Life of a Playboy Chapter 11

[email protected]


“Honey, I’m home!” The smile on my face was also obvious in my voice. I’d just finished an agonizing final exam and was looking to blow off some serious steam.

Marissa looked up at me from her spot on the couch. I knew she’d be waiting for me, studying for her own finals but eagerly anticipating my arrival. Despite my full enjoyment of all the pleasures a sorority house could offer, Marissa and I found ourselves spending more and more time at my apartment, quietly alone together.

After years of screwing every hot babe I could get my hands on, the multiple partners mystique had started to wear out and I actually longed for something close to a monogamous relationship. And Marissa was more than happy to give it to me. True, we still had a few threesomes with Nina and a couple of others, but mostly it was just a loving one-on-one thing for the two of us.

She would never be a replacement for Kaia. That had been a different kind of relationship, a little more red-hot, a lot more kinky. I had always felt a flaming lust for Kaia. But with Marissa, I felt a tender affection. She was just my down-to- earth girlfriend, and she adored me. We’d grown closer together in the last nine months than my entire year and a half with Kaia.

In those short nine months, I had grown more attached to her than any other girl I’d ever known. I’d deliberately not told her about the start-up company or that I was likely about to become rich. After so much time and our active sex life, she was completely immune to my effect, and I could clearly see that Marissa loved me for me. No gold digging, no chemical alterations, just pure, honest love. And I loved her back all the more.

I stalked across the room, my books landing in a heap on the desk and I literally pounced on Marissa, causing her to squeal in half-fright before I simply straddled her legs and kissed my girlfriend deeply.

Marissa’s squeal calmed down into a happy “mmm…” as we locked lips. But the lust was still raging inside of me, my erection having a sexual mind of its own. And yet Marissa was still enjoying the casual warmth of our kiss, just platonic affection compared to my flaming desire.

It was taking me a while to get used to this sensation. Here I was, red hot and horny; and I knew my body was pumping out ?-pheremones like nothing else. But after so much time (and so much semen), Marissa was impervious to my effect. So I was going to have to do this the old-fashioned way.

I tickled her.

Marissa was quite ticklish, and at the very least it always got her blood racing. She giggled and laughed and tried to fight me off, but I used my superior physicality to whip her shirt off. And while I kept tickling, I pinned her ass against my hips with an arm around her waist while I got her bra off as well.

I finally let up on the tickling and began kissing the back of Marissa’s neck, her skin now very sensitive to my touch and she moaned feeling the lust pour through my lips and onto her skin.

Not another word was spoken before I yanked her shorts and panties down to her ankles, and bent Marissa’s light body over the couch armrest before me. My hand soon found its way to her moistening pussy and I thumbed at her clit. I was too horny for serious foreplay, but Marissa didn’t seem to mind as she simply positioned her body for me.

I reveled in the simple eroticism, knowing I had this gorgeous creature offering herself up to me and there wasn’t a single unnatural impulse causing it. Marissa really and truly wanted me, no special effects, and I loved her for it.

Already anticipating what was next, Marissa spread her legs and showed off her perfect ass while I fished my rod out of my jeans, letting both them and my boxers hit the floor. I still had my shirt and shoes on, and I was about to get some seriously nice service.

So placing my erection into her now wet folds, I gripped Marissa’s hips and buried myself into her in one full stroke.

“Ahh…” she sighed feeling me penetrate. And we stayed like that for a few seconds to soak in the sensations.

But then Marissa began to buck her own hips back at me, and I took up the familiar pumping motion, fucking in silence to hear the wet slaps of my hipbones impacting with Marissa’s asscheeks and the soft pants of my girlfriend’s arousal.

I felt the gentle tug of my testicles swinging in pendulous arcs. I let my hands roam across her naked back, feeling the little bumps of her spine and stroking her legs. Our sex was an intoxicating juxtaposition of raw fucking, still half- clothed and taking my woman over the armrest of a couch, and gentle lovemaking, reveling in the little details of each other’s bodies and feeling the soft caresses.

With my hands on her tits, Marissa moaned and grinded out one orgasm before she decided to take charge of the situation. She reached down to pull me out, and re-aimed my cock herself into her other hole. Did I mention Marissa really got off on anal sex?

I was obviously going to go along with her movements, and helped settle the mushroom head tightly against Marissa’s winking rosebud, and she grasped my hips to feed me into her own asshole. My eyes were aflame watching inch after inch disappear, swallowed up by the paradise of Marissa’s perfect ass. And then I lost all semblance of control, and soon I was machine fucking my girlfriend so hard and so fast all she could do was try to hang on.

We went from zero to sixty so fast that Marissa didn’t even know what was hitting her, and she was crying out her climax before she even realized one had been approaching. She always went crazy whenever I fucked her up the ass, and I was only too happy to oblige when she demanded it. We began fucking so hard that I actually lifted Marissa up by her round tits, slamming her body against me while her arms flailed around, searching for a hand-hold and never finding one while her body was yanked to and fro.

And just when she came again, I pulled back on Marissa until she was standing vertically, trapping her back against my chest. She howled in pleasure and her whole body vibrated as the climax overtook her. And clutched into this position, I let my hips slam forward one final time until we were as pressed together as possible, and I ejected a massive burst of cum deep into her bowels.

We stood upright, twitching for a minute while I emptied myself out into Marissa’s body, and she dribbled her own juices out onto the floor. And then finally she bent forward over the armrest again and I pulled back and out with a wet plopping sound.

Marissa panted to catch her breath for a minute before I simply leaned down and carried her up into my arms, letting her rest her head against my shoulder like a small child. And I carried her into the bathroom so we could relax with a nice shower.


I got my degree and graduated. Mrs. Robinson set us up with some office space and a manufacturing plant just twenty minutes from the school, so Marissa and I were able to remain a dating couple into her Senior year.

“Red” body spray had first been introduced as just a copycat to the Axe and Tag product lines, albeit a much more expensive version. But after the first few months, rumors on the Net and at various clubs began to spread that the product really worked as advertised. Guys were picking it up left and right to enhance their fishing expeditions. Girls even started buying it just to amp their own arousal levels whenever they felt the urge.

But we got our biggest boost when a women’s rights group made a bunch of noise trying to get the body spray banned. They claimed that it unfairly influenced a woman’s mind and should be labeled as a date-rape drug. They even commissioned a study to prove its effect.

In the end, all the media attention just made sales skyrocket, and several other studies commissioned by our rival companies went out to say that the product was bogus. The makers of Axe and Tag hated losing sales to us, and were doing their best to discredit us.

The result was that after a few months, no one paid any attention to the “scientific” claims as there were too many contradictory opinions. We got a ton of free publicity, and both Mrs. Robinson and I were already millionaires. Gabrielle even got a hefty six-figure raise.

Marissa was at first suspicious of me once she realized what kind of company I worked for (I’d told her the name of our start-up once product hit the shelves). She wondered aloud if there was some strange prototype product I had used to get her in the first place.

But I honestly told her that I never used the product around anyone I knew, and especially not with her. That was pure “me”, no added body sprays necessary. And besides, our love couldn’t be faked.

In the end, Marissa didn’t exactly mind dating a fabulously wealthy businessman. Well, she called me that, but I was basically a non-working owner who just sat back and waited for the cash to roll in. The formula still required my blood, of which we had an extremely limited supply. After all, I still needed it to power my own body.

So Mrs. Robinson dialed way back on the concentration, trusting in the body spray’s reputation to keep it going while still having enough to be a useful aphrodisiac. Supply stayed down, demand went up, so prices went through the roof. And people were still buying it. Besides, very few women out there would ever be getting direct doses of the antidote (my semen), so they’d never become immune to its effects.

So by the time Marissa graduated, I was richer than my dreams could have ever envisioned.


Life of a Playboy Chapter 11

[email protected]


“Honey, I’m home!” The smile on my face was also obvious in my voice. I’d just finished an agonizing final exam and was looking to blow off some serious steam.

Marissa looked up at me from her spot on the couch. I knew she’d be waiting for me, studying for her own finals but eagerly anticipating my arrival. Despite my full enjoyment of all the pleasures a sorority house could offer, Marissa and I found ourselves spending more and more time at my apartment, quietly alone together.

After years of screwing every hot babe I could get my hands on, the multiple partners mystique had started to wear out and I actually longed for something close to a monogamous relationship. And Marissa was more than happy to give it to me. True, we still had a few threesomes with Nina and a couple of others, but mostly it was just a loving one-on-one thing for the two of us.

She would never be a replacement for Kaia. That had been a different kind of relationship, a little more red-hot, a lot more kinky. I had always felt a flaming lust for Kaia. But with Marissa, I felt a tender affection. She was just my down-to- earth girlfriend, and she adored me. We’d grown closer together in the last nine months than my entire year and a half with Kaia.

In those short nine months, I had grown more attached to her than any other girl I’d ever known. I’d deliberately not told her about the start-up company or that I was likely about to become rich. After so much time and our active sex life, she was completely immune to my effect, and I could clearly see that Marissa loved me for me. No gold digging, no chemical alterations, just pure, honest love. And I loved her back all the more.

I stalked across the room, my books landing in a heap on the desk and I literally pounced on Marissa, causing her to squeal in half-fright before I simply straddled her legs and kissed my girlfriend deeply.

Marissa’s squeal calmed down into a happy “mmm…” as we locked lips. But the lust was still raging inside of me, my erection having a sexual mind of its own. And yet Marissa was still enjoying the casual warmth of our kiss, just platonic affection compared to my flaming desire.

It was taking me a while to get used to this sensation. Here I was, red hot and horny; and I knew my body was pumping out ?-pheremones like nothing else. But after so much time (and so much semen), Marissa was impervious to my effect. So I was going to have to do this the old-fashioned way.

I tickled her.

Marissa was quite ticklish, and at the very least it always got her blood racing. She giggled and laughed and tried to fight me off, but I used my superior physicality to whip her shirt off. And while I kept tickling, I pinned her ass against my hips with an arm around her waist while I got her bra off as well.

I finally let up on the tickling and began kissing the back of Marissa’s neck, her skin now very sensitive to my touch and she moaned feeling the lust pour through my lips and onto her skin.

Not another word was spoken before I yanked her shorts and panties down to her ankles, and bent Marissa’s light body over the couch armrest before me. My hand soon found its way to her moistening pussy and I thumbed at her clit. I was too horny for serious foreplay, but Marissa didn’t seem to mind as she simply positioned her body for me.

I reveled in the simple eroticism, knowing I had this gorgeous creature offering herself up to me and there wasn’t a single unnatural impulse causing it. Marissa really and truly wanted me, no special effects, and I loved her for it.

Already anticipating what was next, Marissa spread her legs and showed off her perfect ass while I fished my rod out of my jeans, letting both them and my boxers hit the floor. I still had my shirt and shoes on, and I was about to get some seriously nice service.

So placing my erection into her now wet folds, I gripped Marissa’s hips and buried myself into her in one full stroke.

“Ahh…” she sighed feeling me penetrate. And we stayed like that for a few seconds to soak in the sensations.

But then Marissa began to buck her own hips back at me, and I took up the familiar pumping motion, fucking in silence to hear the wet slaps of my hipbones impacting with Marissa’s asscheeks and the soft pants of my girlfriend’s arousal.

I felt the gentle tug of my testicles swinging in pendulous arcs. I let my hands roam across her naked back, feeling the little bumps of her spine and stroking her legs. Our sex was an intoxicating juxtaposition of raw fucking, still half- clothed and taking my woman over the armrest of a couch, and gentle lovemaking, reveling in the little details of each other’s bodies and feeling the soft caresses.

With my hands on her tits, Marissa moaned and grinded out one orgasm before she decided to take charge of the situation. She reached down to pull me out, and re-aimed my cock herself into her other hole. Did I mention Marissa really got off on anal sex?

I was obviously going to go along with her movements, and helped settle the mushroom head tightly against Marissa’s winking rosebud, and she grasped my hips to feed me into her own asshole. My eyes were aflame watching inch after inch disappear, swallowed up by the paradise of Marissa’s perfect ass. And then I lost all semblance of control, and soon I was machine fucking my girlfriend so hard and so fast all she could do was try to hang on.

We went from zero to sixty so fast that Marissa didn’t even know what was hitting her, and she was crying out her climax before she even realized one had been approaching. She always went crazy whenever I fucked her up the ass, and I was only too happy to oblige when she demanded it. We began fucking so hard that I actually lifted Marissa up by her round tits, slamming her body against me while her arms flailed around, searching for a hand-hold and never finding one while her body was yanked to and fro.

And just when she came again, I pulled back on Marissa until she was standing vertically, trapping her back against my chest. She howled in pleasure and her whole body vibrated as the climax overtook her. And clutched into this position, I let my hips slam forward one final time until we were as pressed together as possible, and I ejected a massive burst of cum deep into her bowels.

We stood upright, twitching for a minute while I emptied myself out into Marissa’s body, and she dribbled her own juices out onto the floor. And then finally she bent forward over the armrest again and I pulled back and out with a wet plopping sound.

Marissa panted to catch her breath for a minute before I simply leaned down and carried her up into my arms, letting her rest her head against my shoulder like a small child. And I carried her into the bathroom so we could relax with a nice shower.


I got my degree and graduated. Mrs. Robinson set us up with some office space and a manufacturing plant just twenty minutes from the school, so Marissa and I were able to remain a dating couple into her Senior year.

“Red” body spray had first been introduced as just a copycat to the Axe and Tag product lines, albeit a much more expensive version. But after the first few months, rumors on the Net and at various clubs began to spread that the product really worked as advertised. Guys were picking it up left and right to enhance their fishing expeditions. Girls even started buying it just to amp their own arousal levels whenever they felt the urge.

But we got our biggest boost when a women’s rights group made a bunch of noise trying to get the body spray banned. They claimed that it unfairly influenced a woman’s mind and should be labeled as a date-rape drug. They even commissioned a study to prove its effect.

In the end, all the media attention just made sales skyrocket, and several other studies commissioned by our rival companies went out to say that the product was bogus. The makers of Axe and Tag hated losing sales to us, and were doing their best to discredit us.

The result was that after a few months, no one paid any attention to the “scientific” claims as there were too many contradictory opinions. We got a ton of free publicity, and both Mrs. Robinson and I were already millionaires. Gabrielle even got a hefty six-figure raise.

Marissa was at first suspicious of me once she realized what kind of company I worked for (I’d told her the name of our start-up once product hit the shelves). She wondered aloud if there was some strange prototype product I had used to get her in the first place.

But I honestly told her that I never used the product around anyone I knew, and especially not with her. That was pure “me”, no added body sprays necessary. And besides, our love couldn’t be faked.

In the end, Marissa didn’t exactly mind dating a fabulously wealthy businessman. Well, she called me that, but I was basically a non-working owner who just sat back and waited for the cash to roll in. The formula still required my blood, of which we had an extremely limited supply. After all, I still needed it to power my own body.

So Mrs. Robinson dialed way back on the concentration, trusting in the body spray’s reputation to keep it going while still having enough to be a useful aphrodisiac. Supply stayed down, demand went up, so prices went through the roof. And people were still buying it. Besides, very few women out there would ever be getting direct doses of the antidote (my semen), so they’d never become immune to its effects.

So by the time Marissa graduated, I was richer than my dreams could have ever envisioned.
