An amateur nude Mrs Robinson!

I was lucky to get the part of Mrs Robinson in my amateur theatre group as the actress originally chosen for the part in ‘The Graduate’ pulled out just two weeks prior to the first performance. No official reason was given but we all suspected that her husband had put his foot down regarding her being on stage in just her bra and knickers. Considering that the producer had wanted her to be at least topless I think her husband was being selfishly silly.
I had quite openly expressed my feelings that the part should be played naked, the more so after Jerry Hall’s recent portrayal on stage, and so I could hardly refuse when I was asked to take over the part at such short notice. Although I had never appeared naked on stage for our society before I was well known for walking about backstage in a state of undress and actually changing in the men’s dressing room at times. So when the call came I was delighted to accept.
“We are not going to have any ‘diva’ moments regarding nudity are we Mrs Daniels?”
The producer squinted his eyes towards me as he asked. I gave a nervous look around me at my fellow thespians, knowing full well what they wanted me to say in reply.
“No Barry” I quipped “I will play the seduction scene totally naked if that’s what you want”.
“Only if you are totally in agreement Tania”. His reply once again put the ball in my court.
“I honestly think the seduction scene should be played naked Barry” I replied “I won’t let you down”.
I knew that Richard wouldn’t mind as I had already expressed my feelings regarding nudity on stage with him and anyone who knows us, will already know that he loves other men seeing me naked. I knew that he would be thrilled that I had succeeded in getting the part and agreeing to play it nude. The previous Mrs Robinson had been something of a thorn in Barry’s conception of the play and was refusing to undress at all prior to the first night’s public performance – not even at the final dress rehearsal. So you can imagine his delight when I told him that I would play the scene naked immediately so as to get myself and everyone else completely au fait with my nudity.
Stickers were printed with admirable speed to stick across all posters “This show contains female nudity!” as a warning to the self righteous prigs – and give a welcome boost to the takings from all red-blooded men. My suggestion of putting a nude picture of me on advertising boards was dismissed rather more quickly than I had wanted, but it WAS agreed that a life-size nude photograph of me would be placed in the theatre foyer, and several somewhat smaller versions in the theatre programme. You will probably not be surprised to be told that the programmes were all sold out by Wednesday, with a hasty reprint completed in time for the Friday evening performance.
With the play being set in the 1950’s you can imagine Barry’s delight when I first stripped off to display an ample pubic bush. Depilation was not the thing then as it is nowadays and Mrs Robinson would certainly not have been devoid of pubic hairs. “I could kiss you Tania!” was Barry’s first response on seeing my hairy charms “I thought I was going to have to get you to wear a pubic wig!”.
He put his arms around me and cuddled me tightly “It isn’t a wig is it?” he enquired, cheekily running his fingers through my ample supply.
“Your nipples are very light love – make sure you make them more noticeable with make-up”.
Barry was a stickler for perfection in everything, and my naked body proved to be no exception.
“If you are getting your tits out I want them looking at their very best!” he informed me on several occasions “no point in showing them if your nipples can’t be seen!”. I wondered if the same scenario applied to my vagina, but Barry never mentioned it and I didn’t want to bring up the subject, so with the help of Rory, one of the cast who is a hairdresser, my pubes were styled and the hairs teased away from my labia to ensure unrestricted visibility.
Despite this the dress rehearsal brought problems.
“Can’t see you snatch darling! It’s covered in bloody hairs!”. Barry was never one to give subtle hints – Call a spade a spade was always his motto. The rehearsal was abruptly stopped for Rory to get on his knees with a comb and brush, and rectify the problem of my hair covered cunt! “Wouldn’t hurt to get some rouge on the lips too Rory” came Barry’s next ‘helpful’ outspoken thought. I could sense the sniggering from everyone as I sat and spread my legs for Rory to rouge my aroused labia.
“I think you are red enough down here Tania without any further colour” Rory whispered as he stared at my open vagina. “Put some on anyway” I whispered “let’s keep him happy. Just shove enough on to pacify him love!”
“Easier said than done Tania – you are so wet!”
We both sniggered quietly as he attempted to fight against my aroused condition to add extra rouge to my already very red ‘snatch’. I tingled with pleasure as he touched the lips and I feel sure my labia opened wider as he brushed the rouge on.
“Oh my God Tania – you have such a beautiful pussy”. He leaned forward and kissed it. Not a big sloppy kiss, just a little peck, that’s all, but just enough to make it tingle even more.
“Keep him happy Rory – don’t want him telling me to shave the fucking lot off do we?”.
Both Rory and I ensured that the problem never arose again
“Make sure your snatch is visible!” became a regular taunt from the stage crew, with the stage manager kneeling before me each night to check it’s visibility between my forest of auburn pubes.
The week of the run went as smoothly as clockwork. The audiences, generally, were receptive and accepted my nudity with good grace. A few ‘tut tuts’ from very elderly patrons were to be expected, but they were more than compensated for by the enthusiastic applause each time I stripped off for the seduction scene and at the blackout at the scene’s end.
Richard came to see the show four times and was thrilled at my performance and proud of my nudity.
“They are going to want you to strip off in every play from now on”
“I hope so love” I told him “I am really enjoying performing naked, if only in the one scene”.
“Find a play where you can be naked throughout – that should pull then in!”
To say that Richard was my most enthusiastic fan would be no exaggeration. He loved standing in the bar both at the interval and after the performance and having men approach him, saying that his wife was superb, and what a ‘cracking’ body she had.
I meantime was having problems controlling myself during the bed scene with Adrian, who played my leading man. Unfortunately he wasn’t required to show himself naked to the audience and Barry told him to wear his underpants, which I suppose was a good idea considering we had to simulate having sex under the covers. On the first public performance he decided to go commando without telling me. I noticed for the first time as I climbed on top of him and felt his erection on my tummy. I was both shocked and delighted. I began to push myself in simulation of the sex act when his penis slid inside me – and it was no longer simulation!”.
I continued to rock backwards and forwards, fucking myself on his rather large cock. It was when I looked into his eyes that a tingle ran all over my body. I had never looked at him in that way before – after all he was fifteen years my junior. I was beginning to enjoy the situation, and far from simulating sex we were actually making love on that stage. We kissed as only lovers can kiss and Barry wasn’t the only one to notice how much longer than usual the so called simulation went on. How we completed the scene and remembered all our lines I will never know.
“That was fantastic you two!” Barry enthused as we reached side stage. Adrian, his erection now considerably diminished, had cleverly slipped his underpants on under the covers in the blackout which ended the scene, and so no-one was any the wiser. But everything had changed and as we made our way to the dressing rooms Adrian spoke.
“That was awesome Tania!”
“Yes it was – you were brilliant!”
We looked at each other and without saying anything else, we both leaned forward and kissed. I was tingling all over as we pulled apart and smiled.
“Hey you two! The scene is over!” shouted a voice from the wings.
I can now understand why top film stars get divorced and marry their film partners so often. I hadn’t been wanting to do anything other that play a part in a play, but here I was completely infatuated with my younger co-star. I wanted him inside me again and was determined to get what I wanted. Being in such a sexual scene is bound to bring forth feelings in one or maybe both actors, and when the film stars are both fantastically attractive, with bodies to die for, infatuation can lead to love. So there I was, a 36 year old woman, drooling over a lad half my age.
My feelings were rudely and abruptly brought down to earth as Adrian’s gorgeous girlfriend approached and flung her arms around her boyfriend.
“You were incredible sweetheart!”
Their lips met and the sexual chemistry surfaced yet again, only this time I was not part of it. I stood there watching the magnetism between them, and I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. Ah well! Such is life.
Adrian didn’t play the scene naked again during the short run, and so we simulated as we were supposed to. Barry had a gripe each night that the scene wasn’t as good as the first night. WE both knew why, Adrian and me, but our secret was kept …well ….until now anyway. That was my first time naked with our local Amateur Dramatic society, and unfortunately my last. Despite my desperate pleas they have not selected any plays which required nudity since then. But I can still hope I suppose.
There must me dozens of theatre programmes being passed around in our town with the nude pics of yours truly in them – I don’t mind though – I really DO love men seeing me naked.

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2019-11-19 01:17:48
You are a natural beauty and a great actress. You love the stage, Tania


2018-02-14 13:19:22
Now that is being totally committed to a role , method acting at it’s finest x


2018-02-14 13:19:21
Now that is being totally committed to a role , method acting at it’s finest x


2017-11-20 15:20:52
You’re very good at writing. It must have been a great experience


2017-09-27 07:59:46
short and sweet story hun