Just Another Saturday, Or So I Thought.

Saturday’s became my favorite day again

Just another Saturday. Or so I thought… 
Chapter 1 – Morning

It was about 9am on a Saturday morning. It began just like any other Saturday did for last 6 months. I woke up, looked over to see one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on. My girlfriend Rachel who was 19 at the time, I was 27. She moved in with me about 6 months prior because she was sick of living by her parents rules. I didn’t mind since I did need some help financially. Also because she was only 5’0 and weighed 85 lbs! Her hair was long, straight dark brown that shined in the light and smelled so good. She had deep, dark eyes that anyone could get lost looking into. Her cute little nose krinkled when she would smile and her smile was perfect. Straight, white teeth surrounded by beautiful pouty lips that got me horny every time I saw her. She was very skinny but not boney and her breasts were a decent b cup, maybe 36? Pretty little flat belly with a belly button stud that always got me going. Her butt is just indescribable, perfect and tasted so good. Her tan showed off her legs in the most sexy way. And then there were her feet… Tiny little feet that I could almost fit half into my mouth, with tiny little polished toes that just begged to be sucked on! 

I met Rachel about a year and a half before these events at a bar I was a regular. I saw her dancing and I cut right in and she took an instant liking to me. We sat and talked and I bought rounds of drinks, so we were getting sauced up a little. I asked her what she did for a living (assuming since she was in a bar she must be old enough) and she said she was attending school and working part-time. The subject quickly changed, which didn’t really raise any flags since she asked about where I lived. I described my nice 2 bedroom condo that also has two bathrooms, whirlpool bath, a balcony, basement, living room, dining room and nice sized kitchen. She asked who my room mate was and I let her know I lived alone. She proceeded to invite herself back to my place. I didn’t care. This chick was smokin!! Just the kind of girl I’ve always wanted!!

We went back there and drank the dranky dranks and got saucy hot and started making out and feeling each others bodies. My dick stood to attention almost immediately. I hadn’t had sex with anyone but myself for the past two years!! She and I fucked for 2 hours and 47 minutes! Yes I kept track… Thank goodness for whiskey dick (sometimes).

The next morning the sound of Rachel’s phone woke me. I saw her looking at her phone and cursing whoever sent her the message she received. I put my hand on her bare back and rubbed while I asked her what was up. She scowled that it was nothing and instantly apologized for snapping. I thought nothing of it and got up to go to the bathroom. While I peed I heard her walk up behind me and clear her throat. 
“Ray?” she said in a nervous voice. 
“yes?” I answered. 
Then she proceeded to tell me she was only 17 and she had a fake id to get into bars and clubs. I got angry. I yelled out some stuff about too young and jail time but I calmed down because I knew I had to think right about then. 

While I was sitting there on the toilet, I was breathing rythymically, trying to catch my self. Meanwhile Rachel was explaining that she doesn’t get along with her parents, which drives her away to do things they would never approve of. Drinking at bars with a fake ID helped her to find guys that will take her home with them. Her intentions seemed to be guided by some sub-conscious yearning for passionate, yet true love. Apparently in one night of being with me she had found her guy. Wow. For me, I really liked her and had a great time. Her personality definitely turned me on to her. She discussed topics that I enjoy as well as bringing in her own brand. She got my jokes and laughed delightfully. Yes she is truly a gem. But. She should have been honest with me. Now I have this to think about, with nervous behavior taking control. 

And think about it I did. Basically I decided I had a great time with her and wanted to keep seeing her. However, I told her I couldn’t see her again until she turned 18. She pouted a bit and pleaded that we keep hanging out, just hanging out. I firmly said no. It turned out she was turning eighteen in just two months! Sweet. She finally agreed with me when I told her two months isn’t shit. And so the waiting began. 

In that two months I thought about that night with Rachel very often. About how hot she was but mostly about how young she was. She was underage and I had sex with her. It’s hard to explain the feelings I felt when I thought about it. Paranoia, happiness, youthfulness, and sheer horniness. I found myself thinking of younger women I saw on tv and wondering what it would be like to have sex with them. Then while in public I started noticing all the young girls everywhere and how cute they were. I couldn’t help but stare at them and wonder. They started getting younger. I mean young, like nine and ten years old young. I was actually checking out these youngins. I found myself getting too excited about it too often. Those two months couldn’t have gone any slower. She finally had her birthday and we’ve been together ever since. I obviously didn’t tell her of my new fantasies but we became very close.

She awoke and looked at me staring at her and smiled. I smiled back and we exchanged a smooth and relaxing kiss. The kind of kiss that would melt in your hand. She got up, showing off her beautiful naked body as she stretched and primed herself for the morning. I loved this part of the day. Absolutely fabulous. She turned to me and instructed I wash and get ready for breakfast. I happily complied as I went to the bathroom and washed my hands and face. I left the bathroom, returned to the bedroom where I put some pjs on, laid in bed and flipped the tv on. I snoozed off for a bit and Rachel, called up and said breakfast was done. 

When I got to the table I looked upon a great deal of apple pancakes, strawberries, sausage, milk and orange juice. She really is the best. We were enjoying our food when she thanked me again for going with her to her family reunion. 
“Oh fuck!!!” I thought. 
I completely forgot I told her I’d go. That was seriously 2 months ago. I pretended that it didn’t bother me but Saturday is my day off and I d much rather stay home and watch movies or bang my girlfriend all day then go to a family reunion where I’ll know nobody. She finished and put her dishes in the sink and proceeded to pull my chair away from the table, rolling the swivel wheels on the tile floor. She massaged my shoulders and chest paying attention to my nipples. Inching her way down my front nearing my crotch, she nibbled my ear and whispered more thank yous for being a great guy. By the time she had found my dick, it had grown to its full potential. Rachel then slid my dick through the pj pants and jerked me off from behind, while nibbling my ears and neck. She waited til I almost came and stopped. She approached my front and stripped on the way, all the way. My clothes were next as she pulled my shirt off and slid my pants down, exposing my nude body to hers. She stood in front of me and started to masturbate her sweet little hairless pussy. I jerked it while watching her as she gazed into my eyes and moaned with enjoyment. Next, she moved down to her knees, between my legs and grabbed my cock and shoved it into her mouth going all the way down to the balls. Sensational. She gave the best head of any other person I have gotten a blowie from. She literally throat fucked my dick while humming songs.As she did this I got an idea. I told her to do a standing 69. I stood as she acrobatically inclined her legs in the air. From there I hugged around her mid section and picked her up. When her snatch was even with my face I felt her mouth cover my cock. As we ate and sucked each others public parts, I started to wonder if any young girls would be at this thing today… This got me excited and I threw everything off the table, set her on it and spread my girl apart. I inched my dick to her vag slow at first but when reached her opening, I felt that it was wet enough so I shoved it in, deep, with no warning. She cried with ecstasy as I started pounding her tight hole while I imagined the possibilities that could come about later. I flipped her around and grabbed her small hips and slid back in and fucked her hard. We were both being loud with our feelings of pleasure. I felt my balls stirring as I looked down at her tiny back and pumped away. She could be a young teenager, the way she looked from behind. That sent me to the point of no return. I told her I was going to cum and she spun around and swallowed me whole and I shot my load in her throat as she licked my balls. It was absolutely amazing the way this woman could make me feel. Now it’s time for a shower and to get ready for the party…

Chapter 2 – The Party

We arrived at the party when there were only a dozen or so people there. Rachel, of course knew all of them being that this was a Family Reunion. Everyone seemed very nice, engaging conversation with me having no objections to my age compared to Rachel. I actually was hitting it off quite well with everyone I spoke to. I couldn’t believe her parents were such jerks when all these people were very sweet and respectable. 

An Uncle of Rachel’s named Frank invited me in the house for a beer. We went to the basement and there was a wet bar with a fuseball table and a pool table. Oh and some great craft beer on tap. We began talking about sports and cars and various other things. We played a few games and ended up being down there for over an hour! Finally Rachel came down and pulled me away telling me I needed to meet some people. With a buzz on I didn’t even care, in fact I was excited. We walked out the back door and there must have been about 60 or more people there now. Old people, people my age, teenagers, kids and babies. She took me all around and I met everyone, I thought. 

I noticed game courses being set up and I wasn’t aware anything like that would be happening. From what I could gather, there would be an egg toss, water balloon toss, three legged race and volleyball. I wasn’t into anything so I just kinda watched and kept drinking beer. Luckily they had good beers in the coolers outside as well. I started to get hungry and decided to grab a burger and some potato salad. I ate those and had a hot dog too. I was hungry. Just then some of the women were collecting names in a hat for the three legged race. Aunt Sophia, Frank’s wife, came right up to me and gave me a piece of paper and a pencil. I had to do it! I put it in the hat and she walked away. Rachel was so happy I was going to do it and she kissed me hard and wet. I was a bit surprised but no body seemed to care. Her parents thankfully didn’t bother to come so that was pleasant.  

I learned that all the names in the hat were adults and the kids had to choose a name to get a partner. This way everybody could participate and it would be fair, blah blah blah. I stood there waiting and I heard Sophia call  my name. She walked over and let me know my partner was her daughter and that we would have fun. 
“oook…” I thought.

There she was. The cutest little girl I had ever saw. She stood about 4’4 and weighed maybe 70-75 lbs. She had long dirty blond hair with blue eyes and a mildly tan complexion. She was wearing a polka dotted sun dress that was just above her knees and gave away the fact that she was flat chested. On her little feet she had some sandals with daisies on them. How cute!! She was gorgeous and I couldn’t help but be totally infatuated. I was indeed a salivating perverted man. The only thing was that she was crying. Rachel came up and told me to cheer her up and that she knew I could do it. So I agreed and stood across from the beauty, said hi and asked her name. She told me in a broken voice that her name was Roslyn. 
“What a pretty name for such a pretty girl” I told her. “My name is Ray and its nice to meet you, Roslyn!” She didn’t smile or even barely look at me. Oh boy I thought. I asked her what was wrong and she  shook her head ‘no’. 
I said “aww c’mon! We are going to be on a team in this race, you gotta trust me!” 
she replied, “Well, I was playing in the egg toss and I missed the egg on the first throw and it broke. Then I broke the water balloon on the third throw, and it broke too! I am no good and I’m too young to ever win anything!” 
“Pish posh! I replied. “You’re on my team now, and we are going to win this race! You’re not THAT young! How old are you?” She smiled and told me she turned ten, two months ago. She seemed genuinely excited now. Roslyn thanked me for helping her smile and I could see Rachel in the corner of my eye looking on, very pleased too. I guess I’m in now?

We started to prepare for the race by stretching our arms and legs. I was showing her all the stretches I learned back when I was in wrestling. We won’t be wrestling, at least not now, but stretches are stretches. She seemed pretty limber too, which is a plus, in more ways than one! I got the strap to tie our legs together as she plopped on the grass to take her sandals off. Her legs were bent at the knees as she bent her torso to reach her feet. When she did this, her dress was open enough to expose her little white cotton panties which floored me. I almost couldn’t look away. Once I did I looked up at her face and she was looking at me with a mischievous gleam in her eye. She knew what I was looking at and opened her legs wider. My gosh! Luckily nobody was around us close enough to notice. I sat beside her and started to put in the strap. First on my leg, then on hers. I spent way longer putting it on her leg though. It gave me the chance to cop a feel, which I did. I rubbed her foot up to her calf, up and down. It was so soft and smooth, it was getting me hard, so I stopped. Rachel came up behind and wished us luck and patted us both on the back. I had hoped she didn’t notice what I was doing before that. Roslyn was now looking at me with a puppy love look on her face. Perfect! “I hope we win” she said. 
“Oh we will, trust me!” I replied. She reached over and grabbed my leg and said “I trust you” 

After regaining my composure I was ready to get this race over with! Us and everyone who was in the race got on our marks and waited for the whistle. I looked down at my angel strapped to my leg and winked at her. The whistle sounded and we were off. We were behind by two teams about half way to the first checkpoint. I told Roslyn we had to go faster on the way back. We did just that and made it to the finish before the others. We won! We jumped up and down and she turned and hugged me. I was as good as in. Just then, family members were congratulating us and we received gold medals to wear around our necks. What a great feeling. Rachel told me how proud she was of us and gave me a tasty kiss with a butt squeeze which Roslyn watched and giggled. We took our strap off and I headed inside to use the bathroom. 

I decided to go downstairs and get a IPA from the bar and to use that toilet. I was peeing and I heard the door open behind me. 
“hey Rach, this party is great. Your family is awesome!” 
“we like you too” I heard in a small voice. 
It was Roslyn. She closed the door and walked toward me. I hurried and put my junk away. I turned to her and asked what she was doing. 
“We could get in trouble for this!!” 
“Don’t worry, I made sure  no body saw me come down here” 
I still didn’t agree with the whole thing and I started toward the door and she she pulled up her dress and down with the panties. I was drawn to the sight before me. She sat on the toilet and started peeing. She had her legs open wider than what most girls would when they peed. She wanted me to look, so I did. My penis started to fill with blood and she noticed my pants sticking out. “What’s that? Is that a boner? You got a boner from looking at me!!” she asked. “Well uh, yeah” I fumbled. She wiped the pee, from her gift, with a wad of paper and smiled at me. Then she stood up and kicked her panties away and started towards me. My heart began pounding furiously. 
“Can I see it?” she asked. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea right now sweetie” “Aww why not?” 
“we could get caught and I would be going away for a long time” 
I explained to her what people said about things like that. She understood but she still persisted and grabbed my hand and lead it to her mound. I couldn’t help but rub it. She cooed and giggled. My mega raging hard on was ready to explode when I got a text from Rachel, asking where I was. I quickly thought of a plan. I told Rosalyn to hang out with Rachel and compliment her hair and clothes and stuff. 
“Once you and her talk for a while, ask her if you can come spend the night at our place tonight.” 
She agreed and I went back to the party after I told her to hang out downstairs for a few. 

I found Rachel and told her I had a bathroom emergency. She just laughed with a disgusted look. I grabbed us a couple drinks and we sat down to visit with some family. We were joking and laughing when Roslyn came up and told Rachel how much she liked her hair. Rachel thanked her and returned the compliment. Frank and Sophia were nearby and I engaged a convo with them as Roslyn tried her magic. Frank thanked me for helping cheer Roslyn up. I just told him it was no big deal and I was glad to see her smile. I could hear the two girls carrying on about hair and makeup and clothes and shoes and and and… I heard Rachel tell her she’d love to give her a makeover. Just then, Ros ran to her parents very excitedly to ask their permission to stay at MY condo that night. They looked at me like I had the power to decide. I looked at Rachel and she nodded Iike I better say yes. 
“I have no problem with that if you guys don’t” “Absolutely fine with us” Sophia stated. 
“It’ll give us a chance to spend a nice night together.” “It’s settled then” said Rachel. “You’re coming home with us Ros!!” 
“Yayyyyy!!” Roslyn exclaimed.

We got back to the condo and I had to hide my excitement since I knew what I wanted to do that night. I changed into my pjs and plopped on the couch to watch tv. I heard the girls doing their thing as they walked to the living room. Ros wanted to know what they were gonna do first. Rachel explained that a bath was the first thing before a makeover. I got excited just by hearing that. Rachel left the room and came back with a tshirt and told Ros to put it on while she drew a bath. As she went upstairs, Ros turned away from me and stripped to the nude. She looked back at me and giggled. Her butt was so nice. She bent over with her legs slightly apart to pick up the shirt. I could see her little slit and I reached my hand into my pj pants and rubbed my dick while I watched her. She brought her hand between her legs and rubbed her lips while she watched me rub my dick. She put the shirt on and ran upstairs giggling. A few minutes later Rachel came back down and sat right on my lap. Luckily my boner deflated enough to where she didn’t know. But soon enough it was back because she stuck her hand on it!! Just then her phone rang. It was her mom. She walked into the kitchen and was asking what the problem was and she yelled something incoherent. She came back to say she had to go to her parents house because her mom needs emergency help with something. Since it was a emergency, I offered to come with her. She knew I didn’t really wanna go. She said I had to watch Ros. I played it off like it was a chore. 
“You’ll both have fun, you guys are friends now.” 
I agreed and she said she’d be back ASAP. I thought about that and realized her parents lived almost 2 hours away!!! This seemed too easy. 

So she left about five minutes after that and I was alone with Roslyn. I stared at the tv but I wasn’t watching it. All I could think about was the naked ten year old in my bathroom. Thoughts of going up there, and starting something that there is no point in stopping until it’s finished, ran through my mind. Then I thought about how it might be a bad idea to do this. Just then she called out for Rachel to come to the bathroom. I better go up and let her know that Rachel had left. I quickly got up and went up the stairs. I crept toward he bathroom door, which was slightly cracked. I peeked in the crack and Roslyn was in the big whirlpool tub playing in the soap suds. I couldn’t see any part of her but her head and shoulders. I opened the door and she was startled when she saw me come in. 
“hey Ros, Rachel had to go to her moms house to help her with an emergency.” 
“aww really? I thought I was gonna get a makeover…” she replied with a pout. 
“It’s ok, when she gets back you’ll get one.”
“how long will she be gone?
I moved closer to the tub. “Prolly about 3-3.5 hours”
“Oh ok.”
The suds were starting to dissipate and I could see some of her chest now. Little nipples just beginning to develop and a nice flatness. She saw me looking at her and smiled big at me. I asked her if I could get in with her. She told me no because the water was getting cold. I laughed and said I could turn on the heater and fix that. I turned it on and she said she could feel the water getting warmer. She asked me to leave for a minute, so she could go to the toilet. I walked to the hallway and listened to her pee. She flushed and and told me to come back. I walked in just as her nudeness went out of sight. I started taking my clothes off as she watched with a serious look. I stripped to my boxers and hopped in the tub. The water was very warm and just about all clear. I installed a light switch with a remote control about a month or two before. The remote was mounted on the wall next the tub in a water sealed clear plastic cover. It controlled the over head lights as well as the lights in the tub. I reached over, dimmed the main lights down and turned on the tub lights. Now I could see her nakedness under the water. She looked so good. All wet with child excitement about what was happening. I told her to come to me and sit in my lap. She sat with her back to me and my hands were instantly around her and I kissed her neck. She giggled but didn’t stop me. As I kissed and licked her neck, I started to rub my hands around her body. I worked my way from her belly up to her chest where I gently pinched her nipples, which made her twitch and giggle. I did this for a while, just making out with her neck and rubbing her belly and chest. I moved my down her front until I reached her vagina and skipped over it to her legs and inner thighs. She opened her legs for me when I reached for her legs. Each time I got near to her pussy I could feel her tremble a bit, anticipating that wonderful moment when contact is made. I do this four or five times, that way I tease myself too. Finally I put my hand right on it and slowly rub, when she started moaning with pleasure. I told her to stand up and face me and she did. Her crotch was now even with my face and I leaned forward. I put my hands around her on to her ass and pulled her toward my face til she was about six inches away. I told her to rub herself on her vagina. Now I was sitting there watching this sweet little ten year old girl play with her pussy just six inches from my face. She stopped and asked,
“Now can I see your boner?”
“yes, I think you waited long enough”
Picking up my ass, I slid my boxers off and threw them on the floor. She knelt in the tub and looked down. 
“I can’t really see it” she said.
I stood up and her eyes widened with surprise. She stared at it for a bit and asked if she could touch it. I grabbed her hand and put it around my dick. I told her to gently squeeze and move up and down. Now she was jacking me off and doing an awesome job of it. I took her other hand and told her to play with my balls as she jerked me off. She giggled and complied. After a few minutes I suggested we get out of the tub and get dried off. We could continue in the bedroom. 

We dried off and I picked her up and ran to the bedroom. I tossed her in the bed and she laughed and started rubbing her pussy. I jumped on the bed and put my body on top of her. I decided to kiss her on the lips and she was a little hesitant at first but soon gave in to the wonderful feeling. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she met it with hers. Our tongues danced around and my dick was hard as hell! I started moving down to her neck and inched my hand down toward her little pussy. I licked and sucked all over her neck and chest as I rubbed all around her crotch without actually touching it. When I neared her nipple I also brought my hand close to her cunny and when I met her nipple with my mouth. I grabbed her lips with my thumb and forefinger. Now I was sucking and nibbling her nips as I pinch and rolled her vagina. After about a minute of this I let go of her vag and started to kiss down her chest and belly, stopping at her belly button to tongue tickle for a second. I reached her mound and licked all over it and kept going down to her thighs. I put my hands about halfway up each of her legs and spread them wide. She was staring down, breathing heavily and moaning loudly, watching my every move. I continued rubbing her legs while they were spread before me. I put my face down to her virgin pussy and smelled the sweetness of my prize. I leaned in and touched it with my tongue and she jumped with a giggle. I could no longer hold back, I pushed my tongue against the lips and clit and lapped nice and slow but with great pressure, studying each feature I could feel. My mouth muscle was giving this little girl the most intense feeling she had ever felt and she was loving it! Her hands were on the back of my head full of my hair as she squeezed. Her legs were grasping my head and her hips were bucking up and down. Her pleasure screams were turning me on so much. 
“Can I put my pee pee in yours, Roslyn?”
“Will it hurt?”
“Yes, at first. But after a while, it will be really nice!”
“Well ok, I trust you…”

I leaned in and have her a nice kiss on lips and looked at her naked body some more and I couldn’t believe what I had in my bed. I ate her out some more to get her mind of the pain she is going to feel. I licked and she moaned until her whole shook with a fierce orgasm and she screamed for me to put in my penis. I got up, grabbed hold of my cock, jerked it a little and touched to her opening. Slowly I pushed the head passed her lips until I felt resistance. I moved it in and out like that to get her lubed up. I started getting further in and she winced a little and I stopped. 
“keep going” she said. 
“Ok honey, just tell me if it hurts too much”
I pushed in more and more. I felt what I figured was her hymen and broke through with a thrust. I stopped as Roslyn whimpered a bit. She told me go deeper so I did. I went all the way until I felt resistance again and pulled it back back out. Sliding it back in I decided to go faster and pump that little hairless pussy while she cried a little. The more I fucked her the less she cried and started to enjoy it with little moans and breathing. I watched my dick slide in and out of the youngest little pussy I ever ate and fucked. I felt my balls about to explode and I jumped up to face and told her to open her mouth. She opened wide and rubbed her pussy while I stuck my dick in her mouth and fucked it. I told her I was going to cum in her mouth and she starting humming!! Then it came, I shot my load in her mouth and she went as deep she could and swallowed everything I had. I pulled out and stared down at my beautiful little fuck pal. She smiled be thanked me for everything. I could tell she was very satisfied. I got up to get cleaned up and when I turned around, Rachel was in the doorway looking at me…

Part 2 maybe along