Memorial Day – soldier return

Veteran returns to find his sister has grown up

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The excitement built as we formed up in the hanger after our arrival from overseas.
One last review and we would meet with our families. The cries, screams of joy, tears as we all
reunited with our families was something you can never forget.
It was a little bittersweet as my wife Kerri had left me while I was away, yea a bummer,
but that feeling faded as I spotted my parents and my Sis, Mary.

We hugged in a big circle, everyone crying. Boy, Sis had really grown up in a year
When we got in the front door, Max was all over me.
My beloved golden had started to grey a little in the last year but he was still as spry
as when I left.

“You are a traitor.” Laughed Mary. She always says that about Max. He sticks to Mary
like glue until I get home. She always says, when I get home, Max doesn’t know who she is.
Dogs are like that I guess.

What a day, I help Dad grill burgers and hot dogs. Neighbors and friends dropped by.
I kept looking for Kerri, just Maybe??? “Hell, Fuck that Bitch. Hope she is happy with her lawyer.”

Mom and Sis had made desserts. I can’t remember eating like this. Bad enough with Mom, but Sis
kept pushing food. Guy can only eat so much.

The day wound down and as tired as I was I didn’t want it to end. Mom and Dad said good night leaving
Mary and I on the couch.

“Let’s watch the Thin Man.” “Oh Wow, we still have that.”
When we were young we found several old Thin Man movies.
“Like the old days, you are William Powell and I am Myrna Loy.”
Mary laughed with kinda a funny smile.

We sat down on the couch like we always did. I stretched out on the long L and
Mary lay across the other section. She threw a blanket over us as the room had become
a little chilly. We watched and laughed as we knew each part by heart.

I must have dozed off because as I awoke I found my self aroused. Self conscious I kinda jumped
afraid that Mary might see and then I realized, Mary was massaging me.
“Mary?” I looked at her.
“Dave, I feel so bad for you, coming home, and what Kerri did to you, I just want to help.”
“But Mary,AHHHHHH.” She was rubbing me through my shorts but she grabbed harder.
“She smiled, what did you say?”

What could I say, I leaned back. “AHHHH” it felt so good. She reached under my shorts.
She was stroking so slow, so smooth. I felt her body up against mine. I could feel her breasts
up against me. One leg was draped over mine. She had the blanket off and she was stroking
me harder, up and down.

My younger sister was giving me a handjob. I should stop her.
Maybe I had thought about her like that, yea maybe but I never thought something would happen.
I would never have done anything but now she had started, didn’t make it right but how…

I twisted and turned. AHHHHHHH. She was driving me crazy. She was so slow, so deliberate.
“Please, Mary, OH Yes, do it now.”

Mary squeezed ever so tight and started pumping faster. She spit on the head. Where did she
Learn that? Sis is getting older. The cum shot up in the air and over my belly. I looked and Mary
was smiling. She rubbed her hand back and forth over my cock, then over my belly.
I wanted her to lick it up.

Lick it up Bitch. I thought. NO NO I can’t think that. She is my sister.

She wiped up the mess with tissues and I pulled up my shorts. We finished the movie like nothing
ever happened and when the movie was over said good night.
Very weird I though. I couldn’t sleep. Would it continue? I hoped it would? I shouldn’t think that.

Next morning was Sunday and it was off to church with the folks. We were in the back seat of the car
just like when were kids. What a weird feeling. I had avoided looking at her but finally our eyes met.
I knew it then. It was not over, it was just beginning.

The fantasies continued right there in church. I tried to stop but I couldn’t. Not here. NO. NO.
I was never so glad church was over. Who can sit in church looking at your sister thinking……
The ride to the restaurant was tense. I didn’t want to sit there and eat breakfast.
I couldn’t believe it, Mary was running her foot up and down my leg, sitting right there at the table
with our parents.

My sister smiled at me. My sister the tease. I have a prick-tease for a sister. Well she is more than
That, but at a restaurant table, WTF. We got out of the car in the garage and
she lagged behind. At the door to the house she pushed up against me and kissed me.
“I love you Dave. I mean I LOVE YOU.” She rubbed her leg up against my crotch.

Wow! This was spinning out of control. I should stop it but then. Do I want to?
As we got in the Kitchen Dad suggested the two of us get out and do something.

“Let’s go for a run.” Mary asked in a mock pleading voice.
“Good idea guys, you two used to run together.” Chimed in Mom.
Thanks Mom, I thought.

It was about ½ mile to the river trail we had run on since we were kids.
Mary had on a pair of really hot running shorts. Running behind her I
couldn’t keep by eyes off her, there was all this delicious bouncing.

Watching her, I really thought of how she had grown up.
Watching her run I thought how perfect her body was.
Tall but not lanky, she had meat on those bones as grandma would say.
She always had the cute smile and the auburn hair.
We started sweating and her skin glistened in the sun.
I could hear her breathing harder, the pace picked up.

Her pony tail was bobbing up and down. I thought I would like to grab that pony tail and……

“Dave, sing one of those running songs.”
“Running songs? You mean like when we train, cadence songs.”

“Yea, Like I gotta girl whose name is Mary.”
“Sorry Sis, we can’t do those any more. Not correct.”
“Maybe you can think of one?”

We ran along, Mary moving faster.
“Sis, whats your hurry, I have had enough running the last 4 years.”
“You’ll See.” She yelled back

Mary cut off the main trail toward the old picnic grove. I couldn’t figure why she took this
route until I saw her head to the old washroom building.
She stopped by the door.
“No, You not thinking?” I grimaced.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me in.

We were a sweaty pair.
Her face was dripping and her t-shirt was all wet, her breasts stood out against the
clingy shirt. We were all over each other. Mary jumped up and wrapped her legs around me
Our sweaty bodies clung to each other. I set her on the sink. We rubbed up against each other.

My shorts were off, hers were off. She was begging me to fuck her. My sister?
There was no stopping now.
She guided me. I was inside her.
“Harder. Harder.” She yelled at me. We were one in each other’s arms.
I pulled her as tight as I could, I was as deep as I could.
She was squeezing tight on my cock. I could feel it.

We left the toilet building and I saw a couple with their kids walking toward us.
Wow, what a look. “Nice Day, Huh?” I said as we walked by. What else could I say?
I just did my sister.

It was uphill from the field at fast pace.

Mary started.
“I got a brother his name is Davey, he has a cock that drives me Crazy……..”

I followed. “I got sister, her name is Mary, she has pussy that is very Cherry…..”

To Be continued.