Afraid to sleep alone

This is total fiction

Afraid of Sleeping Alone

During the first couple of nights in our new apartment there were no problems as each of us had its own bedroom. I immediately saw the advantages of being alone in my own room since now I could look at my girly magazines without risking being discovered by Linda. But on the third night, Linda who until then had never slept in a room of her own, began to have bad dreams and she no longer wished to sleep by herself in her room. For half a dozen nights in a row she would come barging into mother’s room in the middle of the night refusing to return to her own room. Linda definitely didn’t want to sleep by herself, ever since she had been a baby she had been used to have me in her room and she now found all sort of excuses to climb into mother’s bed barely an hour after she had retired to her room.

I must say here than mother was a widow and ever since the death of my father, four years previously, she didn’t go out on dates very often. But she probably expected to get married one day and she still kept the large bed in which she and father slept when he was alived.

Linda and I, we each had a single bed and because of the fact that mother had room to spare in her bed, Linda would go there whenever she was afraid and this was mostly every night.

Soon mother got tiered of being awaken at all hours of the night and she decided one night to lock her bedroom’s door from the inside.

When my sister realized that mother’s door was locked she felt that she had no other choice but to come into my own room.

I will always remember that first time that she quietly opened my bedroom door well after midnight. Even though she didn’t make any noise when she entered my room, I still heard her enter, I even watched her slowly approaching my bed in the dim light coming from my window.

She was very scared, it was plain to see since she was shaking and the minute she realized that I was awake she begged me to let her climb in bed with me.

I became angry at her since there was barely enough room for me in my bed, but I was so sleepy that without thinking further I threw the blanket over and I made room for her next to me. Half a minute later I was fully asleep.

But a couple of hours later, I got up to go to the bathroom and when I came back Linda was taking most of the space in my bed and I had to squeeze in next to her.

Without even being fully aware of it, my cock was pressing against her developing bottom, I could even feel the heat of her bottom’s cheeks against my groin and soon my cock was very hard. I knew that there was only the thin material of my pajama as well as her own pajama that was separating my cock from her girly rump.

Before that night, it had never occurred to me that my sister could be sexually attractive, but now that I could feel her round buttocks, – in the last year Linda’s body had begun to change into that of a woman – I began visualizing her in a completely new perspective. Her hips had begun to flare out and her breasts were now the size of large oranges, even the baby fat around her thighs had begun to be replaced by muscles.

To make matters worse, she was constantly trying to shove her bottom against me as she tried to seek my body heat inside the cold apartment.

For the remainder of the night I wasn’t able to sleep at all, as soon as I felt her bottom against me I had trouble restraining myself from shoving my cock against her warm behind. I knew that it wouldn’t have taken more than a dozen shoves before I would have paid tribute to her bottom with a load of cum, but I feared too much what the consequences would bring afterward.

Finally in the morning, I heard mother calling us from the kitchen. As soon as Linda heard mother, she turned toward me and she begged me not to say a word to mother about her coming into my room. She wouldn’t leave my room until I agreed to keep my mouth shut about it.

As soon as she was gone I seized my cock in my hand and I began to pump it until I experienced the relief of a climax.

That same evening, not very long after I had climbed in bed, I heard my sister entering my room once again. The previous night I had enjoyed her presence in bed with me, but at the same time I knew that while she was lying next to me it was difficult if not impossible for me to sleep with her so close to me.

But before I had given her my approval, she was already cuddling against me and I hadn’t the heart to tell her to leave.

In a few minutes she was sound asleep whereas my cock was stone hard and pressing against her bottom once again. For the next two hours I fought a battle of will in my mind, one part of me wanted very much for me to rub my cock against her full bottom, while the other part was trying to prevent this. I knew that if I was to succumb and to give in to my desire, it would be incest, but as the minutes went by I could tell that my pulsating cock was getting closer to tip the scale in its favor.

Then at last, being no longer able to restrain myself, I slowly began to shove my twitching erection in the crack of her bottom. It didn’t take very long for my boiling spunk to spurt out of my cock in jets and thus soaking my pajama. Even as the last pulse of pleasure was squirting my seed against my sister bottom, I knew that the thin material of both of our pajamas was now very wet.

My sister never realized what I had done to her that first night. Again in the morning, just before the light of dawn, I fucked her bottom one more time and by now I knew that the material of her pajamas over her bottom must have been soaking wet.

When she got out of bed about an hour later, she kept pressing the flat of her hand against her bottom and I knew that she was investigating why she was so wet.

But she didn’t say a word as she left for her room. Surely I told myself she must know by now what I had done this to her and she certainly wasn’t going to come back into my room again.

But she did come back that same night. It was later than the previous night and I knew that she had probably tried to stay in her room. But her fear of sleeping along was greater than the fear of feeling my erection pressing against her and once again she was soon lying close to me in my bed.

I was a little disappointed when she remained on her back instead of lying on her side as she usually did. In this new position her bottom was no longer available to me.

After a little over half an hour, I still couldn’t sleep, my cock kept twitching in my pajamas as if it was trying to remind me of the presence of my sister lying next to me. But during the night, while she was sleeping, she turned over on her side and her rump was pressing against my cock once again. By now she seemed to be sleeping and I was very careful when I began to shove my eager cock against the crack of her bottom. But all of a sudden, I felt her body moving. She suddenly turned on her back and in what seemed to me at the time as a much too loud voice, she asked me what I was doing.

“I was just turning around.” I said in a trembling voice.

“No you weren’t. You were pressing yourself against me and I want you to stop doing this.”

I knew then that she hadn’t been sleeping at all and when she had turned on her side she probably thought that I was sleeping. She seemed very angry at me and by the high pitch of her voice I could tell that she was close to tears.

“Well you know that my bed is too small for the both of us, why don’t you go into your own bed if you don’t like it here.”

“I will tell mother what you were trying to do if you ever try this again.” She was in tear now.

“Fine with me. Mother will probably want to know what you were doing here in the first place. Remember you are the one that is in the wrong bed, not me.”

There was more crying and I really felt sorry for her, but I had to act this way with her since I knew that mother was going to kill me if Linda was to tell her that I was rubbing my cock against her.

“Why are you doing this to me? You know that I can’t sleep in my room all alone.”

“I can’t help myself. Each and every time that you are lying next to me I have trouble falling asleep unless I…, well you know I have to find release somehow otherwise I will remain awake all night.”

I knew that she and her friends often talked about sex in school and being twelve she certainly was well informed on the matter. She knew exactly what I had been doing to her.

“You’re my brother, you can’t do this to me. This is incest, it’s horrible of you to treat me in such a way.”

“Listen Linda, I can’t help myself. As long as you are in my bed, I find it impossible to sleep unless I get this release first. Even though you are my sister, you are a beautiful and sexy girl, you can’t blame me for finding you attractive.”

This seemed to calm her a little but I could tell that she was still on edge, even as we talked she was trying to keep her body as far away as possible from me.

“Well I want you to stop doing this. If you promises me that you will never do it again, I won’t tell mother.”

“You know I can’t promise that since I have no control over my erection.”

Never before had I used such a word in front of her and now that it had escaped from my mouth it made me feel even more lewd.

“I don’t like it when you do that. It’s wrong.”

“Then go back to your room and I won’t bother you. It’s also wrong for a sister to sleep in bed with her brother.”

Again she began crying, I now felt very bad about the whole thing. Without thinking much about it, I shoved my arms around her and I pressed her against me in a protective manner. There was nothing sexual about it and it was an expression of genuine brotherly love. But even as she kept crying in my arms, I could feel my cock twitching more than ever. I knew that it was certainly not out of brotherly love that it was doing so.

As I tried to calm her down a little, my lower body, as if having a mind of its own, began to rhythmically press against her waist and even though I knew what was happening, I couldn’t stop myself. Linda was now behaving like a trapped animal, even though she was trying to get as far as possible from my poking cock, her resistance was weak but at the same time I could tell that she was finding comfort in my arms.

Then the crisis was upon me and while I felt the intense pleasure of a climax, I also felt my spunk jetting out of the tip of my cock. Even after the grand crisis was over, I continued to hold her tightly in my arms while keeping my now soft and sticky cock pressed against her waist.

We both fell asleep while she had her head resting on one of my arms and with my other arm holding her tightly against me.

When I woke up a couple of hours later we were pretty much in the same position and Linda was still sleeping. As soon as I placed one of my hands between our two bodies so as to investigate the mess, I was horrified to see that both of our pajamas were soaking wet.

Again I felt a strong desire for her and my cock was getting harder by the second. To make matters worst, my sister turned on her right side, which I knew was her favorite position, she thus had her round bottom facing me. Less than a minute later I was once again dry fucking her, this time with my cock pressing in the crack of her bottom cheeks.

I couldn’t say if she was aware of my doing, but as soon as I unloaded my spunk against her bottom, I fell into a deep sleep.

When mother called us from the kitchen the next morning, Linda was the first to get out of bed. As she hurriedly left for the washroom, I noticed that the back of her pajamas was stained with the proof of my deed of the night, even the waist appeared soaked.

She didn’t mention that fact to me later and I was grateful to her for that. That night I dry fucked her again and I knew that she was aware of what I was doing but she didn’t try to stop me. She probably figured that this was the price to pay for sleeping in my bed and she was willing to pay it.

But after a week of this I became more demanding of her. I would often dry fuck her two or three times during the night and then I gradually began to let my hand roam over her bottom. One night, while I was rubbing my cock against her bottom, I carefully brought my hand over her breasts. Of course it was over the material of her pajamas but still I could feel her hard teats underneath and when I began to play with her nipples, I felt her body move a little thus revealing to me that she was not sleeping.

She let me climax while my left hand was fondling her bosom, when I was done I fell asleep with my hand resting against her breast. For the next three weeks she came in my bed every single night and ever since I had threaten her to send her back to her room, she never once tried to stop me from rubbing my erection against her. But now that she was letting me play with her breasts, I didn’t know exactly what to expect from her. One thing I knew though, I shouldn’t be going too fast with the exploration of her body since it could panic her.

This went on for some time, she was now accepting the presence of my hands on her bosom even while we were talking in bed. One night, I made my mind to move one more notch in the exploration of her body and to let my hand roam into unexplored territories.

While I was shoving my cock – always over her pajamas – into the crack of her bottom, I carefully slipped my hand under the top of the garment and before she could stop me, I had one of her warm breast in the palm of my hand.

“Please take your hand away, I don’t want this to go any further than it has already gone.” As she said this she brought both of her hands over her bosom trying to prevent me from fondling her breast underneath.

“What’s the difference if my hand is over or under your pajamas top. Is it more proper when I fondle you with my hand over the material?”

She didn’t answer and I could tell that she was debating in her mind so as to what to do next. Then I felt the pressure of her hands over mine decreasing and I knew that I had won.

It then occured to me that if I was patient enough and didn’t proceed too quickly, I would probably be able to fuck her in the not too distant future. Now that she was letting me play with her nipple, I could tell that she was beginning to enjoy the feeling of my hands over her naked breasts. Most of the time she would even presse her bosom against my hand while I did this.

Until then, every time that I fondled her while rubbing myself against her, she was always stretched on her right side with her bottom toward me. I then began to try to make her stretch on her back while fondling her. It took me a couple of evenings of coaxing her by applying pressure with my hands, but finally one night she conceded to my will and from then on while I would play with her breasts, I began kissing her on the neck at the same time. Lower and lower went my mouth until my lips were soon allowed to kiss her breasts with her pajama top fully opened.

I could tell that she loved the pressure and suction of my mouth on her breasts, then I felt for the first time ever, one of her hands at the back of my head as I sucked on one breast. I knew that victory was near. Yes I was going to fuck her and I was not going to have to wait much longer.

One thing I did to her was probably responsible for greatly accelerated things though.

She was lying on her back one night while I was kissing her bosom all over, it then occurred to me that I had never kissed a girl on the lips yet. Being aroused as I was, I couldn’t care less at the moment if the girl was my sister or if she was only twelve.

Slowly, I moved my mouth along the length of her neck until I was kissing her chin. My sister then surprised me by tilting her head a little toward me thus giving me easier access to her lips. Had she done this on purpose or was it only her instinct. I couldn’t tell and I didn’t care.

When my mouth actually came to rest on her lips, she remained very still and even though she didn’t cooperate by parting her lips or applying pressure, she neither tried to stop me.

I kiss her again and again and I could tell that her reluctance to open her lips was decreasing by the second and just like I had expected, she soon let me slip my tongue between her lips. A second later I was exploring her mouth with my curling tongue.

This was a decisive moment for Linda since it marked the complete end to her resistance.

From than moment on, she even assisted me in removing her pajama top as soon as we were in bed, and for the next couple of nights I did everything to her except to touch her cunt.

But that was my next conquest and I think she was expecting it since the very first time that my hand went between her legs over her pajama she remained very still and further more she even parted her legs to give me better access.

I then knew that she was sold on the idea of having my hand fondling her cunt. On that same night, I was even permitted to place my hand directly on her cunt under her cumbersome pajama, and soon I made her remove them completely. Now that she was naked in my bed, the next step was for me to fuck her.

But before I did this, I wanted to kiss her virgin cunt. I didn’t let her time enough to realize that this was my intention, I had my mouth glued on her cunt before she could even begin to protest and soon I felt her own hands around my cock as she began to toy with it and with my balls.

I didn’t fuck her that night since she made me come twice with her mouth while I was sucking and licking her cunt. For over an hour I made her twitch her lower body over my mouth, and every ten minutes or so I could hear strange noises escaping her mouth as she inundated my tongue with her abundant secretions. We spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms and by early morning, just before she left for her room, she looked at me and after throwing her arms around my neck, she whispered in my ears that she loved me.

The following night was the night of our initiation. By now, I knew that she was aware that I intend to fuck her that night even though she didn’t say so, and when I helped her remove her pajama, she asked me to be gentle with her. And gentle I was. First I made her lie on her back then I made her hold my erection while I stood on my knees between her parted legs. After telling her to aim my cock between the slippery lips of her cunt, I began to apply pressure until I felt the head pop inside.

At that instant, she asked me to stop pushing since she felt stretched to the extreme. After a couple of minutes, during which time we both remained very still, I began once again to apply pressure.

I felt my erection gaining another half an inch then the head of my cock was prevented from going deeper by her maiden membrane.

From the many talks I had had with my friends at school, I was expecting this. It seemed – by what I had heard them say – that the solution to overcome this barrier, was to give a hard shove so as to break the membrane as fast as possible and thus get it over with.

But for some reason that I can’t explain, I couldn’t do this to Linda, I didn’t want to cause her any pain.

Instead, I kept on applying pressure until she told me once again to stop pushing since she felt funny inside and the stretching of her passage was beginning to hurt again.

It took me well over fifteen minutes before I finally felt the head of my cock enter the central hole of her maiden membrane. By then I knew that from now on, it was only a matter of shoving deeper and the already pierced membrane would be completely ripped forever. She felt no more pain as I got deeper within her and soon I was fucking her properly.

What heavenly delight. Never would I have imagined that fucking could be so wonderful.

Linda was also in the seventh heaven of delight judging by her constant deep breathing and moaning. She came before I did and soon she threw her legs around my waist and with her heels she helped me shove deeper within her. Before I came within her I hesitated for a second, I was aware that she could well become pregnant from me since she had already began to have her periods a couple of months earlier. But what was the use of delaying the inevitable I told myself, if not tonight it was going to be tomorrow night or the night after, but one thing was sure, I was going to inundate her vagina sooner or later. Therefore my reasoning was that I might as well enjoy it to the utmost since I was going to do it anyway later on.

Linda was twelve when we began fucking and this went on for a year an a half before she became pregnant. When she announced the news to mother, she was almost fourteen then, all hell broke loose.

She told mother that an older boy had forced her into his car after school and he had raped her. Of course she didn’t know the boy and he was not from her school. Since she was now well over two months pregnant, mother figured that it was now too late to have the police investigate the matter. Beside mother didn’t want everyone knowing that her daughter had been raped.

Linda gave birth to a baby girl and before she did, we kept on fucking until the week before the birth of our daughter. Although mother didn’t suspect that I was the father, she later figured out the truth when a year later Linda became pregnant once again. Of course I was the father of her second child as well since during all that time we had been fucking each night and sometime during the day as well when mother wasn’t around.

But now I was almost eighteen and I had a good joy working as an apprentice reporter, even though I knew that mother didn’t approve of what Linda and I we were doing, she pretended to be ignorant of the whole affair.

Today as I write this I am twenty and Linda and I still live together with mother. Of course we moved to another part of the city and to everyone we are married to one another.

Oh yes, never once was I or Linda ever tempted to go out with someone else. We are deeply in love with each other and I believe we will always be

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