greek vs. italian

A Greek and Italian were arguing
over who had the superior culture.
The Greek says, “We have the
Parthenon.” Arching his eyebrows, the Italian
replies, “We have the Coliseum.”
The Greek retorts, “We Greeks
gave birth to advanced
mathematics” The Italian, nodding agreement,
says, “But we built the Roman
And so on and so on until the Greek
comes up with what he thinks will
end the discussion. With a flourish
of finality he says, “We invented
sex!” The Italian after a few moments replies, “That is true, but
it was the Italians who introduced it
to women.”

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anonymous readerReport

2012-10-22 09:23:18
I SUPER wanted a girl when I was pgnreant with my first, and I had my daughter, so I was thrilled. This time, I truly do not care. I mean the first time, I wanted a healthy baby, preferred a girl, but would have loved a boy as well. This time I truly have no preference at all. I would love another daughter and I would love to have a son as well.

anonymous readerReport

2012-07-21 18:54:28
Haha! What a cool way of saying Greeks r gay?!

anonymous readerReport

2012-07-21 16:47:02
I’m Greek.

I’m gonna teach you how we Greeks have sex, with our knives and, in your case, durians.

anonymous readerReport

2012-07-09 17:03:12
actually Italians were Greeks. It was only after 5000 years that they declared themselves an indipendent nation. So technically is like making fun of your own people. poor effort for a joke.

anonymous readerReport

2012-07-09 03:41:48