he finally reached the button at my belly button,

he moved his hand underneath my blouse and placed his

big hand against my skin. Shivers ran up and down my

spine as he ran his fingers lightly over the skin. My

head was spinning, I really just didn’t know what to

do. I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t know how to

stop it.

“You’re beautiful Susan, Joe whispered in my ear.

You’re one of the most beautiful women I have ever

known.” he said quietly.

Woman I thought. I’m no woman.

Or am I? Right then I wasn’t sure about anything.

Joe continued rubbing me and moved his right hand

from my temple to my stomach as well. With one hand

he rubbed and with the other he continued his pursuit

of unbuttoning my blouse.

I was starting to panic now, as I struggled to try and

get loose from his grasp.

“Joe please…” I said with a soft voice. “Please let

me go.”

Joe didn’t answer, but kept rubbing and moving his

hand upward in the process. By now he had my blouse

completely unbuttoned.

Then with one clean motion, he turned me around and

pinned my back to the sink. He looked me straight in

the eye as his body pushed against mine and then he

took both hands, put them on each side of my head,

moved his head forward and placed his lips directly on

mine. I began to struggle to get loose but I had no

room to move. His lips burned against mine as he

continued to kiss me passionately.

I had never been kissed before, and the sensation was,

well all I can say is… unbelievable.

With his lips still pressed tightly against mine, Joe

took his hands and moved them to my shoulders, placed

them under my blouse and began to push. I was limp

and it really didn’t take much effort for him to push

it over my shoulder and down my arms till it fell in a

pile onto the floor.

I wanted to resist, honest I did, but I just couldn’t.

I can’t tell you why, but I couldn’t.

Then Joe placed his hands on my back and began to pull

me closer to him, still kissing me.

My mind was racing, by head was spinning, and my legs

were so weak I didn’t even know they were still

attached to my hips.

As Joe continued to kiss me he began to run his tongue

over my slightly parted lips, I opened my mouth slight-

ly and he inserted his tongue inside, moving it in and

out gently. I heard myself begin to make little moaning

noises, I didn’t know where they were coming from but

they were there.

I was so enthralled with Joe’s lips on mine that I

hardly noticed this fingers fumbling at the snap on my

white lacy bra until I felt it unsnap and come apart.

“Mmmmm,” I tried to protest but I couldn’t speak, I

tried to move my arms but Joe had them securely pinned

against my side with his own arms as they were around

my back. I tried to kick myself free but he had one

leg between my legs and I only kicked at air.

Finally he took his mouth off of mine.

“Joe stop!” I screamed. “Stop right now! I’m going to

tell my Mom.”

Joe looked me straight in the eyes and with a very

stern look on his face he said, “Susan, shut up and

relax, I’m not going to tell you twice.”

I was stunned. I didn’t know if I should fear him or

respect him. His voice was so commanding yet, so gentle

and reassuring. “Did you understand me Susan?” Joe


Stunned, I just looked at him and nodded my head.

“Remember Susan, I won’t tell you twice.” With that

Joe moved backward one step and as he did he pulled

my bra away from my body and dropped it to the floor.

There I stood, for the first time ever in my life,

bare-chested in front of another human being.

“Your breasts are very beautiful Susan,” Joe said in

a very matter of fact tone of voice.

Well I knew they weren’t the biggest in the world but

being the size of two oranges obviously didn’t seem to

make a difference to Joe as he stood there and ogled


Chapter 3


My eyes were half closed, mostly out of embarrassment,

and my head was turned downward.

“Look up here at me Susan,” Joe said.

As I did, he was smiling.

“Your breasts are beautiful Susan, you have nothing to

be embarrassed about.”

I wondered how he knew what I was thinking.

Then he reached out his hand and with his forefinger

and thumb he placed them on my little nipple and

slightly squeezed. I thought I had been sitting in

the electric chair as a charge went racing through my

body from my breast to my feet and back to my brain in

a millisecond.

“Oh gawd!”, I cried out; my eyes closed and my head

flung backwards and my knees buckled.

Joe steadied me with his left arm as he continued to

squeeze my nipple. Then he took his hand and encompass-

ed my breast and gently squeezed it.

“Open your eyes and look at me Susan,” Joe commanded.

I opened my eyes and Joe was staring lovingly into


“Do you like that Susan,” Joe asked?

No words would come out of my mouth. I was speechless.

“Just shake your head Susan, yes or no?”

I closed my eyes again and opened them and then nodded

my head … yes.

A big smile came over Joe’s face as he said, “Good.”

I wasn’t ready for what came next, (as though I had

been ready for anything up to this point).

Joe leaned his head over and placed his warm lips

directly around my nipple and he started to suck.

“Oh god!” I heard myself moan. “Oh gawd!”

As Joe sucked on one breast his free hand was rolling

my other nipple between thumb and forefinger. I wish

I could describe the sensation that was happening, but

no words that I can think of would describe it.

Then without any warning Joe pulled away, took me by

the elbows and led me over to a kitchen chair where he

sat me down. He just stood in front of me as I looked

up into his face.

“You’re a beautiful young woman Susan. Very beautiful.”

His words just made me melt as I sat there with my

breasts bare to the world. Then he took two fingers on

his right hand, put them in his mouth where he wet

them, pulled them out and reached over and grasped my

nipples with them. Hot waves shot through my body as

he rolled the nipples between his fingers. I just

continued to look him in the eyes as he continued.

Then unconsciously I took my hands and placed them on

his hands as he continued.

Joe smiled.

Then without any hesitation, Joe took his right hand

and lifted it to my lips. I opened my mouth and he

placed two fingers inside and told me to suck them and

get them wet.

I did.

Then he pulled them out and placed them on my nipples

again. It was a different kind of sensation knowing

it was my saliva that was making my nipple feel this

way. I continued to look into his face as he removed

his right hand from my breast and moved it directly

to his zipper and with one clean motion he unzipped

his pants, placed his hand inside and pulled out his


My eyes about bugged out of my head. I had never seen

a man’s penis before. I had seen a 5 year-old’s who

I baby-sat for but he was only about 3 inches long.

This on the other hand was huge. I sat there mesmerized

by it and Joe just looked down at me smiling while he

held it with his right hand.

Oh gawd I thought, what does this mean. Joe took a

step toward me with that big thing in his hand and as

he got closer he aimed it at my breast, then he took

it and rubbed the end of my nipple.

My jaw almost fell to the floor as I felt a drop of

warm liquid ooze out from the end of his penis and

smear against my skin. I looked down at the drop of

liquid as it glistened on the end of my nipple, Joe

continued to rub his penis over by breast and I thought

I would die. Then he moved his penis to the other

breast and repeated the indiscretion. As I watched in

awe I couldn’t figure out what was happening.

Then Joe moved again and with penis in hand, he

directed to the middle of my breasts and then up

toward my face.

There he stood with that enormous pole pointing

directly at my mouth.

Oh gawd I thought, now what?

“Stick out your tongue Susan,” he quietly said.

“What?” I exclaimed.

“Stick out your tongue Susan, NOW!”

Slowly, I stuck my tongue out. Joe took his penis and

gently rubbed it against my it. I could taste the

warm salty liquid that was on the end of it as I just

sat there looking up at him. He continued to rub his

big thing over the end of my tongue and I felt a

strange twinge in my lower belly.

“Susan?” Joe said.

“What?” I answered.

“Have you ever see a man and woman make love?”

“No!” I responded in a shocked voice.

“Well tonight about midnight, I will be bringing your

Mom home from our date, I want you to hide yourself

at the top of the stairs and watch your mother and me.

Do you understand me?”

“I don’t know if I can Joe.”

“You can Susan, and you will.”

Just then the lights flashed into the driveway, I knew

it was Mom. I jumped up, grabbed my blouse and bra and

ran upstairs to my bedroom. I threw my housecoat on

and jumped on the bed with a book.

I heard Mom and Joe downstairs talking and then Mom

came upstairs to change. On her way back down stairs

she stopped by my room and knocked.

“Susan, you in there?”

“Yeah Mom, come in.”

She came over and gave me a big kiss on the cheek.

“I hope Joe wasn’t too much of a pain while he was

waiting for me?”

“No Mom, it was OK, I’ve just been studying.” I had

never lied to my mother before now, and to this day I

can’t figure out what compelled me to do so then.

She kissed me again and told me not to wait up, that

they would be late.

Chapter 4


All night I debated whether I should do what Joe asked.

I was so confused over what happened earlier that my

mind was racing. I looked at the clock, it said 10:30,

later it was 11:00, oh gawd, what was I going to do, I

looked again it was 11:45!

I turned my light off, I was going to try to sleep,

that was all there was to it.

I heard the front door open and then close, then I

heard voices, I looked at the clock. It was 12:05.

I wasn’t going to get out of bed. I wasn’t, honest.

But I couldn’t help myself. I slipped out of bed and

walked quietly to the top of the steps and sat down.

From where I was sitting I could see through the

banisters and down into the living room. There on

the sofa was Mom and Joe. They were talking and

laughing as they sipped on a glass of wine. Then

Joe looked up quickly and caught a glimpse of me at

the top of the stairs.

Then he got up and went over to the stereo and put

on a tape. It was one of those soft tapes by Whitney

Houston. She was singing some slow song about love.

Joe walked over to the sofa, put out his hand to Mom

and she responded by putting her hand in his. He

pulled her from the couch and they began to dance.

Joe made sure that Mom’s back was to me and that he

could look up and see me. Then while they were dancing

he lowered his hands from Mom’s back down to her butt.

He began rubbing it with both hands. I could feel my

face flush with embarrassment, as I moved my hand to

my cheek I felt how hot it was.

Then Joe began to gather Mom’s dress in his hands and

slowly pulled it up toward her waist as they continued

to dance. Mom had her head on Joe’s shoulder and

didn’t seem to mind what he was doing.

I watched as the dress was slowly gathered up exposing

her beautiful shapely legs. They were tanned and bare.

No reason to wear stockings in this weather. Then the

dress was finally at Mom’s butt as he continued to

pull it up to and then over it and around her waist.

Then Joe moved one hand down to Mom’s butt and began

to caress it softly. Mom just didn’t seem to mind this,

I couldn’t understand why she didn’t stop him. Then I

was shocked to see him take his hand and slide it under

the waist band of her pink silk panties. I wanted to

leave, I didn’t want to watch anymore, but I couldn’t

get up enough strength to leave. I continued to watch.

Joe was now rubbing Mom’s butt furiously up and down,

back and forth. Then he moved his hand lower and Mom

opened her legs a little wider as he rubbed real low

and seemed to put his hand between her legs from


Mom’s legs seemed to get weak at this point and Joe

held her up. Then he moved his hand back up to her

waist band and put his thumb into it and began to push

them down. The panties slid over Mom’s butt and down

to the top of her legs. I had never seen my mother’s

behind before, but I had to admit, it was beautiful.

Shapely and round. She must have been a stunning

beauty contestant.

Joe then continued his caressing her as he helped her

wiggle out of the panties. It was then that I saw Mom

move her hands from behind Joe’s back to his front. I

couldn’t make out what she was doing until she fell

to her knees, and then I saw that huge monster again.

What was she doing? I wondered. Mom took both hands

and put them around Joe’s huge pole and began to stroke

it back and forth then. Oh my gawd! Then she moved her

face toward it and took it into her mouth. This must

have done something to Joe, because his head went back

and he moaned loudly.

Mom continued to suck on him for two or three minutes,

Joe was really enjoying it … but so was Mom.

Then she took his pants by the waist band and pulled

them off his hips and down his legs until they formed

a heap on the floor. Joe stepped out of them as Mom

continued to suck on him, bobbing her head back and

forth. I could see everything.

Joe made sure that I could by the angle he had

maneuvered himself and Mom to.

Finally Mom moved her mouth off of Joe and looked up

at him. When she did, he bent his knees and sat down

on the floor, he leaned back with his big thing stick-

ing straight up into the air all wet from my mother’s

saliva. Gawd it was huge and shiny.

What I saw next I couldn’t believe. Mom pulled her

dress up over her waist and over her head and threw

it aside. She was stark naked. Then she climbed up

onto Joe’s lap, straddled him and begin to make his

big pole rub against her vagina. She was moving back

and forth and it was rubbing against her all the time.

Then she reached back, and took hold of Joe’s penis

and directed it to the opening in her vagina. I thought

I would faint as she moved backward and the big thing

entered her. She kept moving backward over it until

it totally disappeared into her.

I heard Mom and Joe both moan when it was all the way

in. Then Mom started moving up and down on him as she

leaned over Joe and started to kiss him and he wrapped

his arms around her back and then slid them down to

her behind and began to pull her up and down harder

onto him.

After a few minutes of this I heard them both let out

a cry, almost simultaneously; Mom started going faster.

Then they stopped and Mom collapsed on top of Joe.

Mom laid there on top of Joe for 10 minutes more then

finally got up off Joe and then Joe stood up. They

started to get dressed when Joe looked my way and saw

me again. He knew I had seen everything. I jumped up

and ran to my room. I closed the door quietly, jumped

into bed and pulled the covers over my head.

Chapter 5


“May I get you something to drink?” the polite flight

attendant asked as I awoke from my daydream.

“Yes thank you, I’ll have a Coke.”

Three days had passed since that evening. So that’s

what “making love” is like for adults I thought to

myself. Friday night had been uneventful as Mom and

Joe gone to the movies and were home before I went to

bed. I kissed them both goodnight (not looking Joe in

the eyes of course) and went to bed. I fell asleep

immediately. Mom had told me that we were all going

to Joe’s cabin at the lake that Saturday and we’d

spend the weekend there. Joe had a RV and would pick

us up in the morning about eleven.

About eight that morning I heard the phone ring. Mom

seemed a little agitated by the caller and slammed down

the phone. Then I heard her talking to someone else

and then she hung up.

I got up, went to the bathroom and took a shower, I

was really looking forward to this weekend. I was very

curious to know what Joe had in mind.

Mom met me in the hallway. She really look agitated

and was dressed in her work closes. “Mom? Why are you

dressed like that?” I asked.

“Honey, I’m so upset. I was called into work for at

the last minute. I tried to get out of it but I

couldn’t. Now listen, the weekend isn’t ruined. I

called Joe and he said he would still pick you up

and that I could meet you both there this evening.

That way we can still have part of the weekend, and

you’ll still be able to enjoy Saturday in the


“Mom!” I lamented. “I don’t want to go without you.

Can’t I wait?”

“No honey, it’s OK, besides, you and Joe need to spend

some time together to get to know each other a little

better. Besides honey, I think Joe and I are going to

get married at Christmas time.”

“Oh Mom, I’m so happy for you. That’s great. Sure, I’ll

do what you ask.”

Since nothing had happened since that first time, I

had no reason to believe anything else would happen



At eleven sharp, Joe pulled into the driveway

area with his huge RV. He helped me load all the bags

to the back.

“How are you today Angel?” he asked.

“I’m fine Joe, how about you?”

“I’m, great. Did your Mom tell you the good news.”

“Well sort of,” I said.

“Well, we’ll tell you everything this weekend.”

“Great!” I said excitedly.

It took us about an hour to reach the lake where

Joe’s cabin was. God, it looked more like a full

house than a cabin.

“Put on some coffee,” Joe asked as we were approaching

the driveway. We’ll need it after we take a swim.

“We’ll go into the cabin later. What do you think?”

“Yeah OK, I’m up for a swim,” I said.

I put on the coffee and ran back to the bathroom to

change from my shorts and midi-top to my green bikini.

It was my favorite suit because I looked pretty cute

in it.

Joe and I headed to the lake and jumped in. The water

felt great, especially considering it was close to

90 up there at the lake.

We splashed and played and dunked each other for the

best part of an hour. Then I jumped on Joe’s back in

an attempt to dunk him again, he was so strong it was

virtually impossible to get him down in this position.

He threw me off and then dunked me. He reached down

into the water and pulled me out, I must have looked

like a wet rat. He had me in his arms as he lifted

me out of the water. He pulled me close to him as he

leaned his head over and pressed his lips to mine.

I just lay there like a limp piece of sea weed with my

arms dangling to my side and my legs hanging over Joe’s

strong right arm. His kiss was warm and soft and he

put his tongue in my mouth again.

I pulled away from his lips and pleaded with him to


“Come on Joe, we shouldn’t be doing this. Besides,

you and Mom are getting married.”

“Well Susan, you have to understand, I’m not only

marrying your Mom, but you as well.” With that said

he pulled me up again and kissed me hard this time

almost making me lose my breath.

With me in his arms Joe began to walk toward the shore

still holding his kiss to my lips. As we reached the

shore he let me down and put his arm around my back

as we walked toward the RV. When we reached the RV

Joe told me to go inside and change and we would have

something to eat.

I was shaking over what had just taken place as I

groggily walked toward the bedroom and closed the

sliding door behind me. I threw off my bikini, dried

off and put on my blue silk panties. I reached for

my bra when all of a sudden the sliding door opened.

It was Joe, and he walked into the room. I tried to

cover myself with my bra and arms as he walked toward


“Well, well, what do we have here? A beautiful Susan,

almost naked.”

“Joe please leave, please so I can get dressed.”

“No beautiful, I can’t do that. You look too gorgeous.

I just want to feast my eyes on you for a bit.”

He walked over and pulled my arms away from by breasts.

Joe looked me in the eyes and said. “How did you like

the little show I put on for you the other night in

your Living room?”

I blushed as he spoke those words. Somehow I thought

he may have forgotten.

“Well?” he insisted.

“I don’t know Joe,” I replied. He just laughed.

My breasts were sticking straight out because they

were still cold from the lake water. Joe reached

out and touched them and they got goose bumps all over


“Susan?” Joe said. “Can you remember where we left off

the other day in the kitchen?”

I couldn’t say a word. I was dumb struck.

“Well?” he said.

I just looked away.

Then he put his hands in his swim trucks and pushed

them down over his hips, past his thighs and let them

drop to the floor.

“Oh gawd Joe, no please let’s stop right here. Please

leave the room. Don’t bother me until my Mom gets


Joe was standing there naked with his big pole sticking

straight out at me. Without a word he reached out and

took my arms and pulled me toward the bed and laid me

down. I began to cry I was so scared. He leaned over

and kissed me on the eyes and licked my tears with his


“Put your hands over your head Susan,” he commanded.

When I didn’t respond he took my arms and pulled them

over my head and held them together.

“Now hold them like that,” he said. He looked at my

bare breasts; they were hard and sticking straight up.

Just like his penis. Then he leaned over and took one

of my whole breasts in his mouth and began to tease

the nipple with his tongue. I got goose bumps all

over my body with his mouth on me like that.

He continued until I started to feel sensations run

all through my body. I closed my eyes and heard

little mewing moans coming from deep in my throat. I

tried to move my hand from behind my head when he

turned his eyes toward me and shot me a look.

I kept them there.

Then he moved to the other breast and began his assault

on it. I didn’t want this to continue, but there was

nothing I could do to stop him. After he was finished

he began moving down my chest to my stomach and started

kissing it as well, slowly he moved downward. I closed

my eyes, I didn’t want to see. Further and further

down he moved. Then he stretched out real far and put

his lips on my toes and began kissing them one at a

time. Then he worked his way up my legs, inside and

out with little kisses and tongue licks.

Electricity was running through my body at a fevered

pitch. My body, on its’ own, started to move and

wiggle around as he continued. I knew I couldn’t do

anything to stop him … I wasn’t sure I even wanted


He reached my knees and began kissing them on top and

then on the insides. He took his hands and moved them


Then he said, “Susan, pull your feet up under you.”

As I did this, it caused my knees to point straight

up into the air. Then Joe put his hand on them and

pulled them apart. He began to kiss from my knees

downward all around my legs. As he got closer to my

secret place, my body began to shudder from the

sensations that I was feeling as a result of the

kissing that was going on.

Then without warning, Joe placed his mouth directly

on my pussy, and through my panties he blew a mouthful

of warm air. My little ass came up off that bed and I

jerked like a person having a convulsion.

“Oh gawd!” I moaned. “What are you doing?” When I

lifted my butt off the bed Joe quickly moved his hand

under it and pulled me harder against his mouth, he

continued to blow warm air onto me and I thought I

would faint any minute. My head was spinning. Then

a feeling started going through me that I had never

felt before (later I found out it was called an

orgasm), anyhow it was incredible. My whole body

jerked like crazy and I made sounds that I didn’t know

I was capable of making.

When Joe realized it had subsided he then took his

hands and moved them to the waist band of my panties

and pushed them forward. “Lift up your ass Susan.”

I heard him say. I lifted and he pushed them off my

hips and up over my legs over my knees and down the

other side. “Kick them off Susan,” he commanded.

I did as he said.

Then he pushed my knees wide apart and planted his

mouth on my pussy again, only this time he didn’t blow

air onto it, he placed his tongue on it. As soon as

he did, that feeling came over me again and he

continued to lick up and down my pussy till it finally

subsided. As he continued to lick there was a

particular placed that drove me nuts when he touched

it, he took advantage of that by licking it more and

more. I could feel myself gushing juice out of my

hole as he continued to slurp and suck and lick me.

Then he moved his body up beside me as he stretched

out long ways. I opened my eyes and there his big

thing was, right in front of my face. My eyes about

popped out of my head.

“Take it in your hand Susan,” he said quietly,

confidently, “put it in your mouth. Just like your

mother did the other night.

“I can’t Joe, I can’t, I’ll choke.”

“Do it Susan, do it now.”

I put my hands around it and moved my face toward it.

I approached the tip of it and stuck my tongue out and

licked it. He shuddered.

I did it again and he shuddered again. It made me feel

good to know I could do that to him. Then I opened my

mouth and put the head of his penis all the way in and

closed my mouth over the end of it. Just then Joe

inserted his hard tongue into my pussy hole. It made

me nuts as I pushed my lips further over his penis.

I could feel Joe’s tongue deep inside me as he licked

the inside of my canal. In and out he licked and

pushed his tongue. “Oh gawd no, here it comes again!”

And the feeling overwhelmed me again as his tongue

pistoned in and out of me.

By now I was bobbing my head on and off his penis, I

put as much as I could in my mouth and then would slid

it all the way out and then back in again. Joe’s hips

were jerking as I continued doing this to him.

Joe continued his ritual on my pussy and gave me the

best licking I have had, even to this day. Then Joe

lifted his head and told me to look down at him. I

looked, still with his penis in my mouth.

“Susan,” he said, “take your hands and put them on my

ass and pull me toward you, I’m getting ready to cum

and when I do I want you to keep my cock in your mouth,

don’t take it out, you hear?”

I shook my head …yes.

“Susan, when I cum I’m going to shoot a lot of the

same stuff you tasted the other evening in the kitchen.

You must not let any of it be wasted, you must swallow

hard and fast, you hear?”

Yes… I shook my head in fear. I moved my hands to

his butt and pulled. When I did that his hips began

to jerk and he began to shoot warm creamy liquid into

my mouth.

I tried to swallow like he had told me to, but it was

coming so fast I couldn’t keep up. I was afraid to

stop for fear I would choke so I kept sucking and

swallowing as fast as I could.

Joe was moaning — now licking me harder and harder.

I started to cum again as he kept shooting into my


The harder it came the faster I swallowed. Finally

we were both done and we collapsed together. Me with

his cock still in my mouth, and him with his face

still between my legs. Even though we were panting

for air, we were not willing to change our positions.

Chapter 6


After a few minutes we were back to normal. He told

me to suck on him again and I started sucking on him

like a pacifier. Then I felt Joe take his finger and

slide it into me again. I winced for a moment then I


He was moving it in and out slowly, he would push it

all the way in and then pull it all the way out and

repeat this over and over again. I could feel his

penis starting to get hard again in my mouth as I

sucked slowly and deliberately.

Then I felt Joe take a second finger and try to put

it into my hole. I tightened up because it hurt. “No

Joe,” I pleaded, “that hurts.”

“Susan,” he hissed, “just relax, now, and it won’t

hurt for long.”

I tried the best I could to relax and when I did he

shoved both fingers into me. I grunted because it

hurt, but he wasn’t about to stop. He pushed until

both fingers were in me to the hilt. Then he moved

them around inside me and pulled them out and then

back in again. He did this over and over until they

slid in and out of me easily.

I was amazed at how I had adjusted. Doubtless to say

by now Joe’s cock was big and stiff again, I was

bobbing my mouth on and off of it the way I had learned

watching Mom the other night. And he loved it.

Then Joe pulled it out of my mouth as he pulled his

hips away and changed positions on the bed. My feet

were still under me and my knees were splayed open

wide. Joe crawled over me and got between my legs

and laid his body over mine. He got up on his elbows

and looked into my eyes.

“Very good Susan, you’re very good, I would say a

“natural” actually.”

I didn’t know what that meant.

“Put your arms around my neck Susan and come up here

and kiss me.”

I reached up and put my arms around his neck and

pulled myself up to him and planted my lips on his.

When I was finished he asked how I liked the taste

of my pussy. I giggled.

I kissed him again hard and slid my tongue into his

mouth. Then I pulled away and asked him how he liked

the taste of his cum. He laughed.

“Susan,” he said with a serious tone to his voice.


“I think it’s time.”

“Time for what?” I replied.

“Time for me to fuck you.”

“No Joe, oh gawd no, I can’t get pregnant. Please don’t

do that to me!”

“Don’t worry Susan, I’m fixed.”


“Yes, I had a vasectomy years ago.”

“But Joe, you’re so big, you’ll kill me. Please don’t!”

Joe looked down at me and said. “Susan, read my lips.

I’m going to fuck you, and I’m going to fuck you now.”

He moved his hips forward and I felt his big cock brush

against my opening. Then he moved his hand down between

us and took his cock and rubbed it against me, up and

down and especially in that sensitive spot.

“Oh!” I moaned, as his big stiff penis caressed my

soft pussy.

“Relax Susan,” he commanded.

I did the best I could to relax and when I did he

positioned the head of his big thing directly at my

slit and moved his hips forward. I winced as the big

head pierced my tight hole.

“Relax Susan,” he growled. “Relax.”

He pushed the head all the way in. As I relaxed, I

realized it went in easier, so I tried harder.

Then Joe looked me in the face again and said. “How

does it feel now honey?”

“It hurts,” I said.



“Before I’m done, you are going to be begging me to

fuck you with all the cock I have. Do you believe

that Susan?”

It did something to me when he talked to me that way,

it made me feel like a grown up woman, but I didn’t


He took his hand out from between us and then told me

to wrap my legs around his waist. I pulled my legs

out from under me and wrapped them around him. “Now

hold on tight,” he commanded as he took both hands and

placed them under my behind. Then he gave a push and

I could feel his cock to the hilt inside me. He had

his head beside mine and was whispering in my ear as

he pulled in and out of me. He told me how good it

felt and how beautiful I was and how he loved me.

“Joe,” I said.

“Yes Susan?”

“How big are you?”

“Seven inches.”

Then he whispered in my ear, “That’s right Susan,

seven inches, and then he pushed again and said, now

you have five inside you.”

I grunted, “ughh,” as he pushed his hard meat into me.

I had thought that he was all the way in.

He lay still for a moment until I adjusted, and I did

adjust. Then slowly and methodically Joe began to move

his hips back and forth pulling his cock all the way

out and then pushing all five inches in again. As he

would push he would pull my behind up to him. After

three or four times of this I began to feel the rhythm

and started moving myself in unison.

“Nice,: Joe commented, “real nice. Move that little

pussy up here for me. I love fucking your sweet little

pussy. Do you like it too Susan?”

I didn’t respond and he asked me again.

“Do you like it too Susan?”

This time when he asked it he pulled his stiff penis

almost all the way out. I moved my butt up but he

didn’t come back in.

“I asked you a question Susan, do you like it?”

I wiggled around under him but he wouldn’t come back

in. I was getting antsy now, I had the feeling of him

in me and I wanted it some more. It was beginning to

feel wonderful. I had to admit it.

“Tell me Susan,” he said, “and I’ll give it to you some


Then I shocked even myself, I said, “Yes Joe, I like

it, please give it to me.”

He not only pushed in the five inches but he pushed

another two as well.

“Oh Joe…” I moaned. “Oh Joe…”

He continued to push in and out of me as I moved to

meet him every time he pulled out and then came back

in to me. I was stuffed with him, but it was the most

incredible feeling I had ever had. Joe slowly pulled

his cock out of me and slowly pushed it back in, I was

breathing hard by now and knew that another climax was

not far behind.

“I’m going to really make you cum this time Susan, I’m

going to make you go crazy with this cum. Ok?”

“Ok.” I whispered.

Then Joe pulled out of me again, I just knew that this

was it, when he came back in I was ready to explode.

But to my dismay he didn’t. He just held his position

at the opening of my hole.

“Joe please don’t stop!”

“Tell me what you want Susan darling.”

“Joe you know.”

“No Susan, tell me what you really want.”

“I really want you Joe. Please, don’t make me wait.”

“Tell me Susan what you want me to do to you.”

“I want you to make love to me. Please!”

“No Susan that’s not what I want to hear. I’ll tell

you what Susan, you keep trying and when you get close

I’ll put a little at a time in. If you hit it on the

head I give it all to you. OK?”

I was confused, I didn’t know what he wanted me to

say, but I knew I needed him. Bad.

“I want your penis Joe.”

With that Joe pushed just the head of it in.

“Joe,” I wiggled, “come on!”

“Not yet angel.”

“Joe please do me.”

Joe pushed just a little more in me.

“Joe come on, stop it!”

“Tell me Susan.”

“Tell you what Joe?”

Remember what I told you that you would beg me to do

before I was done with you?

“No Joe, that’s where I draw the line. I won’t say

those words.

Joe pulled back out of me.

“No Joe, no, please don’t.”

“Tell me Susan. Tell me now.”

Then I barley whispered. “Oh Joe fuck me.”

Joe pushed two inches in to me.

“Tell me angel he taunted me.”

“Joe please.”

“Tell me Susan.”

I couldn’t stand it anymore, my pussy was dying, it

was throbbing so bad I couldn’t stand it. “Oh Joe,

fuck me,” I said.

“Not yet angel, tell me … again and again, tell me


That was it, he broke me, what choice did I have. “Oh

Joe fuck me, fuck me Joe, fuck my brains out Joe, screw

me like a teenage whore Joe, FUCK ME PLEEEZZE!”

He pushed hard and all seven inches found it’s way

back in. He pulled out and then pushed again. I

started to cum, he knew it and stopped.

“Oh gawd Joe, fuck me fuck me please, fuck me, oh gawd

please fuck me Joe, JUST FUCK ME!”

Joe lunged forward and I thought his cock would come

out my mouth. I started to cum. “OH GAWD!” I screamed,


And he did, did he ever, he drilled me through four

climaxes and finally he started to scream and cum as

well, I could feel his hot cum blasting my insides and

it made me crazy. I came again as I felt his love

juice squirt hard and hot inside my uterus. Joe was

holding hard onto my ass as I squirmed and bucked

through my last climax.

We both collapsed as he planted his lips on mine and

gave me a tremendous kiss. We were panting like dogs

in passion. My head was spinning, my heart was pound-

ing. Oh my God I thought … I’m in love!!!

And so I was…

To be Continued…………………………………………….