casey jones

casey jones, he was a son of a bitch
one day he drove his truck into a ten foot ditch
when casey jones died and he then went to hell
he fucked the devils wife and he fucked her well
he lined fifty women up against the wall
and said,”i bet yoj fifty cents i can fuck them all
he fucked forty-eight till his dick turned blue
he backed off,jacked off,and fucked the other two
now the devil is running up and down the hall
saying, “kill that mother fucker before he fucks us all”

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anonymous readerReport

2013-02-26 20:28:58
I am a huge fan of Casey James!! He is my absoluty faviorte singer of all time. I absoluty love Casey. This is the best way to keep in touch with him. I am so happy that Casey is doing music and making a cd record! I know that Casey will do amazing! I am always on this awsome website!I absoluty love Casey James!!!!

anonymous readerReport

2012-07-10 06:53:26
I actually really liked this, it’s got alot of heat and emotion behind it. Not necessarily arousing, but then, not everything on this site needs to be.