Jessica Chapter 3

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Jessica Chapter 3 Copyright © 2016 Jax_Teller

By Jax_Teller

From Chapter One:

I went over and sat in my chair and Jessica said that was hot. I said yeah amazing things can happen with an open mind. Some totally unexpected, wonderfully kinky things. Jessica confessed she wished she was Dana getting fucked in front of every one like that. The freedom to say what ever came to mind not afraid of what everyone would think, just spontaneous raw fucking. She coyly shrank a little with a naughty grin as she said
raw fucking.

From Chapter Two

I let her down and as she stood covered in come the crowd went wild clapping hootin and hollering. The crowd broke up and I led Jessica to the out door shower. I sat her on a bench and turned the shower heads on and washed her. I dried her off and carried her to my bed, laying her gently on the bed and covering her. Day One of the three day weekend ended.

Chapter Three

The night before Jessica had performed wonderfully, taking the flogging on the circle, having all her holes filled at once and being covered in come in front of every one at the party. I had throughly enjoyed performing with her and the reactions of the party goers. Waking up with her, she looked to me, and I said good morning Angel, and she said good morning master. It was mid morning and I could hear folks around outside and some in the house too. That wasn’t unusual, but I didn’t feel my usual need to go attend to my party folks, I just laid there in bed with Jessica enjoying her.

We drifted in and out of sleep until I heard a gentle tapping on the door. I said enter and Mary stepped inside closing the door behind her and apologizing for disturbing us. Mary told me she had to get to work but that she would be in the area on the Ambulance. I thanked her for her assistance, and asked if there was anything I should know about. Mary told me that Lilly Crawford had been close to alcohol poisoning, but was all right this morning. I thanked her again and she was on her way. For me that meant that I had to get up, and tend to my camp. When I saw Jessica get up and head to the bathroom I saw the bruises from the flogging last night.

After Jessica and I had sat down and had breakfast, we went out to the fire pit. There were a lot of people around checking out the BDSM play area and toys. Jessica and I had never bothered getting dressed and some of the people from last night were still around but most were clothed. I saw Freddy Johnson a friend pull in on his Harley and started over to greet him. Freddy was a regular around camp and was often my backup guy who watches the place when I go away which doesn’t happen often.

After hugging Freddy He asked who this lovely flower is in his best Irish accent. I introduced Jessica as my new slut. He hugged her and gave her ass a good squeeze. Freddy Had just got back from a 8 month ride across the country, from Florida to Mexico, to California, to Washington State, over to Michigan, to Toronto Canada and back down to Florida through New England. He was ready to settle in for a spell and I told him the old A frame he had stayed in when the cops were looking for him was open. He said cool as we walked to the Fire pit and asked me if Darlene had been around.

Freddy and Darlene were a couple and when he went prison she left the area. I had heard through the grape vine that she was in Vegas turning tricks. He said figures, and I could see his mind shift gears to the women around camp. I called attention, and everyone around looked over as I introduced Freddy as an old friend who had been in the wind for a long while and was home here at camp. I told them he would be occupying the A-frame house and to respect that as his place now. I had used the A-frame as a flop house for visitors so I wanted the word to spread. I also told every one that Freddy was a founder of the camp and should be treated as such. He had helped me build this camp and lived here on occasion, but had not been around in 8 yrs.

The party picked up where it had left off and folks took to Freddy right off, which wasn’t difficult since he was an easy going type. Before long he was checking out the play area and commenting on how the place had grown. I had re-done most of the original camp in his absence, but he recognized the original structures. We three sat back and watched as the sexually vanilla folks in the group tried out the Cross and Spanking bench, nothing especially interesting until Carmine and Janis walked into the play area. Carmine was a large man and Janis his wife of many years a tall thin woman who had a rough look about her, feminine but rough.

They started a banter among them, with his saying one thing and her arguing. He ordered her to take off her clothes and she taking her time, and He corrected her with a light slap across the face. She raised her hand to slap him back and he caught her arm and ripped her panties from her and bent her over the spanking bench. I didn’t know their sexual preference as they usually just came to drink and smoke pot. The only sexual thing I had ever seen between them was he swatted her butt one evening when they were both high. She had protested and he barked that she knew she liked it, and she replied that she liked it hard.

He had her pinned to the spanking bench now and tied her hands, as she mocked him, So what now, are you going to fuck me in front of them, oh so typical. He didn’t say anything as he tied her knees to the bench, but as she finished talking He pulled his cock out and shoved it in her face. She locked her mouth shut and refused to open for him. He pulled her by the hair to face him and slapped her across the face, and when she opened her mouth to protest, he stuffed his cock in her mouth. It was a good show, captivating to the people gathered, but I knew he would never hurt her, this was obviously a game they play. He choked her with his cock until she was crying and trying to breathe.

He stuffed his cock back in his pants as she gasped for air and goated him, saying is that all the big bad man has? He again said nothing but went over and picked up a paddle from the stand. She was still mocking him, when the paddle made contact with her ass with a loud crack. I looked over at Jessica sitting next to me and she was rubbing her pussy. Janis grew quiet as Carmine let her have twenty or so smacks with the paddle on either cheek of her ass. Carmine asked if she was sorry, and she said fuck you limpy. He pulled a pair of hard leather floggers from the rack and began to flog her using a very precise criss crossing pastern. He was obviously very skilled and experienced bringing her to a brink, her back arching, and her breathing rapid.

Carmine stopped flogging her and released her from the bench. Janis knelt at his feet and apologized for being so bratty. He helped her up, and they gathered their things and moved over to a couch where people moved for them to sit. Freddy commented how good Carmine had done. I said yeah this weekend was Bdsm themed and that people were really enjoying the public nature of their performances. I turned to him so Jessica couldn’t hear me and asked if her remembered the orgasm denial he did with Darlene? He said sure enough, the memory had got him through some rough nights in prison. I asked him if he was up to it again? He said sure and I nodded at Jessica, and he said really? I said sure enough.

Freddy went and brought his old Harley to the edge of the play area, puttering to a stop and putting it up on the center stand. There was a lot of interest from everyone around as to what he was doing and then he walked over to Jessica and I and extended his hand out to her. She looked to me and I said do as you are told slut. She rose taking his hand and he led her to the Harley. He sat on it and pulled her in front of him. The seat rose up in the front to meet the fuel tank, forming a bump of leather and as he positioned her, her clit was tight to the bump. He revved the motor some and the old Harley jumped to life roaring and more importantly vibrated violently as he let off the throttle and then it back fired.

Jessica had looked confused to start but as the bike vibrated she melted into the leather bump humping it. A pout came over her as the bike idled, she reached for the throttle but Freddy had control. He revved the bike several times, each time she humped the seat. It was obvious that she was nearing an orgasm of Harley proportions. Every time she would get with in seconds of coming he would let off and deny her. Finely he placed her hand over the throttle and ran his hands down her bare back and felt her breasts as she held the throttle and had her ograsm. Jessica slouched as her orgasm subsided and Freddy turned the bike off as he stepped off. As he stood next to the bike offering her a hand off, every one could see the front of his jeans were wet.

Freddy returned Jessica to me and she sat in my lap, melting into me. I kissed her and high fived him at the same time. He got back on the Harley started it and road off to the A-frame. In the heat of the afternoon the party roared on, people enjoying the Fire pit, the play area, and as some filtered out, others joined the party. The stories of Freddy’s road trip were told and it wasn’t long before Cathy, a local MILF had latched on to him. Cathy was a bleach blond, big boobed, Cougar, slut and she was proud of it. It wasn’t difficult to get sex from her, but it seemed like she was hot Freddy. Freddy wasn’t the fresh faced inexperienced twits that Cathy usually liked to bone and toss to find another. Freddy was only slightly younger than her and definitely looked like he had been road hard and put away wet.

As the evening went on Jessica and I watched the goings on around camp, walking freely naked, eating and greeting. Jessica played her role well, never interupting, always taking my directions well. As we walked off on one of the trails We ran into Dana. We talked and walked together back to the house and as we walked in Dana removed her clothes hanging them on the back of a chair. We talked about how freeing nudity can be, and how nudity does not equate to consent, nor does the inability to answer. As we talked, we migrated into the master bed room. It was just a natural progression, and we transitioned to the walk in shower. I asked Jessica to go get a pitcher of ice tea and she bounced off.

After Jessica was out of ear shot I asked Dana if she would like to make love to or fuck Jessica. She wasn’t surprised and said she would love to. I told her that I would like her to take charge and lead Jessica. I went over and sat on the sofa and when Jessica returned I told her that Dana would be taking charge under my watchful eye, giving her a wink and my best twinkle. Dana asked her to join her on the bed patting a spot next to her. Jessica bounced over to the bed and sat next to Dana and they began to make out. Kissing and licking probing each other and their hands began to roam to each others breasts.

Dana told Jessica to scoot back on the bed and as they changed position Dana slid between her thighs and began licking and kissing at Jessica’s bald pussy. Dana brought Jessica close to orgasm and then raised her head from between Jessica’s’ thighs and asked if she’d ever gone down on a woman before. Jessica said no in a raspy voice as Dana moved up onto the bed and spread her legs. She said well come on over here directing Jessica’s face to her pussy. She said now lick my clit as she held her by the hair pulling her in. Jessica did as she was told and soon had three fingers plunging in and out of Dana’s’ pussy while licking furiously at her clit.

Dana cried out yes right there baby, lick it right there, don’t stop now, and her legs clamped together on Jessica’s head. She trembled and seemed to freeze and the gushed come all over Jessica’s mouth and face. Dana took a minute to recover pulling Jessica up to kiss her. Dana said good girl and looked to me and asked me to come over to the bed too. I did and she placed Jessica’s pussy over my cock reverse cowboy and directed it into her. It was very erotic having one women placing my cock in another. I felt Dana licking the shaft of my cock and Jessica’s pussy at the same time. Jessica was getting close to coming, mewing and panting as she rode my cock, Dana must have sensed it too because she slid a finger in my asshole and massaged my prostrate. It didn’t take long before I had an intense orgasm, so intense that my cock hurt as the come shot out. I could feel Jessica’s pussy spasming and coming at the same time.

After Jessica slid off of me, Dana slid between her thighs and ate my come from her pussy, pulling fingers covered in my come from her pussy and licking them clean. We all ended up taking a nap until the volume of the party woke us. Walking out to the fire pit area I could see Freddy playing a drum and Cathy dancing around naked. It was the first time I could remember her being naked and noted how large and firm her breasts looked considering her age and having had children. Dana and Jessica came up along side me and saw the dance and joined in.

The end. . . . Jax_Teller

Chapter Four

Sunday morning of a three day week end was always interesting taking stock in who ended up with who, who did what crazy thing and who would head out who would say fuck it and stay another day. This morning was no different in that there was a lot of story telling and it seemed like with no fights or harsh interactions every one wanted to stay, So the party went on. Dana ended up sleeping with Jessica and I in my bed and she seemed to be in no hurry to leave or leave us for that matter. After breakfast she talked with the couple she’d rode out with for a few minutes and then returned to us. The play area was getting well used and seemed to have a line of folks waiting their turn.

Copyright © 2016 Jax_Teller